Office Migration Planning ManagerRelease Notes

These release notes address late-breaking issues and information about this release of the Office Migration Planning Manager (OMPM).OMPM is a collection of tools that enables you to prepare for migration to the Microsoft 2007 Office system. OMPM checks for, and reports on, file properties to help you analyze your environment.

For more informationabout OMPM,see theOMPM documentation on TechNet ( or theOMPM Wiki (


  • Do not import over 100 full CABs (>1,000,000 XML scan logs) at once. This might cause the import operation to fail.
  • Import operations fail on 64-bit operating systems.

Reporting issues

  • Either Access2007or Access2007 Run-Time must be installed on the computer running OMPM Reports.Access Run-Time will be available soon at Access Run-Time download (
  • OMPM Reports sometimes fails when the current filter returns over 1,000,000 file records. Reduce the return count by filtering more, or by using multiple OMPM databases. Alternatively, query the database directly to handle such large sets. For information about the OMPM database schema, see OMPM documentation on TechNet (
  • Filters returning over 110,000 file records may take over 30 seconds to complete. Increase speed by either filtering out more files or querying the database directly.

Office File Converter (OFC) issues

  • OFC will not work if you set the TimeOut value in ofc.ini to 0. Use a positive number to assign the number of seconds for this property.
  • During a bulk conversion, some files might cause a dialog to appear that indicates OFC has failed. OFC has not failed, however, and will continue on to the next file to convert.


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