It is the policy of the Tshwane University of Technology –

to ensure that all campus visits be coordinated with the Recruitment Division.


A general campus visit is arranged when a large group of learners from a school visits the campus concerned. In general, schools initiate such visits themselves, but the Recruitment Division and/or liaison officers or faculty marketers of the various faculties could also arrange focused campus visits, when specific target groups are invited to visit the campus.


3.1 Rules for recruitment officers

3.1.1 When a campus visit is organised, the following information should be obtained:

i)  The name of the school

ii)  The name of the representative of the school

iii)  His or her telephone number

iv)  His or her cellphone number

v)  Date of the visit

vi)  Venue

vii)  Number of learners

viii)  Number of vehicles that the group will be using

ix)  Specific interests (courses)

x)  Name of the Tshwane University of Technology representative

3.1.2 All visits by schools to TUT campuses should be coordinated by the Recruitment Division, and the required information should be submitted to the Recruitment Division well beforehand.

3.1.3 The Recruitment Division should only make arrangements for schools that visit TUT in groups. When specific faculties are visited, the liaison officers of those faculties should make further arrangements.

3.1.4 The Recruitment Division should deal with individual visits of parents and prospective students. The liaison officers of the various faculties should participate, if necessary.

3.1.5 Visits should be arranged with the Recruitment Division one month, or at least three weeks, beforehand.

3.1.6 A specific form should be completed, and the campus visit should be arranged according to the information on the form. (CV)

3.1.7 Refreshments should be arranged for the group, if necessary.

3.1.8 The representative conducting the campus visit should always have all emergency numbers on his or her cellphone.

3.2 Rules for visitors

Grade 11 and 12 learners may visit all campuses in groups. Visitors should keep the following in mind:

3.2.1  Campus visits should not take place on Friday afternoons.

3.2.2  Visiting groups should be subdivided into scheduled groups of approximately forty learners.

3.2.3  The general course information brochure and wall chart should be consulted beforehand.

3.2.4  The faculties and campuses the visitors wish to visit should be indicated for transport purposes, since it may be that different courses are offered at different campuses.

3.2.5  Reservations for campus visits should be made by telephone and confirmed in writing or by fax. The standard form (CV C) should be used.

3.2.6  Road and route maps should be supplied, if necessary.

3.2.7  As final confirmation of the visit, any of the following numbers must be phoned one month, or at least three weeks before the planned visit:

(012) 318-4400/5358.

The following information should then be furnished over the telephone:

i.  Subjects offered at the school.

ii.  Which faculties are the prospective students interested in and what

other fields of interest they wish to find out about or visit, for

example: laboratories.


4.1 Planning

Large Groups

4.1.1 Get statistics from the school (number of educators and learners) as well as the subjects they are doing.

4.1.2  Work out the cost-effectiveness of the visit. Estimate cost by taking into consideration the time of arrival and the time that will be spent by the group on our campus to determine if they must get tea/meal.

4.1.3  Complete the necessary form to book the venue and arrange parking

4.1.4  Consider additional service/care that will add value to the recruitment endeavour to other schools, private career advisers, technical colleges and libraries in the vicinity and the municipality. Make a list.

4.1.5  Invite the faculty marketers and other support groups telephonically and by e-mail taking into consideration the interests of the visitors.

4.1.6  Prioritise according to target markets.

4.1.7  Have videos/CD's to be shown readily available at hand and ensure that they are still in good working condition.

4.1.8  Obtain the approval of the Director of Recruitment.

4.1.9  Confirm appointments on the confirmation form for campus visits and send by fax. Attach campus and route map on the confirmation as well as the programme and database form if necessary.

4.1.10  Add to Daily Plan File and year schedule.

4.1.11  Pack information packs, consisting of two rhythm publications, application forms, general information brochures, postcards, bookmarks, flyers, calendars and business cards.

4.1.12  Have contact numbers of each participant for the day as well as emergency numbers at hand. A Copy on the desk of the secretary of the Director of Recruitment

4.1.13  Have the roadmap and contact details at hand.

4.1.14  A day before the visit, confirm with the school and all faculty marketers and support groups who will participate on the day of visit.

4.1.15  Take all the necessary equipment for serving refreshments to the venue.

4.1.16  Take material (brochures) to the booked venue and prepare packs for educators.

4.2 Day of the visit

4.2.1 Go to the booked venue earlier before the time of arrival to ensure that all media equipment to be used is in good working condition and that everything is in order.

4.2.2 Prepare refreshments for visitors

4.2.3  Meet visitors at the parking.

4.2.4  Introduce yourself and welcome them.

4.2.5  Invite them to get refreshments at the booked venue.

4.2.6  After serving the refreshments, get all people seated and hand out the general information brochure to the learners.

4.2.7  Hand out packages to all educators.

4.2.8  Give an evaluation and database form to the organiser or Guidance teacher to complete and stress the importance of the feedback.

4.3  Presentation

4.3.1  Tell the audience about the program of the day and who will be giving presentations

4.3.2  Give the audience an opportunity to ask questions after each presentation.

4.3.3  Adapt the transparency series to be in line with the requirements of the audience, whether it be Grades 9, 11, or 12, and include the inputs of divisions, bureaux and faculties.

4.3.4  Introduce all faculties.

4.3.5  Give the talk in the language in which the learners are taught, that is, English or Afrikaans.

4.3.6  Communicate the special requests or requirements departments may have to the learners.

4.4  Actual presentation

4.4.1  Welcome the learners and introduce yourself. Find out about the subject groupings.

4.4.2  For a Grade 12 audience, focus on the following:

i.  Cooperative education

ii.  Globalisation

iii.  Hierarchy of qualifications

iv.  Faculties

v.  Selection process

vi.  Closing dates

vii.  Application form and how to apply

viii.  General Information Brochure and the fax answering service

4.4.3  For a Grade 11 audience, focus on the following:

i.  Researching study fields

ii.  Globalisation

iii.  Hierarchy of qualifications

iv.  Faculties: mention unique courses

v.  Selection process: Grade 11 academic results, vocational profile, tests, portfolio

vi.  Services of the Bureau for Academic Support (BAS)

vii.  General information brochure

viii.  Courses related to those students are interested in, for example Animal Production and Equine Science or Architecture and Interior Design

ix.  Possible employers

4.4.4  Invite the learners to attend the Open Day.

4.4.5  Allow time for questions. Answer them well. Use postcards if additional information is required.

4.4.6  Make a list of potential prospective students in a hard-cover book.

4.5  Back in the office

4.5.1  Capture the information from Database form on the database system.

4.5.2  Follow up the postcards – hand them in at Information so that the information requested by learners can be forwarded to them.

4.5.3  Write a report on the visit. State the number of learners, type of questions asked, level of discipline at the school and include other information, if available.

4.5.4  Send a thank u message to all participants by e-mail or sms.

4.5.5  Send the report to the Director of Recruitment electronically.

4.6  Individual Campus Visit

4.6.1  When a campus visit is organised, the following information should be


xi)  The name of visitor(s)

xii)  His or her telephone number

xiii)  His or her cellphone number

xiv)  Postal Address

xv)  Date of the visit

xvi)  Number of visitors

xvii)  Car registration number

xviii)  Specific interests (courses)

xix)  The school subject s

xx)  Name of the Tshwane University of Technology representative

4.6.2  Get the subjects the student is doing.

4.6.3  Work out the cost-effectiveness of the visit. Estimate costs by taking into consideration the time of arrival and the time that will be spent by the visitor(s) on our campus to determine if they must get tea/meal.

4.6.4  Complete the necessary form to book the venue and arrange parking.

4.6.5  Consider additional service/care that will add value to the recruitment endeavour to other individuals (private career advisers, parents, Librarians, Employers) in the vicinity and the municipality. Make a list.

4.6.6  Invite the faculty marketers and other support groups telephonically and by email taking into consideration the interests of the visitors

4.6.7  Prioritise according to target markets.

4.6.8  Have video(s) to be shown readily available at hand and ensure that they it/ are still in good working condition.

4.6.9  Obtain the approval of the Director of Recruitment.

4.6.10  Confirm appointments on the confirmation form for Individual campus visits (CV In) and send by fax. Attach campus and route map on the confirmation.

4.6.11  Add to Daily Plan File and year schedule.

4.6.12  Prepare information pack(s), consisting of two rhythm publications, application forms, general information brochure(s), postcard(s), bookmark(s), flyer(s), calendar(s) and business card(s).

4.6.13  Have contact numbers of each participant (Head of Department/Faculty Marketer/Support Group) for the day as well as emergency numbers at hand.

4.6.14  Have the day’s program and contact details of visitor(s) at hand.

4.6.15  A day before the visit, confirm with the visitor(s) and all faculty marketers/Head of Department/Support group) who will participate on the day of visit.

4.6.16  Take all the necessary equipment for serving refreshments earlier before the time of arrival to the booked venue.

4.7 Day of the visit

4.7.1  Go to the booked venue earlier before the time of arrival to ensure that all media equipment to be used is in good working condition and that everything is in order.

4.7.2  Prepare refreshments for visitors

4.7.3 Meet visitors at the parking.

4.7.4 Introduce yourself and invite visitor(s) to get refreshments at the booked venue.

4.7.5  After serving the refreshments, hand out the information package to the visitor(s) (learner and parents)

4.7.6  Give an evaluation form to the visitor(s) to complete and stress the importance of the feedback.

4.7.7  Tell the visitor (s) about the program of the day and introduce the participants (faculty marketer/head of department/support group representative) to visitors

4.7.8  Give them an opportunity to ask questions.

4.7.9  Give the talk in the language in which the learner is taught, that is, English or Afrikaans.

4.7.10  Give other participants an opportunity to have discussion with the visitor (s).

4.7.11  Take notes of important information you find necessary to be shared with other


C:\Quality documents\QMS Recruitment 2004\Management responsibility\Administration\Manuals\2004 Campus visit policy taalversorg.doc