Draft Unapproved Minutes
SEC Teleconference
28 January 2013


Yatin Trivedi

David Law

Kishik Park

Fred Surre

Gary Stuebing

James Irvine

Jeff Handal

Don Heirman

Howard Wolfman

Alessia Magliarditi

Steve Welch

Alex Torres

Susan Tatiner

Samantha Bradley

Jennifer McClain


  1. Call to Order (Trivedi)
  2. Introductions (Trivedi)
  3. Approval of draft agenda (Trivedi)
  4. Election of SEC Chair and Vice-Chair for 2014 (Trivedi)
  5. SEC Charter (for reference)
  6. SEC Roster for 2014 (for reference)
  7. Approval of draft minutes from 12 December 2013 (Chair)
  8. Educating Technologists on Policy (Trivedi)
  1. Briefing and follow up to Strategic Planning Session in December 2013 (Alex Torres)
  2. 2014 Plans (Chair)
  3. Standards Education Grants (Chair)
  4. New application #202 and revised application #188
  5. Final Student Application Paper #182
  6. Spreadsheet with SEC votes
  7. Setting SEC meeting schedule for 2014 (Chair/McClain)
  8. EAB Mini-Series: 10-13 April 2014
  9. Update on 1st Qtr 2014 issue of Standards Education eZine (Trivedi/McClain)
  10. Upcoming workshops/conferences (Chair)
  11. Next teleconference (Chair)
  12. Adjourn


1)Yatin called meeting to order at 5:07 PM Eastern Time.

2)All attendees introduced themselves.

3)Yatin requested that draft agenda item #8 on ‘Educating Technologists on Policy’ be moved to near the beginning of agenda. It was moved to item #6 after approval of draft minutes from 12 December 2013. All agreed to the change. Jeff Handal moved to approve agenda and David Law seconded. Agenda was approved by unanimousconsent.

4)Election of the chair and the vice chair. Yatin called for nominations for Chair and Vice Chair. Jeff nominated James Irvine for Chair and David Law for Vice Chair.

  1. James agreed that he would accept the nomination and David agreed to accept the nomination for Vice-Chair.
  2. SEC members agreed to unanimously to approve the election of James Irvine as Chair and David Law as Vice-Chair.
  3. Yatin transferred chairing the call to James. James thanked Yatin for his great service as Chair.

5)David moved to approve the draft minutes from 12 December 2013. Jeff seconded the motion. There was no discussion. The minutes were unanimously approved.

6)Yatin initiated a discussion about Educating Technologists on Policy.

  1. Yatin reported that he had received an email from Karen Bartleson, President of the Standards Association (SA) to discuss this topic with SEC. Karenwas part of a panel session on Internet Governance at GlobeCom where a statement was made that we’ve been educating policy makers about technology, but what about the other way around? Should we be educating technologists about policy? When technologists develop standards, they need to be aware of what policy makers want and how their standards can be used for society.
  2. It was suggested that IEEE-USA is the group in the IEEE that works on policy, so maybe in would make sense to contact Scott Greyson there, however it was noted that IEEE-USA lobbies on policy for IEEE USA members.
  3. For the global activities, David Law represents the IEEE in European Union.
  4. Susan stated that in the last year or so the IEEE Board of Directorshas discussed that the IEEE to get more involved in policy, especially globally. This is under discussion in the Management Council, and Konstantios from SA has been tapped to take a leading role in policy education and policy in general. Susan has been chartered with addressing policy education. She volunteered to look into this further and report back some ideas to the SEC.
  5. Howard Wolfman mentioned that at Northwestern University, they are starting a Masters of Science and Law one-year program. It is to educate on matters of policy, regulation, standards, etc.
  6. Don Heirman noted that Purdue University has an active Global Policy Research Institute. They may be another resource.
  7. Susan offered to bring the info back for the face-to-face meeting.

7)Alex Torres provided a briefing by describing the results from the SEC’s strategic planning activity in December and provided the following suggestions:

  1. Complete a Strategic Mapping exercise this year to summarize our path forward.
  2. Complete a Business Model Canvas (s) to better understand the possible business models.
  3. Refine the story we want to tell and then have other stakeholders provide feedback on it. It is highly recommended that we gather the opinions of others.
  4. It is important not to create a task/to do list until the strategic planning process has been completed. Operational planning will naturally provide key tasks on a strategic level at the appropriate time. We should do task planning after we think we’ve got our strategy right.
  5. SEC members asked follow up questions, including:
  6. What are the top two to three things we should focus on in 2014?
  7. Alex suggested refining the story we’ve laid out and get feedback from the new committee members and some others and then adjust.
  8. Send out a short power point and then get their feedback. Do we need feedback from outside stakeholders? People related to the committee? We could design as survey in advance based on the quadrants to prep.
  9. Alex suggested that we ask ourselves what are the 3 to 4 things we want to accomplish on our strategic path “creeping along”. Answer the top 3 questions spelled out in the recommendations, which were:
  10. What must we do at minimum to succeed on this path (per year)?
  11. What unique action steps should the team take to insure success (per year)?
  12. What must we do over the next 3-5 years if we are off the designated path (per year)?
  13. After answering the 3 questions we should do a strategy map and the business model canvas, which will give us a more clear idea of who and where to focus and the tasks to take us there.
  14. James suggested that we use this process to help us with the Standards University new initiative proposal.
  15. Alex said we should come up with some questions to ask ourselves in relation to the NIC proposal.
  16. Alex suggested applying the business model canvas. We could do it in 2 hours at the next face-to-face meeting.
  17. Alex further suggested that we continue on at the next meeting with the strategic planning exercise.

8)Group discussed the 2014 Plans/Goals and developed a short list based on today’s discussion. Items included:

  1. Policy Education
  2. Continue Strategic Planning and complete at least for the first part of 2014.
  3. Complete parts that will help with the new initiative proposal.
  4. Sections Congress
  5. Academic.ieee.org videos: 1st Quarter 2014
  6. New Initiative for Standards University
  7. Action: Circulate to the group.

9)James provided a description of the standards education grants and explained the funds are to support the some design work and implementingstandards for student projects. Grants are $500.00.

  1. James suggested setting up a subcommittee to review the grant application prior to SEC meetings and to make recommendations during the SEC meeting, which would free up meeting time.
  2. Suggested that we have a short call before each SEC teleconference/meeting to come to consensus with recommendations to put forward to the full SEC.
  3. We will set a deadline before the next meeting, we will invite comments, we will set a time for when we will discuss comments, if people can join great, and we will take the output from that call to the next meeting.

10)Student Application Grants:

  1. Student Grant #202: SEC Recommends Yes.
  2. Student Grant #188: SEC Recommends Nowith Comment, “with the clarification it is obvious that the project is not implementing a standard in agreement with grant criteria.”
  3. Final Student Application Paper #182: SEC Recommends Accept.
  4. Motion to accept application #202, reject application #188, and accept final student paper #182. Moved by David and seconded by Kishik. Motion was unanimously approved.

11)Discussion about 2014 meeting schedule.

  1. Kishik supports the proposed original meeting schedule. He will not be able to attend the March call, but is okay with the original proposal.
  2. James suggested and all agreed that the teleconferences be kept to 90 minutes.
  3. SEC face-to-face meetings are usually held in March and December.The EAB Mini-Series is 10-12 April 2014. We have been encouraged by EAB to hold our meeting during that time in order to interact with the other committees.
  4. Due to the modified schedule for the March Standards Board, SEC cannot hold a meeting in March, so we will survey the SEC members to see who could attend the meeting in April.
  5. It was agreed that all teleconferences will now begin at 9:00 AM Eastern.

12)Jennifer gave update on the 1st Quarter 2014Standards Education eZine. The selected theme is Internet of Things.

  1. Gary Stuebing agreed to contribute an article. Jennifer to ask Yatin to contact Gary.

13)The Workshop/Speaking Opportunities spreadsheet was reviewed in order to map out events happening in 2014. Susan and Jennifer will follow up with Alicia about ITU invitation.

14)Next call is 4 March 2014 @ 9:00 AM. Jennifer will send out a Doodle poll to see if we can get a quorum.

15)Motion to adjourn was made by David, and seconded by Jeff. Motion was approved.

16)Meeting was adjourned at 6:50 PM Eastern.

Summary of Action Items

1)Jennifer: Add to agenda for face-to-face meeting, Educating Technologists on Policy.

2)Susan: Spend some time looking into Policy Education issues and report back some ideas to the SEC at face-to-face meeting.

3)Gary Stuebing: To contribute an article on Internet of Things for eZine. Jennifer to ask Yatin to contact Gary.

4)Susan and Jennifer: Follow up with Alicia at ITU about invitation for ITU Kaleidoscope in Russia workshop.

5)Jennifer: Send out Doodle poll for 4 March 2014 teleconference and SEC face-to-face meeting during EAB mini-series 10-12 April 2013.