Enterprise No.
Enterprise Name



October 2005

Date of the interview
Day / Month / Year
Time begun / Time finished


Previously surveyed enterprises no longer in existence

XQ1 Number of enterprise ______(Xq1)

XQ2 a) Name of respondent ______(Xq2a)

b) Position of respondent ______(Xq2b)

Code: Owner (1), Manager (2), Relative (3), Friend (4), Neighbour (5) Other (6)

c) Gender of owner ______(Xq2c)

Code: Male (1), Female (2)

d) Age of owner (full years) ______(Xq2d)

XQ3 a) City/Province (Headquarters) ______(Xq3a)

Code: Ha Noi (1), HCMC (2), Hai Phong (3), Ha Tay (4), Long An (5), Phu Tho (6), Quang Nam (7), Nghe An (8), Khanh Hoa (9), Lam Dong (10)

b) City/Province (Main production facility) ______(Xq3b)

XQ4 a) District (Headquarters) ______(Xq4a)

Code: See manual for district/commune codes

b) District (Main production facility) ______(Xq4b)

c) What type of zone was the main production facility located in? ______(Xq4c)

Code: Residential zone (1), Industrial zone for SMEs (2), Industrial Park (3), Other (4). The answer should reflect the location of the main production facility of the enterprise.

XQ5 When did the enterprise close down?

a)  Month ______(Xq5a)

b)  Year ______(Xq5b)

XQ6 What was the form of ownership/legal status? ______(Xq6)

Code: Household establishment/business (1), Private (sole proprietorship) (2), Partnership (3), Collective/Cooperative (4), Limited liability company (5), Joint stock company with state capital (6), Joint stock company without state capital (7), Joint venture with foreign capital (8), State enterprise (central) (9), State enterprise (local) (10)

XQ7 What was the main area of business and production activity? ______(Xq7)

Code: (List only one according to 3-digit ISIC classification Revision 2, see manual for details)

XQ8 How many employees did the firm have just before closing down? ______(Xq8)

XQ9 Why did the enterprise close down?

a)  Could not sell at profit or went bankrupt ______(Xq9a)

b)  Made profits, but stopped operation ______(Xq9b)

c)  Owner sold firm, which was no longer operating ______(Xq9c)

d)  Owner died and firm closed down ______(Xq9d)

e)  Other reason ______(Xq9e)

Code: Yes (1), No (2)

If firm could not sell at profit or went bankrupt (answer a) what was the reason for this (List in order of importance: Most important = 1, Second most important = 2, etc.)

f)  Too much competition ______(Xq9f)

g)  Low product quality ______(Xq9g)

h)  Poor distribution/marketing channels/marketing skills ______(Xq9h)

i)  Production costs too high ______(Xq9i)

j)  Interference from government authorities/local officials ______(Xq9j)

k)  Unable to service debt ______(Xq9k)

l)  Unable to access credit for necessary investment purposes ______(Xq9l)

m)  Other, specify ______(Xq9m)

XQ10 What is the previous owner(s) main occupation now? (List only main occupation)


Code: Working in agriculture (1), Self-employed, same line of business as before (2), Self-employed, new line of business (3), Employed for wages in same line of business as before (4), Employed for wages, new line of business (5), Unemployed (6), Retired (7), Dead (8), Other (9)

XQ11 How has the total household income of the owner(s) changed in real terms since the closure of the enterprise? ______(Xq11)

Code: -100% to -51% (1), -50% to -26% (2), -25% to -1% (3), no change (4), 1 to 25 percent (5), 26 to 50 percent (6), 51 to 100 percent (7), over 100 percent (8), Don’t know (9)