Clerk to the Council: Deb Hotson

Telephone: 0784 220 1877


Minutes of the monthly meeting of New Holland Parish Council held at 7pm on Wednesday 20th January, 2016 at the Christ Church, Barrow Road, New Holland.

Present: Cllr Booker, Cllr Dent, Cllr H Graves, Cllr N Graves, Cllr S Graves, Cllr Haberghan,

Cllr Rank Cllr Woodhead.

Also present: NLC Harry Metcalfe – Community Cllr Clark, Cllr Hannigan and 8 residents.

Deb Hotson – Clerk to the Council.

Public Participation

Mr Harry Metcalfe the Head Community Warden at NLC provided an update to members on the role of the Community Warden since their change in status last year.

There are no longer Traffic Wardens these have been replaced by the Community Wardens.

Prior to 2010 the police enforced on street parking restrictions (yellow lines etc.) and NLC the off street car parks.

In 2010 they gained ‘civil enforcement powers’ from the DFT whereby they took over on street enforcement from the police, when it then became a ‘civil’ offence rather than a ‘criminal’ offence. Previous NLC car park wardens became ‘civil enforcement officers’.

In 2015 the decision was made to extend the role of the parking team to include enforcement of such things as litter, dog fouling, fly tipping, abandoned vehicles etc.

The parking team now consists of some ‘Community Wardens’ who carry out the wider enforcement role, as well as parking, and some ‘civil enforcement officers’ who just carry out parking enforcement.

As well as providing a visible presence to deter offences, the Community Wardens respond to intelligence received from members and the general public in relation to litter, dog fouling etc.

This intelligence, obtained via the council’s self-service portal, is invaluable in directing what are limited resources to the right place at the right time.

The best intelligence includes details of day(s) of the week, times, exact locations, descriptions of persons/animals, known names/addresses etc.

To report intelligence you need to go onto the ‘Self Service Portal’ on the NLC website and register. This then allows you to either ‘Report Parking Problem’ or ‘Report Neighbourhood Problem’ (dog fouling, littering), giving as much detail as possible.

There are currently 4 Community Wardens, 2 supervisors and Mr Metcalfe but scope for 11 in total. There are two areas, rural and urban and resources are put were the need is highest. Whilst the Wardens are out and about and see other issue they will report these.

In the future the police are to pass down more powers so the Wardens will have similar powers to PCSO’s. Powers to confiscate alcohol from under age youths and in certain areas were alcohol is banned, like parks.

Mr Metcalfe is aware of the parking issues in New Holland and agreed to meet up to discuss these further. Leaflets could be placed on all cars which are created by NLC and the police.

The Wardens will be equipped with camera which provide superb pictures and voice dialogue assisting in any anti-social prosecutions.

The Wardens cannot deal with Highway Code issues, those that are obstructions are still dealt with by the police.

Dog Control Orders will be replaced next year with Public Space Protection Notices.

Mr Metcalfe left the meeting at 7.30pm.

Cllr Graves stated that Mr Yell from Howarth Timbers was supposed to be attending the meeting tonight but had not showed up so therefore any questions on parking could not be answered. Cllr Graves stated she would be contacting Mr Yell to find out why he did not attend the meeting tonight and the Parish Council would also contact the Community Warden with regard to leafleting the cars. There were no excuses for anyone to park on the road and more than enough parking spaces were available on site. Cllr Hannigan added that NLC have agreed to place bollards on the triangle to deter parking.

A resident asked if a dog bin could be placed on the entrance to the Recreation Ground on Oxmarsh Lane – this was agenda item.

Cllr N Graves opened the meeting.

1601/07 Apologies for absence

Apologies for absence received from Cllr Stephenson.

1601/08 Declaration of Interest

a.  To record declarations of interest by any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below. Members declaring interests should identify the agenda item and type of interest being declared.

Cllr Woodhead declared a prejudicial interest in agenda item 1601/17a.

b.  To note dispensations given to any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below.

None outstanding.

1601/09 Minutes of Previous meeting

The Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 18th November, 2015 with the agreed matter of accuracy were approved and signed as a true and correct record.

1601/10 Clerk’s Report

a.  Clerk has contacted NLC with regard to the concerns raised on visibility when exiting Westburn Road and if a seat could be located near the bollards on Marsh Lane near to the bypass. No action has been taken, Clerk to chase.

b.  Clerk has asked NLC for tallying information for maps and written details for the parish paths. This has been resolved, agenda item.

1601/11 Report from Ward Cllrs on NLC issues

Apologies received from Cllr Wells.

Cllr Hannigan stated that he was working with NLC looking at double yellow lines on the roads in the village to help alleviate the current problems.

Cllr Hannigan asked that the Parish Council submit a plan to NLC Rob Beales for the roundabout and NLC Tim Allen was seeking funding to refurbish this.

The bypass footpath and road is no the NLC work programme next financial year.

1601/12 Delegate Reports

a.  To receive a report from the Ferry delegate.

Cllr H Graves created and shared the first publication on line which was well received by the 9 residents who are on the mailing list. Copies are to be made available in the shop. Information from WI, Recreation Committee and any other organisations were required to create a further edition. On the next edition feedback will be requested.

b.  To receive a report from the Recreation Ground Committee, determining any actions required.

Cllr Woodhead updated the Council stating that they Committee were currently meeting with contractors for new equipment and also looking at grants available.

The Clerk reminded Cllr Woodhead that there was £5,800 in parish funds from the Youth CAF to go towards a zip wire which could be allocated to 3rd party funding on a grant application.

The Committee will be holding an Easter Fayre on 26/03 to raise more funds.

c.  To receive an update from the New Holland Community Centre Committee including the approval of the Constitution and the way forward with the Charity Commission determining any actions required.

Cllr Graves updated the Council. The Charity Status was still being investigated. The feasibility study is ongoing.

The Xmas Fayre raised £614.30 which will be deposited in parish accounts and records kept to separate this fund which will be used on the feasibility study.

Resolved – feasibility funds to be moved between categories allowing full expenditure.

To include the club in the feasibility study as a community building.

d.  To receive and update with regard to Peploe Lane – width and Oxmarsh Lane, right of way determining any further actions required.

Cllr N Graves to contact NLC Tim Allen to find out the progress.

e.  To determine the criteria for planting 2016 determining tender documentation.

A document was being prepared to send out to potential contractors.

f.  To receive an update on the new website determining actions required.

The Clerk informed the Council that she has applied for grant funding from NALC to a total of £1,472.61.

Questions have been submitted from the web master and these were agreed.

g.  To determine actions required with regard to the NLC Parish Path Initiative.

The map information and meterage provided by NLC all tally now. Clerk to ask the current NLC contractor to quote to cut the paths. Clerk to send out the map and details to all members.

h.  To receive the results of the Xmas Light competition.

Ward Cllrs undertook the judging and the results are:

Best Overall display – 10 Fulford Crescent.

Best Feature display – 15 Danesgate.

Highly commended residential – 17 Gleneagles Crescent.

Highly commended commercial – Marshlands Alpaca Business, Oxmarsh Lane.

Clerk to send Cllr H Graves information to put in the next Ferry.

1601/13 Police Matters / NATs / Neighbourhood Watch (NHW)

a.  To receive comments on police matters, determining any actions required.

Cllr Rank attended the last NATs meeting and nothing was flagged for the parish.

b.  To be notified of any CCTV requests for footage which have been made to the Parish Council from Humberside Police.

There has been a request from the police which highlighted that the CCTV was not working. NLC attended site and rebooted the camera and Mocam helped get the CCTV back on line.

c.  To receive an update with regard to the access to the CCTV footage.

Access is now all operational.

1601/14 Highways / Footpaths / Neighbourhood Services / NLC issues

a.  To receive an update on outstanding highway issues, determining actions required.

Outstanding actions were reviewed and Clerk to chase.

b.  To receive an update on the state of repair to the roundabout determining further actions required.

Clerk to provide a plan to NLC.

c.  To consider the purchase of further dog/litter bins.

Resolved - Clerk to ask that the dog bin at the end the Millennium Walk is replaced by a dog/litter bin. Additional bin ordered to go at the entrance of the Recreation Ground, Oxmarsh Lane entrance.

d.  To approve the purchase of a parish notice board to be erected at the new bus stop on Barrow Road to replace the one on the junction with Marsh Lane.

Resolved – purchase of new board which will be mounted above the time table adjacent to the newly erected bus stop.

e.  To notify the Clerk of any issues to be taken up with NLC.

No further issues raised.

1601/15 Planning

The following decisions were received from North Lincolnshire.

2015/0606 – full planning permission granted for extension to existing factory on land adjoining Arbor Forest Products Ltd.

2015/1518 – application to modify s106 agreement attached to PA/2011/1076 in regards to affordable housing at Magna Charta Inn, Barrow Road has been withdrawn.

1601/16 Correspondence For Discussion/Decision

a.  To be notified of the New Year 2017 Honours list determining actions required.

Item noted.

b.  To be notified of the Lincolnshire Lakes Proposed Modifications determining actions required.

Item noted.

c.  To be notified of the NLC Street Sport Sessions determining actions required.

Resolved – Clerk to ask if New Holland can receive free sessions if not the Parish Council would fund one session at £81.99 to see if there was any take up. Cllr Woodhead to co-ordinate to use the playing field. Clerk to organise.

Correspondence for Information

d.  NLC Grant Support for Council 2016/17.

e.  Community Policing in your area.

f.  NALC – the future of external audit for smaller authorities update.

g.  DCLG Interactive Community Rights Usage Map.

1601/17 Accounts

a.  To consider the donation request from New Holland Recreation Ground for a maintenance grant.

Cllr Woodhead left the meeting.

Resolved - £750 annual grant to be provided to the Committee.

Cllr Woodhead re-joined the meeting.

b.  To consider renewing the BCCRP membership at £10.

Resolved – renewal of membership approved.

c.  To approve the monthly accounts for payment. See financial report.

Resolved – monthly accounts approved for payment.

d.  To consider the budgetary requirements and approve the setting of the precept for 2016/17.

Resolved – precept to be increased to £14,000 to take into consideration the project that the Parish Council are undertaking this year including a community building and parish planting.

20.01.16 / Online / D Hotson / Salary / £328.80
20.01.16 / Online / HMRC / Tax / £40.40
20.01.16 / 1032 / North Lincolnshire Council / Ground Maintenance / £336.00
20.01.16 / Online / Grice & Hunter / Condition report – church / £480.00
20.01.16 / Online / Vision ICT / Website design / £600.00
20.01.16 / 1033 / C Stallard / Best overall - Xmas light display / £15.00
20.01.16 / 1034 / A Downs / Best feature – Xmas light display / £15.00

1601/18 Minor Items

a.  To take any points from members.

·  No items raised.

b.  Matters of correspondence for information which arrived after the agenda was posted.

·  NLC notice of adoption of the Planning for Photovoltaic Development Document.

·  Buckingham Palace Garden Parties 2016 – 19th May invitation. Cllr Graves put her name forward.

1601/19 Agenda Items for the next meeting –

·  Approval for purchase of voucher for a Ferry prize.

·  Queens 90th Birthday Celebrations.

1601/20 To confirm the date and time of the next meeting as Wednesday 24th February, 2016 at 7pm at the New Holland Primary School, School Lane, New Holland.

1601/21 To consider the exclusion of the public and press in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 s1(2) due to the confidential nature of the items to be discussed

·  Clerk contract of employment. Resolved – amended contract approved – hours per week backed to June 2013.

The meeting closed at 8.45pm.

Outstanding Actions

Minute No. / Details / Completion / Review Date
Public Right of Way – Peploe/Oxmarsh Lane / On-going
1506/6e / Tenders for 2016 planting & grass cutting / January ‘16

- 3 - Signed: Date: 20th January, 2016