Grade 5- Introduction of the r- controlled vowel

Content objective: The student will recognize the pattern and apply the rule for r- controlled vowel through sorting, connected text and spelling.

Language objective: The students will identify and categorize words from the poem into r- controlled syllable type.


·  Poem- Be Glad your Nose is on your Face

·  Copy of the word house

·  r- controlled words

·  R- controlled vowel syllable pattern header and story/ description


1.  Say the following words- force, hair, star, were, fur. What vowel sound do you hear in the words? Discuss

2.  Write the words on the board- what do you notice about the vowels in these words? What is the same in all of them? (guide them to notice the vowel is followed by the r)

3.  Introduce the R- control vowel pattern rule. Illustrate with the ar, or, er/ ir/ ur pattern. Discuss that the /er/ sound is spelled in 3 ways but there are no rules that govern only frequency.

a.  Give them multi- syllable words and have them identify the syllable containing the r- controlled pattern: circus, garlic, floral, thirsty, hermit, charter, forty. As a review, have them identify the other syllable from the word house.

4.  Demonstrate that there are more complex forms of r- controlled patterns; there can be 2 vowels before the r as in oar, or an r between 2 vowels as in are. Put the more complex patterns on the board and have students articulate the sound. See if they can generate a word for these more complex patterns.

a.  Ore, oar, ire, ier, are, air, ear, eer, ore, oar, ure

5.  Compare & contrast previously taught patterns; To solidify the r- controlled pattern, have students sort vowel team talkers (review the pattern) from r- controlled words. Have students read to check.

6.  Application to text: Have students read the poem - Be Glad your Nose is on your Face. Have them highlight the r- controlled words in the poem.

Follow up during the week:

·  Additional sorts

·  Word hunts, written sorts using a page from their reading

·  Use the poem Be Glad your Nose is on your Face and have students find words to review syllable types already covered as a review.

·  Syllable division and identify the r- controlled in multisyllable words

dear / pearl / score / wire / soar
clear / purse / curve / hair / rear
board / floor / drier / your / are
read / toast / three / true / rail
cream / road / coach / grain / brew
fruit / pray / raise / earth / fair
pear / roar / chore / horse / sure