

Scottish Workforce & Staff Governance Secretariat Minute

Tuesday 18 November 2014

Conference Rooms A B, St Andrews House, Edinburgh

Present: David Forbes, UNISON

Anne Gent, NHS Highland (By Tele Conference)

Jane Hamilton, Scottish Government

Pauline Howie, Scottish Ambulance Service (Chair)

Norman Provan, Royal College of Nursing

Shirley Rogers, Scottish Government

Malcolm Summers, Scottish Government

Dorothy Wright, NHS Education Scotland

In Attendance: Paul Bowtle, Scottish Government

Anne Campbell, NHS Education Scotland Anna Gilbert, Scottish Government

Janice Lennen, Scottish Government

Robyn McCormack, Scottish Government (Minute)

Apologies: John Connaghan, Scottish Government

Ian Reid, NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde

Anne Thomson, Royal College of Nursing

Agenda Item 1 – Welcome, introductions and apologies

The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and noted the apologies. The Chair advised that the Secretariat was quorate.

Agenda Item 2 – Minute and Summary of Action Points of meeting held on Tuesday 21 October 2014 and matters arising

The minute of the meeting was agreed as an accurate record.

It was agreed that action point 1 will remain as on-going until employer-side representation has been agreed for the non-executive champion for whistleblowing/values working group.

Outcome: Minute and status of action points were agreed as an accurate record.

Agenda Item 3 – Organisational Development Support Team

Paul Bowtle led the discussion based on the ‘Draft Operational Plan 2014 – 2016’ for the Organisational Development Support Team (ODST) which was circulated to members in advance of the meeting. During the discussion the following points were covered:

·  The Cabinet Secretary for Health and Wellbeing committed the Scottish Government to establish a team to work with issues of embedding values, culture, leadership, management practices, behaviours, skills and mind-set across NHSScotland;

·  A small core team (6 staff members) will be established in the Scottish Government Health Directorate as the Organisational Development Portfolio Office. The Portfolio Office will be the process for Boards to request support. There may also be instances where the Scottish Government will identify the need for action in a particular Board. The team will be accountable to Shirley Rogers and will provide a conduit to help Boards deliver themes within ‘Everyone Matters: 2020 Workforce Vision; particularly Healthy Organisational Culture and Effective Management and Leadership

·  The work of the ODST is about promoting sustainable solutions, good practice, avoiding duplication of other organisational development measures and re-distributing the good practices around NHSScotland; It is not about sending in a team to resolve issues on the Boards’ behalf.

·  Tailored support for operational performance issues will still be led by the Quality & Efficiency Support Team (QuEST);

·  A register of Virtual Organisational Development Support members (consisting of existing NHSScotland and Scottish Government staff) will be established and managed by the Portfolio Office; Members of this team will be chosen with different skill-sets and will be utilised when their particular skill-set is required; Funding for the Virtual Team member is expected to be maintained by their respective employing Board; The long-term vision is to establish an Organisational Development Community across NHSScotland - similar to that of the HRD Community and this will avoid duplication of other Organisational Development measures and tools;

·  The high level timeline outlined in the paper remains on track; however there is now a need to rethink the potential phasing of the Core Team resources in line with the requirements of Workforce Management Procedures approved by HSCMB in October.

·  In the main, SWAG supported the work of the Organisational Development Support Team but agreed that further work is required on the governance arrangements for the team and on the involvement of Staffside; Further work is also required to define the process to release members of the Virtual Team from their respective Boards so that they can work on Organisational Development issues across NHSScotland.

Outcome: SWAG Secretariat noted the update

Agenda Item 4 – eKSF Update/KSF Core Dimensions

Anne Campbell presented an update on KSF and the work to replace the eKSF system. A paper had been circulated in advance of the meeting. During the discussion the following points were covered:

·  In July 2013, SWAG approved the proposal to review and refresh KSF Core Dimensions and to produce easy to follow guidance;

·  A reference group chaired by Malcolm Wright (NES) was set up under the auspices of SWAG to provide support and leadership for the project; As Malcolm Wright will no longer be able to Chair this group it was suggested that the group may wish to consider going outside NES for a replacement Chair;

·  Views of staff (noted in Appendix 2 of the paper) were sought from a variety of pay bands and job families and these indicated that there was a clear need to review and refresh the KSF core dimensions and guidance.

·  Additionally staff views flagged up issues around the current appraisal system. A number of staff indicated that they did not feel that the current appraisal system helped them do their job or that their line manager was not equipped with the skills and knowledge to provide feedback on what is being done well and what needs to be improved. A number of line mangers particularly those in bands 3 to 5 were unable to advise staff on appropriate learning and development opportunities;

·  Although SWAG Secretariat agreed the direction of travel for refreshing the KSF Core Dimensions and KSF Guidance, there was a desire amongst members to transform the current appraisal system to support managers to enable staff to grow and develop;

·  It was agreed that KSF should be discussed further at the January 2015 SWAG Committee meeting. Between now and then SWAG Secretariat members agreed to consider how best to broaden discussion to achieve transformational change with regard to appraisal for NHSScotland staff;

·  eKSF will be funded for a further year (2015-16) to allow for the reconfiguration of Oracle. Discussions will now resume with eKSF suppliers and the national eESS team to progress.

Outcome: SWAG Secretariat members noted the update and supported the direction of travel for the refresh of KSF Core Dimensions and revised KSF Guidance.

Agenda Item 5 - Agenda for SWAG Committee on 27 January 2015

The cover sheet for this item was circulated in advance of the meeting, highlighting potential agenda items:

The following agenda items were agreed:

·  2014 Staff Survey Themes;

·  iMatter update;

·  KSF/eKSF update;

·  PIN Update and sign off of Promoting Attendance PIN;

The following papers for information were agreed:

·  Vale of Leven;

·  Workforce Organisational Development Support Team;

·  Sustainability, 7 Day Services;

·  Historic Abuse/Survivor Support;

·  Update on Employee Directors Framework (Part 2).

Shirley Rogers agreed to chair this meeting.

Outcome: SWAG Committee agenda agreed for the meeting on Tuesday 27 January 2015.

Agenda Item 6 – Agenda for SWAG Secretariat on 27 January 2015

The cover sheet for this item was circulated in advance of the meeting, highlighting potential agenda items:

The following agenda items were agreed:

·  Secondary Employment PIN – permission to consult;

·  Shared Parental Leave;

·  Review of SWAG Committee on 27 January 2015;

·  Agenda setting for SWAG Secretariat meeting due to be held on 10 March 2015.

The following papers for Information were agreed:

·  Update on Partnership Working in Health and Social Care;

·  Duty of Candour;

·  Wilful Neglect

Shirley Rogers agreed to chair this meeting.

Outcome: SWAG Secretariat agenda agreed for the meeting on Tuesday 27 January 2015


The following agenda item was agreed for the SWAG Secretariat meeting due to be held on 10 March 2015:

·  Update on SPF moving forward.

Development of Modern Apprenticeship

·  SWAG Secretariat confirmed that it supports the development of the Modern Apprenticeship in Healthcare Support.

Date of Next Meeting

SWAG Committee & Secretariat - Tuesday 27 January 2015 in Room 4.E.R, St Andrew’s House, Edinburgh from 10:00 to 14:30.


Health Workforce and Performance Directorate

Staff Governance and Employee Experience Division

T: 0131-244 1718
