Toongabbie Sports and Bowling Club
Monday 10thApril 2017
Meeting opened at 7.05 pm
Apologies: Kane Gleeson, Colin Moore, Sharon Cole, Chris Anderson, Julie Pollard, Todd Douglas, Steve Bertram.
Items raised:
•Review and acceptance of previous minutes. Accepted by Jason Morgan and seconded by Vanessa Carrett.
•Adam thanked all involved for the “gala day” held on the previous Saturday.Special thanks to Jason and Madel for the work they did on both Saturday and Sunday.
•The delay in the competition means that cards should be available for first game.
•Tony / Brian should have been in touch with coaches re non payers and missing photo’s.
•Ground duty roster will be issued soon. If you are struggling for numbers please let Julie or Madel know.
•Code of conduct – please let us know if you can’t print the document as there have been some issues.
•My Game Guru app is up and running. Please utilize this.
•SSF, all teams are full with maybe one spot available.
•Cubs, if anyone is approached please let parents know that shin pads must be worn. Cubs will begin at 10am.
•If your team has any players sent off please let Vanessa know asap.
•Payments are coming in and looking pretty good. Coaches to be aware no payment means no card issued means the player cannot play.
•The Granville invoice is the largest invoice outstanding at the moment.
•We have limited spaces across the board. Please check with Brian before offering spots to people.
•Photo’s – A list has been sent of people without photos with the request to have photos back to Brian by Wednesday. Unfortunately there are still many missing.
•Round 1 will now be rescheduled to the 8th of July. Round 2 will be the first game played on the weekend of the 21st – 23rd of April.
•SSF – Teams that play the last game on each field are requested to bring the equipment back to the sheds.
•Referees – Not sure how we will go with numbers this year. If possible help each other out. Work something out with teams that play before or after you.
•All coaches and managers have their gear. Any swapping of jerseys can be done on Tuesday’s from 6pm.
•In the process of purchasing club merchandise, unfortunately lead times are slow.
•The half day at Bino on Sunday for the girls went well.
•Draw is up on I comp man. Only round 2 to be advised.
•There will be 6 rounds at Binalong this year.
•35 ladies have 2 games at Binalong this year.
•Coaching programs have been sent out and should be used. These have been sent out to help the coaches. Happy to see the u6 and u7 teams using these on Saturday.
•Academy – Went well on Friday night. There is always room for more kids to come along.
•Canteen -Saturday was a success. Sunday was ok.
•Roster for the canteen will go out tomorrow.
•There are 3 confirmed functions this year. Comedy night 3rd of May. Trivia night 17th June and Back to Bino 22nd of July.
•Photo’s – Looking at late June or early July.
•Confirming the Hide Out Café and Harper Timbers are both sponsoring the club this year.
General Business:
•It was suggested that coaches should take a photo of the team sheet if there is no official ref and a player is sent off.
•Jason Morgan reported that people were training on the grounds when they were closed. This is not to happen.
•Graeme Carrett encouraged the club members to get involved with referee courses
•Adam spoke to the meeting re a suspicious member of the public being seen in the car park at Binalong. Please be careful.
Meeting ended at 8.00pm
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