HBLT Bible Teaching Method

“A Bridge through Time”

Creative Bible Teaching, Lawrence O. Richards& Gary J. Bredfeldt



Effective Teaching Begins on Your Knees

From What Every Sunday School Teacher Should Know by Elmer L. Towns

You are not prepared to teach until you have prepared yourself through prayer.

Five ways to pray for your class…

1. Pray for a teachable spirit.

Open my eyes, that I may see the wondrous things from Your law.” ~Psalm 119:18

  • Ask God to make you teachable. Before you can teach others, the Master Teacher must teach you.
  • Ask God to guide your study.
  • Be sure you are willing to learn.

2.Pray for the teaching ministry of the Holy Spirit in your class.

“The Holy Spirit…will teach you all things.” ~John 14:26

  • This promise referred to the Holy Spirit’s teaching becoming the teacher through you.

3.Pray for guidance in lesson preparation.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.” ~ Proverbs 3:5-6

  • Get in the habit of asking God’s blessing upon the Word of God when you sit down to study.

4.Pray for those in your class.

Avail yourself of God’s power by praying for…

  • The conviction of sin (John 16:7-11).
  • The impact of the Scriptures (Rom 1:16).
  • The moving of the Holy Spirit in each student’s life (Acts 1:8).

5.Pray for your students’ growth.

The most effective ministry of a Sunday School

teacher is accomplished on his or her knees in prayer.

What You Need to Know as a Teacher of Adults

Adapted from an article by J. David Apple

1. A good teacher knows WHAT you are assigned to teach.

The Holy Spirit is the One who is best capable to teach and He allows you to join Him as He convinces and convicts and as you become the most enthusiastic student in your class.

Your job is to investigate the Bible passage, study the commentary, and help learners apply the truth.

You have the unique opportunity to allow God to speak to you as you study and as you help others study and apply the truth.

2. A growing teacher knows WHO you are teaching.

You teach people who are experiencing remarkable life transitions and stories.

You teach adults who God has influenced to intersect their life with your class.

Your job is to teach people. God calls you to love, trust, and obey Him.

Involve others…

…to invite their friends, relatives, associates, neighbors, and others.

…to help members and prospects connect with and minister to persons in the group.

…in learning how to teach as you encourage at least one person in the group.

3. A gifted teacher knows HOW to teach.

Teachable moments take place during the class session as well as throughout the week.

Provide opportunities for participants to read, ask and answer questions, listen, discuss, think, and write as they investigate God’s Word.

Help learners consider and make decisions about applying God’s Word.

Bring each session to a meaningful closure and provide opportunities for participants to continue learning throughout the week about the issues raised surfaced during the session.

The truth remains: The person who learns more in each session is the teacher.

Each teacher has the opportunity to follow the model of the Master who demonstrated what it looks like to know what to teach, who to you are teaching, how to teach.


Teacher Tips

  1. Use your Bible.Teach the Bible, not the quarterly.
  1. Hook – Make it specific to the objective – not just something dramatic.
  1. If using several passages – give out verses on 3/5 cards in advance.
  1. Sit with a small group.
  1. Go to the groups as they are searching a passage, etc. Clarify – listen.
  1. Get participation early in the lesson.
  1. When your group does participate – thank them.
  1. Do not be afraid of 15-20 seconds of silence.
  1. Keep it moving, but don’t go too fast. Stop at various points & ask for comments/questions.
  1. Pray & apply Ezra 7:10.

(Dr. Brian Richardson, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary)

Recommended Teacher Resources

A Basic Guide to Interpreting the Bible: Playing by the Rules.

Stein, Robert H. 1994. Grand Rapids: Baker Books.

Communicating for a Change.

Stanley, Andy and Lane Jones. 2006. Sisters, OR: Multnomah.

Created to Learn: A Christian Teacher’s Introduction to Educational Psychology.

Yount, William R. 1996. Nashville: Broadman and Holman.

Creative Bible Teaching, rev.

Richards, Lawrence O. and Gary J. Bredfeldt. 1998. Chicago: Moody.

Effective Bible Teaching.

Wilhoit, Jim, and Leland Ryken. 1997. Grand Rapids: Baker Books.

English Standard Version Study Bible.

Crossway Bibles. 2008.

Great Leader Great Teacher: Recovering the Biblical Vision for Leadership.

Bredfeldt, Gary. 2006. Chicago: Moody Press.

How to Get the Most from God’s Word: An Everyday Guide to Enrich your Study of the Bible.

MacArthur, John, Jr. 1997. Dallas: Word.

How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth, 3rd ed.

Fee, Gordon D. and Douglas Stuart. 2003. Grand Rapids: Zondervan.

How to Study the Bible.

MacArthur, John, Jr. 1982. Chicago: Moody Press.

How to Study the Bible and Enjoy It.

Heitzig, Skip. 2002.Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House.

I-6: A Six-Lane Strategy Toward an Inviting Sunday School.

Francis, David. 2007. Nashville: LifeWay Church Resources.

Missional Pivot Points: Gaining Leverage for Meaningful Change.

Mayfield, Bob. 2009. Oklahoma City: Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma.

PowerUP(3 titles):PowerUP Your Sunday School. PowerUP Your Life. PowerUP Your World.

Mayfield, Bob. Oklahoma City: Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma.

Teaching Adults: A Guide for Transformational Teaching: Leader Training Guide.

Edwards, Rick. 2000. Nashville:LifeWay Church Resources.

Teaching the Jesus Way: Building a Transformational Teaching Ministry.

Johnston, Jay, and Ronald K. Brown. 2000. Nashville: LifeWay Church Resources.

The 3D Sunday School: A Three Dimensional Strategy to Help Ministers and Leaders Fulfill the Great Commission.

Francis, David. 2006. Nashville: LifeWay Church Resources.

The Christian Educator’s Handbook on Teaching.

Gangel, Kenneth O., and Howard G. Hendricks. 1988. Grand Rapids: Baker Books.

The Discover Triad: Three Facets of a Dynamic Sunday School Class.

Francis, David. 2008. Nashville: LifeWay Church Resources.

The MacArthur Bible Handbook: A Book-by-Book Exploration of God’s Word.

MacArthur, John. 2003. Nashville: Thomas Nelson.

The Next Generation Leader: 5 Essentials for Those Who Will Shape the Future.

Stanley, Andy. 2003. Sisters, OR: Multnomah.

The Six Core Values of Sunday School. A Philosophical Approach to Sunday School.

Taylor, Allan. 2003. Woodstock: GA:Riverstone Group Publishing.

The Teaching Ministry of the Church.

Eldridge, Daryl. 1995. Nashville: Broadman and Holman.

What Every Teacher Sunday School Teacher Should Know: 24 Secrets That Can Help You Change Lives.

Towns, Elmer L. 2001. Ventura, CA: Regal Books.