TEACHING AND LEARNING 3.15pm Committee member…SW, KC, ET, CC, RB, LT, CG, KH – minutes Apologies: NA

Item / Discussion / Action
School Improvement Partner / We have a new SIP, Brian Padgett, an ex Ofsted inspector. Visited school 19.11.15
Standards / SLT stated that the Raise on line would put the school in jeopardy of losing the ‘good’ grade at Ofsted.
The Standards workgroup met on 20th November and the minutes were written by JC – included in attachments for Governing Board.
Feedback from literacy external consultants / Literacy consultants visited in June- the summary report was shared with governors at the Summer meeting. Teaching staff were told that school improvement needs to focus on writing so that children develop the means to write at length as appropriate for their age group. Visible progress of writing must be seen in books. Autumn term training was also attended by Lisa T, governor with teaching & learning role who commented on how lively and committed the teaching staff were in the session. The consultants return for a learning walk on Dec 14th. We are investing money from our training budget because we are concerned about getting children to the age typical and above age typical standard expected of our school, we need to ensure teachers are trained and there is not the courses available so bespoke training will help most.
Curriculum governor visits / SLT asked governors with roles for T&L to come in and walk through classes. In future the Governor Records of Visits will be shared in committee rather than full Governing board. Governors on this committee are visiting school to be involved in looking at practice, learning and listening to pupils talk about learning. They will use End of Year expectations and our SPARK approach checklists to help them to look at practice and progress. Weaknesses were discussed and will feed into our school improvement action plans.
Curriculum on website / KC has posted the subject policies on the website. Subject leaders updated these as part of their management role as subject leader.
Policies – homework (feedback from parent forum) and subjects / The new policy for homework was agreed with teaching staff in readiness for the new term. It was reviewed in the light of the school needs for parental support with basic skills in developing reading, writing and maths. Parents said they needed more guidance to help their children at home. Spelling and grammar books were bought for each child Years 2-6 which have an explanation, example and exercise- at a cost of £2 or £3 each. Parent Forum feedback was positive. KC is looking at on line learning exercises for grammar as this may be a cheaper option and our children like working online. Governors discussed online learning.
My Maths online maths exercises is working well- KC will review which children are not accessing this resource and we will give them time in school. Mathletics was well received by our children and KC is looking into costs.
Spellings in the new curriculum – Teachers were bought new resources and say that these are helping with their preparation. We will follow up with parents forum and impact on learning. / Review impact.
Ofsted areas – Teaching & Learning / The school was graded good but results at the end of Reception and Year 2 mean that we cannot say the teaching and learning is of a good standard. Our teaching needs to be never less than good.
Church school learning / LT talked to governors about the work she has led on the Holy Spirit, the piloted lessons will be included in work that is collated by the Diocese and shared Nationally.
The school will be visited by a Diocesan adviser who will read through our School self evaluation form ( SIAMS form) and talk to us about sustaining outstanding practice and introducing new initiatives, like the PREVENT training to be proactive about radicalisation. ‘Prevent’ is a safeguarding measure but has implications for our Church school. We discussed British Values and how we show raise awareness of these in our Study Work and through themed days. MS & KH have attended training for Governors on SMSC and we talked about how to show this evidence as we feel that this is strong across school- governors will help. / SIAMs workgroup to meet after adviser has been.
AOB / World games- KC signed our school up to the World games- she fed back to governors that some of our children were really motivated by it.

Governors’ Committee meeting FINANCE 4pm Committee member MS, PJ, KH, CC, SW, ET, LT, KC (deputy head attended) Apologies NA

Item / Discussion / Action
Budget Meeting / CC/KH met with Emma Parsons (FMSO) 6.10.15. Budget based on 195 (October Census) forecast 198 in Oct 16. Current year expenditure, income and spending priorities reviewed to year end.
3 year budget plan reviewed and updated.
Staffing changes and school development plan spending priorities discussed with FMSO and budget adjusted accordingly. JB now Unqualified Teacher UQ04 since Sep 15. See personnel mins
Tenants Maintenance - £1500 added to the budget for new windows in the mobile.
Employee Training - £2k for lit consultancy and £1k added for maths consultancy to help improve standards across school. KH to ensure code 35162 used for governor training in future.
Visiting lecturers 35133 next year to include a budget of £500 for faith visitors.
LC salary needed viring to preschool – FMSO actioned. LLyon to have account costing override for OOSC.– FMSO to vire part of KH salary from OOSC/Preschool in Mar 16– see separate sections.
Governors agreed that KH role fits increased responsibilities of the SBM role and agreed she move to G8 scp 31 from 1.9.15. KH agrees to remain for foreseeable future at this scp.
Overall position is:
The carry forward for 2014-15 was £46,448
2015-16 indicative carry forward £39,619 with an in year projected deficit of £6,829.
2016-17 initial draft budget discussed- indicative c/f £34,069 with an in year projected deficit of £5,550
2017-18 – indicative c/f £13,857 with an in year projected deficit of £20,212
Pupil Premium £5200 + £2720 (actual 2015-16) for 6 pupils in receipt of FSM. 1 services pupil receives £300. Pupil Premium – indicative for 2016-17 is £5280 2016-17 and also 2017-18
Post LAC Pupil Premium – we have 1 child who qualifies for £1900 (this is for children who have been adopted from care or who have left care – IJ) contact /Emma Parsons FMSO
SEN for 1 statemented child 2015-16 £10,705
Sports Grant – all 2014-15 grant spent before 31.8.15 to avoid clawback.
DFC – 2015/16 allocation £7419.00 (90% = £6677.10) Bid submitted as per previous minutes for £69,000 to improve accessibility to school. / Feb 15 EP to action. Ensure all parties aware and amounts agreed. – EP advice
Post LAC – contact Nicola Axford, Headteacher, Virtual chool for cared for children 01606 271951
KH – note For Aug 16 sports management costing, use 01411 1301967 with a brief note of how this has been calculated – eg how many hours or days the amount equates to.
SFVS / MS has completed her skills matrix for finance, all members of finance committee now completed and this is kept updated with new members of finance committee. . MS undertaken 3 finance courses – see CPD list. All governors completed biannual governors’ skills audit, information collated and examined by LT/KH training govs and training recommended where noticed lack of expertise. However, governors do not feel any gaps regarding finance.
SFVS Audit requires completion and return by 31.12.15. MS met with KH to discuss/fully understand requirements in order that governors can comply and gain a standard of at least ‘satisfactory’. Will discuss the full audit to obtain governor approval at full govs mtg 24.11.15
Best Value statement updated Oct 15 and approved by govs. / MS scrutiny of skills audit for SFVS. 17.11.15
MS/KH to implement changes. To present SFVS draft audit to governors for approval 24.11.15
Pecuniary Interest / Require completion by governors and staff annually / KH - Nov full govs mtg
Scheme of Delegation / Governors reviewed scheme of delegation as part of the MIP, agreed that staff could spend up to £30 without referral to CC for classroom items. / CC to reiterate at staff meeting.
KH to amend Scheme of Delegation sheet in MIP.
Whistleblowing Policy / Policy last updated 06/15 and forwarded to all staff by e-mail. Reviewed and approved by governors. MS asked if all staff would feel able to obtain find the policy without asking, and if not, suggested policy be put on backs of all staff toilet doors for privacy. Needs reviewing annually, Date of next review 06/16. / KH to arrange policy to be in staff toilets
Statement of Internal Control / MS/KH have written the SIC to cover academic year 1.9.14 to 31.8.15. Approved by finance governors. To be signed at full governors meeting 24.11.15.CC authorised to spend up to £3k without gov referral. Over £3k – to finance committee for approval. For purchases over £2k – 3 quotes to be obtained. (ok to get off internet and print as evidence) / Full govs to approve.
Benchmarking / MS/KH have undertaken a benchmarking exercise. It was noted that our support staff budget was very low (2013-14) compared with other similar schools, at a cost of £362 per child. Also lower for professional fees, whereas educational materials spend was high.
Water bills require checking. http://www.unitedutilities.com/site-area-charging.aspx / KC- MS notes to be put on the governor portal for the full govs meeting.
PJ/AH/KH to measure.
Business Continuity Plan/Disaster Plan / Governors discussed and reviewed this as part of the Critical Incident pack, challenged whether school could operate in the case of a major incident, including online work, backups off site etc. AL reviewed and updated the comprehensive copy CIP Aug 15. Agreed office staff could include instructions for parts of their role only they know – eg markview, PRIME. / MS/KH to review BCP as part of SFVS 17.11.15 and include in BCP for full gov board mtg 24.11.15
Data protection Cert for 2015-16 / Governors were shown the current ICO certificate showing school complies with data protection. Registration number Z6334050 expires 11 March 2016
Performance management for those with financial responsibilities / AL and KH have undertaken their performance management and have achieved last year’s targets. One target for KH regarding the setting up of an online shop has been postponed due to possible academy conversion. New targets set Oct 15. Paperwork in SFVS file. / KH/CC to finalise paperwork
Chargings and Lettings Policy / School has an up to date charging policy dated June 2015. Governors asked if we had a lettings policy, have historically taken the CE model version. KH to see if there is still one available on the centranet. / KH
School Fund Auditor / Governors agreed that Rod Greenow can remain as our auditor for 2015-16. Qualification checked - He holds FCCA.
Staff absence Insurance / Quotes were obtained by KH for insurance cover 1.9.15-31.8.16. After negotiation, school has obtained the best discount given by Towergate Insurance for remaining with them for a second year – ‘Best Value’. Stress cover and maternity cover included as well as JB/AH added to the policy for just a small increase –14-15 £1916.25, 15-16 £2241.03 Govs commended KH for negotiating this. / CC to advise staff re terms and conditions for any future claims (added Nov 15)
Contracts / Governors discussed any contracts school had taken out. These include: Amey (Cyclical Maintenance), Sportscape (PE provision) Cheshire East Catering (School Meals – under review), Sodexo (Grounds maintenance), Canda (photocopier, approved Aug 14) and Amita (ICT). CC/KH continually monitor for Best Value. Next review for Amita – Nov 15. It was noted Best Value has been applied here with KH contacting Amita to see how hours are measured and asking for evidence of hours spent on each job. Governors approved all contracts following discussion with CC/KH. All contracts to be discussed, approved and minuted in committee meetings – SFVS requirement.
Staff Documentation – H&S / For staff who attend training courses, proof of Business Insurance is requested annually. Previously Driving licence/MOT details have been requested. Govs challenged whether necessary as arduous task collating this information for office staff. / AL to investigate our duty.
CHESS / Governors questioned KH who explained which services school takes via CHESS to obtain best value/peace of mind re compliance. Fire Risk Assessment- see below, savings made of around £200, recommended by a parent who obtained a lower rate for us. Govs agreed that when we have a contractor quoting, we will not just agree to them completing the remedial works as this can prove more costly! Some items on CHESS are invaluable such as office ICT support, payroll, FMSO services, OHU etc so we purchase them annually.
Pay Policy / Governors approved the Pay Policy at this meeting for Sept 15 – Aug 16 that CC and HR have drafted. Agreed that Supply Teachers would be paid up to M4. 1% cost of living increase for teachers agreed, including any M6 teachers. 1.5% support staff increase will be automatic April 2016. – also see personnel and community minutes. Budget allows for mainscale teachers to increment only. Pay increases have been costed into the 3 year budget. Pay policy to be kept familiar – possible changes if academy conversion where we can set own min and max, tie in with perf management? / KH to send Pay Statements to teaching staff. KH to advise Shared Services of KC, NR and LC grade increases.
Debts / No debts from parents to be discussed currently.
Preschool / Governors questioned how the finances are for preschool currently. Informed that preschool is running in credit and accounts will be ready for full govs meeting 28.11.15. Govs agreed that when budget can allow, virements can be made for CC management fee. 1/10 of KH salary to be vired by year end (£1470 approx) ½ day per wk RS as Early Years manager from 1.9.15 to be vired (approx £2576). The need for a SLA discussed. / Emma P/KH to collate and prepare report for 24/11
OOSC / Governors informed that OOSC doing very well with an increase in numbers; accounts will be ready for full govs meeting 28.11.15. Govs agreed that virements could be made by year end for rental (£2500 towards Diocesan project) Management fees for CC, a percentage of site costs, and admin costs for KH. The need for a SLA discussed. / KH to collate
School Meals / School advised that any adult meals are vatable at standard rate. Have to show the VAT separately on ADI spreadsheet if school goes it alone. Consider charging adults more to cover the VAT.
Online shop / This has been put on hold due to current possibility of academy conversion to avoid unnecessary changes of instructions to parents. No parent has asked about online banking to date. / KH to liaise in due course with LA/CDEC
School Trends / Uniform Shop in Nantwich have liaised with School Trends and will stock our school uniform. School office will eventually just have a stock of ties and book bags.

Governors’ Committee meeting PREMISES & Health and Safety 4.45pm Committee member… CH, LT, KH, PJ, CC, SW Observer-ET …Apologies: NA