
AP World History

Chapter 20 Reading Questions

“Colonial Encounters (1750-1914)”

A Second Wave of European Conquests

1. Compare and contrast European colonial takeover in the 1500s-1600s with European colonial takeover between 1750 and 1900.

First Wave (1500s-1600s) Second Wave (1750-1900)

2. Explain how each of the following territories were colonized:

(A) India and Indonesia =

(B) Africa, mainland Southeast Asia, and the Pacific Islands =

(C) Australia and New Zealand in the South Pacific =

3. What were some of the various responses to European encroachment? Use bullet points to list them.

Under European Rule: Cooperation and Rebellion

4. Why might colonized people choose to cooperate with the colonial regime? What opportunities and benefits coincided with cooperation? Use bullet points.

5. List ALL of the career opportunities that existed for colonized people that pursued European education. (Include lower-level and higher-level careers).

6. Describe the Indian Rebellion of 1857-1858. Include what triggered it, what group started it, where it began, etc.

7. What problems did each of the following groups in India have with British colonial rule?

(A) Local rulers =

(B) Landlords =

(C) Peasants =

(D) Unemployed workers =

(E) Religious leaders =

8. What were the three major results of the Indian Rebellion of 1857-1858?




Under European Rule: Colonial Empires with a Difference

9. What distinguished the rulers from the ruled in 19th-century European empires?

10. Why was education for colonial subjects limited at best?

11. What was apartheid?

12. In what ways did Europeans penetrate the societies they governed? Use bullet points.

13. Why did Europeans feel the need to classify and organize the societies they governed?

14. In what ways did European colonial policies contradict their own core values and practices at home? List all ways.

Economies of Coercion: Forced Labor and the Power of the State

15. What were some of the common tasks that forced labor was used for in the European colonies?

16. (A) Where did some of the most infamous cruelties of forced labor occur?

(B) What country AND what individual controlled this territory?

(C) What happened to forced laborers there if they were short on their rubber quota?

17. Describe the cultivation system of the Netherlands East Indies (Indonesia).

Economies of Cash-Crop Agriculture: The Pull of the Market

18. (A) How did British authorities in Burma encourage rice production among small farmers?

(B) What were the positive results of this for both small farmers and others throughout the region? Use bullet points to list these results.

19. (A) What cash-crop did African farmers begin growing in Ghana?

(B) What were the negative effects of the success of this enterprise? Use bullet points to list these effects.

Economies of Wage Labor: Working for Europeans

20. Describe the conditions faced by impoverished workers on plantations in Southeast Asia. Use bullet points to list all of them.

21. Who were “squatters”?

22. (A) Describe the conditions endured by Chinese workers in Malaysian tin mines.

(B) Describe the conditions endured by African miners in South Africa.

Women and the Colonial Economy: An African Case Study

23. In pre-colonial times, African women enjoyed economic autonomy. In the colonial era, however, this changed. What roles/responsibilities did women incur during the colonial era? Use bullet points.

Assessing Colonial Development

24. What are three clear conclusions regarding colonial development in the 19th century?




Identity and Cultural Change in the Colonial Era: Education

25. What opportunities did education provide for a minority of colonial subjects?

26. In what ways did Western-educated colonial subjects embrace European culture?

Identity and Cultural Change in the Colonial Era: Religion

27. Describe the four main attractions of Christianity to Africans.





28. What were the main purposes of the revived Hinduism of the colonial era?




Identity and Cultural Change in the Colonial Era: “Race” and “Tribe”

29. Why did African thinkers begin to explore and define the ideas of an “African identity” and an “African tradition”?

30. How did Edward Blyden compare and contrast African and European cultures?

African Culture European Culture

31. What was the most important new sense of belonging in Africa that emerged during the colonial era?