Market Integrated Demand Side ManagementProgram Descriptions
Statewide and Local Government Partnerships
Attachment 1 – LGP Input Form
The Local Government Partner should indicate in the BLUE fields below the details that are specific to the Partnership for each section. PG&E will insert the completed sections into the overall plan document for submittal to the Commission. LGPs should review the primary document (LGP 13-Point Plan Template) to ensure that information provided matches the context of the overall verbiage.
The LGP should also complete the attached LGP Market Matrix, which describes the applicable customer markets that have been targeted by the Partnership.
4.Program Descriptors
Market Sector:4.a [Indicate LGP Market Sectors served. See Section 5 for Market Sector definitions and specific nomenclature to be used. Note that these definitions apply to the “Customer Type”, not ‘Facility Type”, and please remember to keep Market Sector breakdowns accurate but simple.]
Program Classification:Local
Program Status:4.b [Indicate whether Partnership is “Existing Renewed” or “New”]
4.c. [Insert a brief (one-paragraph) description of the Partnership describing program highlights.]
5.Program Statement
Local Government objectives for the Partnerships include:
5.a [Insert additional LGP-specific Goals here.]
6.Program Rationale
6.a. [Insert specific LGP Program Rational to support the plan. The Program Rational is a description of the basis and need for program. Address how the program responds to underserved markets, unmet program demand, previously missed opportunities, etc. If program was funded during 2004 -2005, discuss evidence that the program was successful and that demand for the program services persists.]
7.Program Outcomes
7.a [Insert LGP-specific “Outcomes” or results desired, for example: prioritization on Peak Demand reduction; establishment of infrastructure to plan and support programs; deliverables to constituent organizations; Training and Education courses; etc. Specific program savings goals will be added with the preparation of the program Workbook.]
8.Program Strategy
8.a. [Indicate whether “Existing Renewed”or “New” Partnership for 2006-2008]
8.b. [Describe specific LGP Energy Efficiency Retrofit program details. Include specific examples of Energy Efficiency Measures that will be included and Market Sectors serve, or note if this element does not apply.]
8.c.. [Insert LGP-specific MBCx program description, or note if this element does not apply.]
8.d . [Insert LGP-specific Education and Training program description, or note if this element does not apply.]
8.e. [Insert LGP-specific Residential/Small Business Direct Install program description, or note if this element does not apply.]
8.f. [Insert LGP-specific Specialized Marketing and Outreach program description, or note if this element does not apply.]
8.g. [Insert LGP-specific Codes and Standards program description, or note if this element does not apply.]
8.h. [Insert LGP-specific Home Buyers Program description, or note if this element does not apply.]
8.i. [Insert LGP-specific Energy Audits and Technical Services program description, or note if this element does not apply.]
8.j. [Insert LGP-specific “Custom” Program descriptions below]
9.Program Objectives
9.a. [Insert LGP-specific Objectives]
10.Program Implementation
10.a. [Insert LGP-specific Implementation Strategies here. Include plans for coordination with other energy efficiency programs and description of how proposed program differs from existing related programs, if relevant. Indicate whether to retain, modify or delete Implementation Strategies listed below as applicable to the LGP. These will be updated for the final document by PG&E.]
- Coordination with other energy efficiency programs and ongoing statewide and LGP projects;
- Energy efficiency retrofit program element implementation (including project selection and implementation);
- Facility monitoring based commissioning implementation;
- Energy efficiency education and best practices development and training implementation;
- PG&E recognizes the need to develop additional implementation strategies to create greater efficiencies within the LGP model. These will be rolled out and adopted to each LGP. Several under consideration including:
- Establishment of an LGP Advisory Group to facilitate communication, coordinate roll-out of programs, training, and sharing of experiences and best practices across the LGPs and PG&E;
- Development of common program modules that can be mixed and matched to meet the needs of each LGP;
- Explore opportunities to work on joint projects (e.g., niche upstream offerings that need a regional approach); and
- Sharing of innovative implementation strategies to other LGPs.
11.Customer Description
11.a. [Insert detailed description of customers and constituents served by the LGP. This includes customer size, market sector, market actors targeted, and description of hard to reach characteristics if applicable. Applicable Market Sectors as described in Section 5 should be addressed. Indicate an estimate of the percent breakdown by Market Sector.]
12.Customer Interface
12.a. [Insert LGP-specific Customer Interface strategies]
13.Energy Measures and Program Activities
13.1.Measures Information
13.a. [Insert list of LGP-specific measures to be performed.]
13.3.Non-energy Activities (Audits, Trainings)
13.b. [Insert LGP-specific activities]
13.4.Subcontractor Activities
13.c. [Insert LGP-specific subcontractor activities. This should fully describe the LGP need for utilizing subcontractors for implementation of the program (e.g. technical expertise, program staff augmentation to meet workload requirements, installers, etc.), and if possible, list subcontractors and describe experience. Further detail will be addressed later with the development of the Program Workbook.]
13.6 Marketing Activities
13.d. [Insert LGP-specific Marketing plans. Describe all marketing materials planned, quantity of marketingmaterials (if applicable), method of distribution, and projected cost per marketing effort. Includeplans,recommendations and proposals for coordination with parties funded to providestatewide marketing and outreach services and, if possible other parties’ program specificmarketing efforts.]
Pacific Gas and Electric Company1August 1, 2005
File: LGP 13-Point Plan Partner Input Form 080105.doc