Masters Degree in Educational Leadership or EdD in Leadership and Innovation

Fellowships for Teach For America Alumni

Application and Selection Process


The second part of Teach For America’s mission is to build a leadership force for change across all sectors, from which alumni can advocate for more and better quality opportunities for children. The Teach For AmericaPhoenix office works in partnership with ArizonaStateUniversity to retain alumni in Arizona and to attract alumni from other regions in order to meet our mutual goal of training exceptional educators to take on leadership roles in Arizona schools.

ASU has committed to offer five Teach For America alumni fully-paid fellowships for 36 credit hours in graduate-level school leadership programs in the MaryLouFultonTeachers College. This will be offered annually for five years, and will be considered for renewal at the end of the fourth year.

Application Process for Fellowship Candidates

Step 1: Candidates submit fellowship application (have the option of concurrently applying to the MEd in Educational Leadership of EdD in Leadership and Innovation).

Step 2: 10 Finalists are selected from all applicants and offered in-person interviews.

Step 3: Finalists find out if they are awarded one of five fellowships.

Step 4: Recipients apply (now mandatory in order to receive funding) to the Masters Degree in Educational Leadership or EdD in Leadership and Innovation, via normal application process. Completion of one of these two programs results in an administration credential.

For an alumnus/alumna to be eligible to receive a fellowship, he/she must be admitted to the program.

Selection Process for Teach For America Alumni Fellowships

Step 1 Candidates complete initial fellowship application process that includes:

  1. Resume
  2. Letter of intent
  3. Two essay responses
  4. Two letters of recommendation



Compose one letter of intent and two essays in response to the prompts below. Your responses should be single-spaced, in paragraph format, and adhere to the maximum word requirements indicated. Please label each essay separately and ensure your first and last name appear at the top of each submitted page. Incomplete and/or incorrectly marked applications will not be considered.

Letter of intent: Please explain to the selection committee why you want to become a school leader in Arizona, and what impact you would like to have as a principal on your school and community. (500 words)

Essay #1: Effective school leaders must demonstrate, but also balance, all of the attributes listed below. Which characteristic(s) do you believe to be most important to the success of a school leader? Explain your reasoning and describe how you have demonstrated the characteristic(s) in your professional and/or personal experience. (500 words)

  • Critical Thinking
  • Learning & Continuously Improving
  • Relationship Building
  • Organizational Ability
  • Influencing & Motivating
  • Respect for Others

Essay #2:Reflecting on those same attributes, describe where your greatest area for growth is, and how you will use the Fellowship to contribute to this professional growth. (500 words)



Two letters of recommendation must be submitted on behalf of each candidate directly to Cassie Breecher from the recommender.

To submit:

  1. Letters should speak to the applicant’s potential as an aspiring future principal and include thoughts about accomplishments, characteristics, and any additional helpful or relevant context the selection committee should know in making its final decisions.
  2. We strongly encourage one recommendation to be submitted by the applicant’s principal or equivalent-level supervisor.
  3. Recommendations may be submittedto Cassie Breecher either via email at or via regular mail to:

Cassie Breecher

Managing Director, Alumni Affairs

Teach For America-Phoenix

3030 N Central Ave, Suite 900

Phoenix, AZ, 85012

  1. Recommendations must be RECEIVEDdirectly from the recommender on or before the deadline of October 7, 2013 at 11:59PM (AZ time).
  2. Recommendations received after the deadline will not be reviewed, and incomplete applications will not be considered.


All materials must be submitted to Cassie Breechervia email () in ONE .pdf document, and must be received on or before the deadline date of October 7, 2013 at 11:59PM (AZ time).

To submit:

  1. Ensure your two recommendation letters have been submitted directly to Cassie Breecher by your recommender.
  2. Label each page of your application and documents with your first and last name.
  3. Scan your resume, letter of intent, and essay responses into one (1) .pdf document. The file name should include your first and last name.
  4. Email your .pdf document to Cassie Breecher () on or before the October 7, 2013deadline at 11:59PM (AZ time).

For any additional information, please contact Cassie Breecher by phone at 602.304.0211 ext. 47118 or by email at .


Selection committee receives the applications and selects 10 finalists

The selection committee is comprised of:

  • Two people from ASU (at least one faculty member)
  • One member of the Teach For America Leadership Team
  • A person from the field of practice (ideally a school administrator who is from a district where TFA places and is well-respected by ASU faculty)
  • A community representative (Helios Education Foundation, ACF, etc.)

Process and Timeline:

  1. TFA Phoenix receives applications and holds until all are received.
  2. TFA Phoenix sends the complete set of applications to the selection committee.
  3. The selection committee reads all applications and selects 10 finalists.
  4. Candidates are notified by end of October of decisions via email from ASU.
  5. Finalists are interviewed in person by selection committee (1 day of interviews, 20-minute interview per candidate). 5 fellows are selected, plus one alternate.
  6. Finalists are notified in late-November by ASU of decisions.
  7. Fellows must apply and be accepted to the MEd in Educational Leadership or EdD in Leadership and Innovation.

Updated: August14, 2013