CYCLE A / Theme:All about me / Theme:Celebrations / Theme: Help Help! / Theme: Rumble in the jungle / Theme: Fun on the farm / Theme: Buckets and spades
Language and Communication
Speaking -Circle time - talking about various topics covered - favourite things, how they can keep healthy
Listening and attention - Listening to visitors talking - asking questions
Understanding - Using new vocabulary in role play / Language and Communication
Listening and attention - Listening to parents/ grandparents talking about their Christmas celebrations
Speaking -Sharing experiences of their family celebrations
Understanding - The stories behind celebrations - bonfire night etc. / Language and Communication
Listening and attention - listening to visitor
Speaking - talking about fire station visit - explaining what happened.
Understanding - Using new vocabulary in role play from visits/ visitors / Language and Communication
Listening and attention - “animal description game”, visit from someone who has visited a rainforest/ jungle
Speaking - “animal description game”, discussions about differences between jungles and our woods.
Understanding - Using new vocabulary introduced - asking questions. / Language and Communication
Listening and attention - Listening on the farm visit (listening without props or pictures)
Listening to other visitors - asking relevant questions.
Speaking - Talking about favourite farm animals.
Understanding - Writing about what they have understood from the visit/visitors. / Language and Communication
Listening and attention - Parents/Grandparents experiences of seaside holidays.
Speaking - Talking about own experiences of the seaside.
Understanding - Using new vocabulary
Physical Development
Moving and handling -Letter formation, moving different parts of the body.
Health and self-care -Learning about how to keep healthy, keeping ourselves safe. / Physical Development
Moving and handling -Tracing (fine motor skills) threading.
Health and self-care - dressing themselves. / Physical Development
Moving and handling -Practising fire men drills, working as a team
Health and self-care -Keeping safe and healthy - stranger danger, road safety, car safety, fire safety. / Physical Development
Moving and handling - dancing in time to music - rumble in the jungle dance, moving like different animals.
Health and self-care - How would you keep safe in the jungle? / Physical Development
Moving and handling -threading, tweezers skills (beans, peas etc), ball games
Health and self-care - Why do we need to drink milk? / Physical Development
Moving and handling - Summer fair dance, “Oh I do like to be beside the seaside” dance. Pouring sand and water.
Health and self-care - Beach and water safety.
Personal & Social Development
Making relationships -working with new adults, talking about relationships within families
Self-confidence and self-awareness -Similarities/ differences between them and others.
Managing feelings and behaviour - Adapting to schools golden rules, Understanding their own feelings and others. Understanding behaviours expected on visit to the post office. / Personal & Social Development
Making relationships -taking turns and waiting - role play and listening to others.
Self-confidence and self-awareness -Talking about own celebrations, joining in with KS1 play and Christmas service.
Managing feelings and behaviour -
Learning to wait during Christmas play rehearsal. / Personal & Social Development
Making relationships -Taking on roles in role play, discussion.
Self-confidence and self-awareness - Asking questions on visits, being confident to try new roles.
Managing feelings and behaviour -Understanding different behaviours needed on trips when people visit. / Personal & Social Development
Making relationships -relying on others (jungle expedition)
Self-confidence and self-awareness -Being confident to lead the expedition.
Managing feelings and behaviour -Managing behaviours when around animals. / Personal & Social Development
Making relationships -Taking on roles in role play, working in teams.
Self-confidence and self-awareness -Being confident to hold chicks, fed lambs etc.
Managing feelings and behaviour - Managing behaviours when around animals and on the farm. / Personal & Social Development
Making relationships - Role play.
Self-confidence and self-awareness -Being confident to talk about their experiences when at the seaside.
Managing feelings and behaviour -Sealife visit.
Stories – Starting School (Janet and Alan Allberg)
The Good Mood Hunt
Poetry – Using the senses.
Non-Fiction – recipe books - healthy recipes
Information books about our bodies / Literacy:
Stories – The Jolly Christmas Postman
Various celebration stories
Poetry – Bonfire night poetry, poems for Christmas cards.
Non-Fiction – information books about the different celebrations. / Literacy:
Stories – Daisy the Doctor, various stories about Firemen, police.
Non-Fiction –Information books about emergency services.
Recount writing - Fire station visit / Literacy:
Stories – Rumble in the Jungle, (story sack) Giraffes Can’t dance, Animal Bop
Say Hello to the Jungle animals
La Jungle (French book)
Poetry – Animal shape poetry
Non-Fiction – Information books about monkeys.
Recount writing - jungle trek / Literacy:
Stories – Kim Lewis Books, traditional books - The Little Red Hen (story sack)The Three little Pigs, The Three Billy Goats. Farmer Duck (story Sack)
Poetry – Farm themed poems - “If I was a Farmer”
Non-Fiction – Recount writing about visit to the farm
A - z on the farm / Literacy:
Stories – The Light House Keepers Lunch, The Rainbow Fish (story Sack)
How to be a pirate
The Pirates next door
Mrs Pirate
The Singing Mermaid
The Messiest Mermaid
Shaun the Shy Shark (story Sack)
Poetry – Action poems - “The day I went to sea”
Non-Fiction – Seaside creatures - information.
Number - more and less, ordering, formation, recognition. Odd and even numbers
Shape, space and measure -
2D shapes
Height / Mathematics:
Number - more and less, ordering, formation, recognition.
Shape, space and measure -
3D shape - parcels
Time - calendars.
Repeating patterns. / Mathematics:
Number - Finding totals of two groups.
Numbers before and after.
Shape, space and measure
Estimating and measuring capacity
Shape - 2D
Estimating and measuring length. / Mathematics:
Number - ordering numbers, counting in patterns, practical problems - addition and subtraction.
Shape, space and measure
Estimating and measuring length,
Shape - 3D. / Mathematics:
Number - practical problems - sharing animals between fields, grouping animals in fields.
Addition and subtraction - eggs in baskets.
Doubling and halving.
Shape, space and measure
Estimating and measuring weight.
Money / Mathematics:
Number - Problems involving sharing and grouping (2, 5 and 10)
Estimating numbers (shells)
Adding and subtracting.
Shape, space and measure
Estimating capacity
Times of the tides.
Treasure maps - position and direction.
Understanding the World
People - what we like to do and how other people might like to do other things.
World - changes in our selves,
Technology - creating pictures of our faces, pictograms about our favourite foods. / Understanding the World
People - understanding own celebrations and those of other communities and traditions.
World - people around the world, different communities. Properties of materials.
Technology - bonfire night pictures, remembrance day art, designing Christmas pictures, rangoli patterns / Understanding the World
People - jobs, how they work in the community
Technology - creative - making pictures of themselves into fire fighters (typing) / Understanding the World
World -Comparing environments to our own
How have people damaged our jungles - how can we look after them?
Technology - control - moving bee bots / Understanding the World
People -
Farming in the past
Farming in other countries
World -Comparing farm animals
Animal life cycles
Materials - why are they used in the ways they are?
Technology - design - simple farm on purple mash
Taking photos on the farm / Understanding the World
People - Going on holiday in the past - parents/ grandparents sharing experiences of the seaside.
World - materials seaside objects are made from
Comparing habitats
Humans and the seaside, changes - ice
Technology - seaside captions - purple mash
Data collection - favourite ice creams.
Expressive Arts and Design
Self-portraits, collages of homes, skeleton pictures, hand print, foot prints, clay relief pictures of faces
Music - 1,2,3 - it’s good to be me, heads, shoulders knees and toes, exploring body percussion, with my hands
Role play: Baby clinic, opticians, home, healthy café, post office / Expressive Arts and Design
Making rangoli patterns with chalk and paint, bonfire night pictures, making safe fireworks. Clay Christmas decorations, Diwali lamps from clay.
Music - Christmas songs, making bonfire night music.
Role play: Santa’s workshop, Christmas dinner, / Expressive Arts and Design
Painting pictures of emergency vehicles, making emergency vehicles models.
Music - out of the ark “people who help us” CD.
Role play: School office, fire station, doctors surgery, vets, police station / Expressive Arts and Design
Collages of jungles and jungle animals, mask making, animal homes.
Music - Animal fair, Hippopotamus song, Down at the bottom of the jungle.
Role play: Jungle expedition
Jungle vets / Expressive Arts and Design
Pictures/ collages of farm animals, making model farms, weaving with wool making animal puppets.
Music - farm songs to traditional tunes, animal noise music.
Role play - farm kitchen , farm shop / Expressive Arts and Design
Seaside collages, lighthouse pictures, making pirate maps and treasure chests.
Music - “Oh I do like to be beside the seaside”, mermaid song, under the sea.
Role play: Seaside shop,
Seaside café, Seaside, ice cream parlour
Visit / Visitors:
dentist / Visit / Visitors:
Vickers / Visit / Visitors:
Fire station
Vet / Visit / Visitors:
Zoo visit
Jungle animals vet / Visit / Visitors:
Home farm Attingham
Tractor visit - vintage tractor and modern tractor / Visit / Visitors:
Sealife centre
Fruit kebabs, Smoothies, birthday cakes. / Mince pies, edible fireworks, food linked with celebrations.
Christmas in the past - Attingham Park / Carrot cake - linked to story about the opticians.
Pancakes - pancake day. / Easter cookery / Making butter
Baking bread / Fish cakes
Ice cream
Ice lollies
CYCLE B / Theme:All about me / Theme:Celebrations / Theme: In the toy box / Theme: Once upon a time / Theme: Minibeasts / Theme: Down at the bottom of the garden
Language and Communication
Speaking -Circle time - talking about various topics covered - favourite things, how they can keep healthy
Listening and attention - Listening to visitors talking - asking questions
Understanding - Using new vocabulary in role play / Language and Communication
Listening and attention - Listening to parents/ grandparents talking about their Christmas celebrations
Speaking -Sharing experiences of their family celebrations
Understanding - The stories behind celebrations - bonfire night etc. / Language and Communication
Listening and attention - Parents/Grandparents toys.
Speaking - Talking about own favourite toys, what toys are made from, special toys.
Understanding - Using new vocabulary / Language and Communication
Listening and attention -Visit to Whittington castle, listening to fairy tale stories without pictures or props.
Speaking - Talking about favourite fairy tale characters.
Understanding - Using new vocabulary - role play. / Language and Communication
Listening and attention -Visit from zoolab.
Speaking - Talking about own experiences of mini beasts.
Understanding - Using new vocabulary - differences between mini beasts. / Language and Communication
Listening and attention -Listening to talk from a gardener.
Speaking - Talking about own experiences of gardening, role play.
Understanding - Using new vocabulary - associated with growth and plants - developing through role play.
Physical Development
Moving and handling -Letter formation, moving different parts of the body.
Health and self-care -Learning about how to keep healthy, keeping ourselves safe. / Physical Development
Moving and handling -Tracing (fine motor skills) threading.
Health and self-care - dressing themselves. / Physical Development
Moving and handling -Tracing (fine motor skills) threading, making own toys, moving like toys.
Health and self-care -
Carrying toys carefully / Physical Development
Moving and handling -Tracing (fine motor skills) threading.
Health and self-care - Keeping safe - fire safety / Physical Development
Moving and handling -Tracing (fine motor skills) threading, moving like mini beasts.
Health and self-care -
Health and hygiene / Physical Development
Moving and handling -Tweezering seeds, weeding.
Health and self-care - keeping healthy, eating healthily.
Personal & Social Development
Making relationships -working with new adults, talking about relationships within families
Self-confidence and self-awareness -Similarities/ differences between them and others.
Managing feelings and behaviour - Adapting to schools golden rules, Understanding their own feelings and others. Understanding behaviours expected on visit to the post office. / Personal & Social Development
Making relationships -taking turns and waiting - role play and listening to others.
Self-confidence and self-awareness -Talking about own celebrations, joining in with KS1 play and Christmas service.
Managing feelings and behaviour -
Learning to wait during Christmas play rehearsal. / Personal & Social Development
Making relationships -listening to others, sharing toys, respecting others views.
Self-confidence and self-awareness -talking about special toys and favourite toys.
Managing feelings and behaviour -respecting others views about toys, sharing toys. / Personal & Social Development
Making relationships -
Role play, making friends with a dragon,
Self-confidence and self-awareness -Talking about their favourite fairy tale stories, characters.
Managing feelings and behaviour -talking about things they are scared of (dragons) / Personal & Social Development
Making relationships -
Role play - bug investigation
Self-confidence and self-awareness -exploring mini beasts, looking at different mini beasts.
Managing feelings and behaviour - behaviour when handling living things. / Personal & Social Development
Making relationships - role play in the garden centre.
Self-confidence and self-awareness -speaking about their experiences of gardening.
Managing feelings and behaviour -safety in the garden
Stories – Starting School (Janet and Alan Allberg)
The Good Mood Hunt
Poetry – Using the senses.
Non-Fiction – recipe books - healthy recipes
Information books about our bodies / Literacy:
Stories – The Jolly Christmas Postman
Various celebration stories
Poetry – Bonfire night poetry, poems for Christmas cards.
Non-Fiction – information books about the different celebrations. / Literacy:
Stories – Dogger, Just like Jasper, Shirley Hughes books (Little Bear etc)
Poetry – describing toys
Non-Fiction – materials of toys - information books / Literacy:
Stories –Fairy Tales, The worst Princess, Dragon school, Castle adventure, The Princess and the Dragon (story sack), The Littlest Dragon.
Non-Fiction – information texts about castles. Recounts - visit to a castle. / Literacy:
Stories –The Bad tempered Ladybird, The Hungry Caterpillar (Story Sack)
Poetry –Mad about Mini beasts - descriptive writes about mini beasts.
Non-Fiction – information books about mini beasts - writing a class one and then an individual book. / Literacy:
Stories – Oliver’s Vegetables, Oliver’s Fruit Salad, Jaspers Beanstalk
Poetry – If I was a Gardner
Non-Fiction – Writing bean dairy, recounts of visiting a garden.
Number - more and less, ordering, formation, recognition. Odd and even numbers
Shape, space and measure -
2D shapes
Height / Mathematics:
Number - more and less, ordering, formation, recognition.
Shape, space and measure -
3D shape - parcels
Time - calendars.
Repeating patterns. / Mathematics:
Number-totals of toys in toy boxes, more and less in toy boxes, making a total of five. Investigating with toy trains etc.
Shape, space and measure
Symmetry of a robot
Position and direction
Ordering heights of Russian dolls
Money - paying for toys / Mathematics:
Number-adding and subtracting - dragon eggs, counting on along a number track
Shape, space and measure
Repeating patterns in castles
Shapes in castles - making pictures of castles, making 3D models of castles
Capacity / Mathematics:
Number- sharing mini beasts on leaves, repeated addition of the same groups
Doubling - spots on ladybirds,
Finding totals of 10.
Shape, space and measure
Measuring worms,
Time - link with bad tempered ladybird book and hungry caterpillar book / Mathematics:
Numbers -sharing seeds, sharing flowers, fruit and veg problem solving, counting repeated groups of the same numbers. Estimating numbers
Shape, Space and measures
Capacity - measuring water. Measuring beanstalks, weighing fruit and veg.
Understanding the World
People - what we like to do and how other people might like to do other things. What were you like when you were a baby?
World - changes in our selves,life cycles
Technology - creating pictures of our faces, pictograms about our favourite foods. / Understanding the World
People - understanding own celebrations and those of other communities and traditions.
World - finding places around the world on maps, understanding different festivals in different places.
Technology - bonfire night pictures, remembrance day art, designing Christmas pictures, rangoli patterns / Understanding the World
People - exploring toys that their grown-ups played with - differences and reasons for these, exploring toys around the world.
World - materials toys are made from - reasons they are chosen, toys that make a noise and colour. Investigating changing the speed/ direction of toy cars.