2001FBLA Principles and ProceduresPage 1

Question / Answer A / Answer B / Answer C / Answer D
1. FBLA involves nearly ______members in 13,000 chartered chapters in the United States, Puerto Rico, Bermuda, and the Department of the Defense Schools worldwide. / 200,000 / 250,000 / 210,000 / 180,000
2. The first FBLA State Chapter was ______. / Florida / Wisconsin / Iowa / Ohio
3. Which of the following people is the 1999-2000 FBLA National President? / Jr. Calton / Mary Wilson / Mark Dundon / Sunny Bergeron
4. Which of the following people is the President and CEO of FBLA-PBL? / Jean Buckley / Edward Miller / Glenn Morris / Lisa Frye
5. The 2001 National Leadership Conference will be held in which city? / Long Beach, California / Chicago, Illinois / Orlando, Florida / Washington, DC
6. Each of the following people is the 1999-2000 FBLA National Parliamentarian? / Dan Sikora / Ashley Thirkill / Courtney Owen / Marlena Sweeney
7. The FBLA-PBL National Center is located where? / Reston, VA / Washington, DC / Baltimore, MD / Arlington, VA
8. When will the term of office begin for a National Officer? / At the close of the National Leadership Conference in which they were elected / At the beginning of the new school year / At the beginning of the National Fall Leadership Conferences / Immediately upon election
9. The official colors of FBLA-PBL are ______. / navy blue, and yellow / red,white, and blue / blue and gold / red and black
10. Proposed amendments to the bylaws shall be submitted in writing by local or state chapters or by a national officer to the association president and chief executive officer by no later than ______. / April 15 / May 15 / March 1 / April 1
11. In debate, each member has the right to speak ______on a motion. / Twice / once / three times / four times
12. What is the new pilot event at the National Conference this year? / Chapter Website / Networking Concepts / Emerging Business Issues / Word Processing
13. Parliamentary Procedure is named after ______. / Edward D. Miller / Dorothy L. Travis / Lorraine Missling / Hamden Forkner
14. The source for official FBLA resources, emblematic items, publications, and study materials is the ______. / FBLA-PBL Store / FBLA-PBL MarketPlace / Incentives for Industry / FBLA-PBLResourceCenter
15. The FBLA-PBL Chairman of the Board of Directors is ______. / Debora Gabor / Betty Mudd / Bobbie Timmermann / Jean Buckley
16. The Gold Seal Award of Merit is named after ______. / Edward D. Miller / Hamden Forkner / Hollis and Kitty Guy / Dorothy Travis
17. The deadline for entries to The Winner’s Circle is ______/ April 1 / April 15 / March 1 / May 17, 2000
18. FBLA-PBL is divided into ______administrative regions. / Four / five / six / seven
19. The three words on the FBLA and PBL emblems are / Service, Education, and Leadership. / Service, Leadership, and Prosperity. / Service, Education, and Progress. / Progress, Leadership, and Education.
20. Which of the following is NOT an official publication of FBLA-PBL? / Tomorrow’s Business Leader / FBLA Adviser’s Hotline / Business Leaders of Tomorrow / The PBL Business Leader
21. Who is the 1999-2000 PBL National President? / Sunny Bergeron / J.R. Parsons / Jr. Calton / Alisha Steere
22. With the exception of the three division presidents and ex-officio members, the term of office for members of the Board of Directors is ______. / 1 year / 2 years / 4 years / 3 years
23. Who is the Professional Division National President? / Lisa Stephenson / Lori Schirpke / Dennis Garrow / Betty Penzner
24. The land for the FBLA-PBL national center was purchased through a grant from the / General Motors Corporation. / Conrad Hilton Foundation. / McDonald’s Corporation. / Ford Motor Company Foundation.
25. A local chapter with 50 members would be entitled to how many local voting delegates? / Two / Three / Four / Five
26. Which four cities will next year’s National Fall Leadership Conferences be held? / Houston, TX; Milwaukee, WI; Louisville, KY; Denver, CO / Milwaukee, WI; Pittsburgh, PA; Louisville, KY; Denver, CO / Rochester, NY; Milwaukee, WI; Louisville, KY; Houston, TX / Denver, CO; Madison, WI; Louisville, KY; Washington, DC
27. FBLA-PBL Week is held each year during the month of ______. / November / March / February / May
28. What is FBLA-PBL’s official parliamentary authority? / Robert’s Rules of Order / Robert’s Rules of Order-Newly Revised / The Chapter Management Handbook / The Meeting Guide
29. What is the first stanza of the FBLA-PBL Creed? / “I believe that education is the right of every man.” / “I believe that education is the right of every person.” / “I believe that education is important.” / “I believe that education should be free.”
  1. What is the name of the program offered in conjunction with the National Leadership Conference that is offered to national, state, and local FBLA-PBL officers, members, and advisers for Leadership Development and Training?
/ Management Series 2000 / Institute for Leaders / Leadership Training 2000 / The Institute
  1. Which national Rent-A-Car company offers special discounts to FBLA-PBL members?
/ Budget / Hertz / Alamo / Enterprise
  1. What are the three categories of competitive events?
/ Individual, Group, and Chapter / Chapter, Member, and Team / Individual, Team, and Chapter / Group, Member, and Team
  1. What is the toll-free number for the FBLA-PBLNationalCenter?
/ 1-800-FBLA-Lead / 1-800-FBLA-Win / 1-800-FBLA-PBL / 1-800-FBLA-Biz
  1. What is the official national website address?
/ / / /
  1. Should Sunny Bergeron, the FBLA National President, become unable to fulfill her duties, the Vice President from which region would resume her position?
/ Mountain Plains Region Vice President J.R. Parsons / Southern Region Vice President Mary Wilson / Eastern Region Vice President Dan Sikora / Western Region Vice President Beth Bransford
  1. Where was the first FBLA local chapter organized?
/ Knoxville, TN / Cedar Rapids, IA / Johnson City, TN / Miami, FL
  1. FBLA Middle level membership is open to students in what grades?
/ 9-12 / 7-12 / 8-9 / 5-9
  1. What group of individuals establishes the policies by which FBLA-PBL, Inc. is managed?
/ FBLA-PBL National Staff / FBLA-PBL National Officers / FBLA-PBL Board of Directors / FBLA-PBL National Advisory Council
  1. What is the minimum number of members required to start a new/reactivated chapter in FBLA?
/ 5 / 3 / 4 / 2
  1. In order to qualify for participation in the competitive events program for FBLA, dues must be received in the NationalCenter by what date?
/ April 1 / March 1 / April 15 / March 15
  1. What is the name of the nationally endorsed fundraising program developed especially for “cookie-loving” FBLA-PBL chapters?
/ Otis Spunkmeyer, Inc. / Champions Challenge / Mission Lift / World’s Finest Chocolate
  1. What three schools provide scholarships to qualified FBLA members?
/ Johnson & Wales, UCLA, and Culver-Stockton / Johnson &Wales, Culver-Stockton, and Northwood / Johnson & Wales, Culver-Stockton, and Harvard / Johnson & Wales, UCLA, and Harvard
  1. When is American Enterprise Day?
/ November 15 / November 1 / February 15 / October 20
  1. What is the cost of Lifetime membership in the Professional Division?
/ $250 / $500 / $350 / $400
  1. What is the membership cut off date, for members to be eligible for the special complimentary magazine offer?
/ December 1 / December 15 / October 20 / November 1
  1. The chapter officer that presides over and conducts meetings is typically the ______.
/ Secretary / President / Treasurer / Parliamentarian
  1. The chapter officer that assists the president in the discharge of duties and presides at meetings in the absence of the president is typically the ______.
/ President / Vice President / Secretary / Treasurer
  1. The chapter officer that prepares and reads the minutes of meetings is typically the ______.
/ President / Vice President / Secretary / Treasurer
  1. How much are the FBLA national dues?
/ $10 / $9 / $7 / $6
  1. How many days prior to the start of the NLC must voting delegates be certified?
/ 15 days / 20 days / 30 days / 25 days
  1. Of the following, who serves as an ex-officio, nonvoting member of the National Executive Council?
/ National Parliamentarian / National Secretary / President and Chief Executive Officer / Any National Vice President
  1. The National President serves as a member of the National Board of Directors for ______.
/ three years / two years / one year / one year or until his/her successor is elected or appointed
  1. Amendments to the FBLA National Bylaws cannot be proposed by ______.
/ the National Parliamentarian / any national vice president / local chapters / local members
  1. Of the following national officers, which is NOT elected at a general session of the FBLA National Leadership Conference ______.
/ Vice President / President / Secretary / Treasurer
  1. The quorum for all business meetings of the FBLA National Leadership Conference is
/ a majority of the registered voting delegates. / a majority of the voting delegates present at any general session. / two-thirds of the registered voting delegates. / determined by the National Executive Council at each NLC.
  1. There are ______specific goals listed in the FBLA bylaws.
/ Seven / eight / nine / none of these
  1. One of the specific goals of FBLA-PBL is to
/ develop aggressive business skills. / develop competent, aggressive business leadership. / develop leadership skills. / develop confidence and business leadership skills.
  1. DODDS Europe is located in which Region?
/ Southern / Eastern / Western / North Central
  1. The fiscal year of Future Business Leaders of America shall be ______.
/ June 1-May 31 / August 1 – July 31 / July 1 – June 30 / January 1-December 31
  1. Each local chapter of FBLA shall have an adviser who ______.
/ is teaching a business class / is teaching a business or business-related class / employed by the school district / lives in the school district
  1. For adoption, action by mail shall require a ______vote of the members eligible to vote, and shall be recorded in the minutes of the next regular meeting.
/ three-fourths vote / two-thirds vote / majority vote / plurality vote
  1. To be nominated, candidates for FBLA national office must be approved by the
/ Board of Directors. / Officer Screening Committee. / National Executive Council. / President and Chief Executive Officer.
  1. Which of the following is NOT a chapter activity category?
/ Fundraising / Social / Service / Professional
  1. To install the local secretary, which color candle should be used?
/ Green / Red / Blue / Yellow
  1. Which city will host the 2002 FBLA National Leadership Conference?
/ Nashville, TN / Dallas, TX / Orlando, FL / Washington, DC
  1. Which of the following organization’s 1999-2000 slogan is, “Be a Hero!”
/ Tourette’s Syndrome / The American Cancer Society / The March of Dimes / The Ronald McDonald House
  1. How many times is Tomorrow’s Business Leader published every year?
/ 3 / 4 / 5 / 0
  1. Which educational program teaches students the “ins and outs” of the stock market by giving them a fictional $500,000 account to invest in equities and other options?
/ Economics for Leaders / Investment Challenge / Connecting Chapters / Stock Market Challenge
  1. Professional Division membership is open to
/ postsecondary students pursuing degrees in business or business-related fields. / only alumni of FBLA-PBL. / all individuals interested in promoting the goals established by the association. / only FBLA members.
  1. Who is the founder of FBLA-PBL?
/ Edward D. Miller / Hamden L. Forkner / Dorothy L. Travis / Hollis & Kitty Guy
  1. In 1946, who assumed sponsorship of FBLA?
/ The United Business Education Association / Hamden L. Forkner / The Council for Economics / None of the above
  1. The first PBL Chapter was ______.
/ the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater / the University of Northern Iowa / HarvardUniversity / Johnson and WalesUniversity
  1. FBLA-PBL was granted independent status as a nonprofit educational association in what year?
/ 1960 / 1942 / 1969 / 1975
  1. The Alumni Division (now known as the Professional Division) was established in what year?
/ 1979 / 1980 / 1985 / 1989
  1. What does ACTE stand for?
/ The Association of Community and Technology Education / The Association for Career and Technical Education / The Association for Community Service and Technological Advancements for Education / None of the above
  1. When was the FBLA-Middle Level Division established?
/ 1998 / 1994 / 1985 / 1980
  1. In what year was the grand opening of the FBLA-PBL national headquarters held?
/ 1989 / 1991 / 1980 / 1985
  1. What is the street address for the FBLA-PBL National Headquarters?
/ 1910 Association Drive / 1912 Association Drive / 1908 Association Drive / 1900 Association Drive
  1. What is the office multimedia company that assists in the staging, scripts, and lighting during the National Fall Leadership Conferences and the National Leadership Conference?
/ PRC, Inc. / PDC Multimedia, Inc. / ABC Productions / None of the above
  1. Pending questions from the last meeting are called ______.
/ Old Business / New Business / Unfinished Business / General Orders
  1. What happens in the case of a tie vote?
/ The motion passes / The motion is lost / No action can be taken / None of the above
  1. There are ______classes of motions.
/ 3 / 2 / 4 / 5
  1. Point of order means
/ to bring an immediate vote on one or more pending questions, thereby ending debate. / to call attention to a violation of parliamentary procedure. / to discuss the merits of a motion. / to close the meeting when no motion is pending and there is no further business.
  1. What does the LIFT stand for in the March of Dimes Mission LIFT program?
/ Leading into the FBLA Team / Leadership into the Future Team / Leading into the Future, Together / Leadership Incentives for Tomorrow
  1. How many Business Plan reports are selected each year to make oral presentations at the National Leadership Conference?
/ A maximum of 5 / A maximum of 10 / All entries submitted make oral presentations / A maximum of 15
  1. How many new members must an FBLA member recruit in order to win a Membership Madness Award?
/ At least three new members / At least four new members / At least five new members / At least one new member
  1. Who sponsors the FBLA Distinguished Business Leader Scholarship?
/ Wal*Mart / JC Penney / Best Buy / Kohl’s
  1. In what year did the PBL members approve an increase of $1 to their national dues to be used to develop a scholarship fund?
/ 1990 / 1999 / 1995 / 1998
  1. Which National Program encourages FBLA-PBL chapters to team up with other chapters to leverage their potential for success?
/ Economics for Leaders / In Praise of Age / Connecting Chapters / Go for the Gold
  1. When is Adviser Appreciation Day?
/ November 15 / The first week of October / The first Wednesday in April / Wednesday of FBLA Week.
  1. FBLA Week coincides each year with
/ National Vocational Education Week. / American Enterprise Day. / Vocational Student Organization Month. / Community Service Month.
  1. NOT counting front and back covers, the maximum number of pages allowed for the Local Chapter Annual Business Report competitive event is
/ twenty. / twenty-five. / thirty. / there is no limit for the number of pages.
  1. In electing national officers, how many rounds of voting takes place before the candidate receiving the lowest number of votes is dropped from the ballot?
/ One / Two / Three / Four
  1. The FBLA-PBL Board of Directors is composed of
/ educators, business leaders, and division presidents. / educators, business leaders, and state chapter presidents. / business leaders, state chairmen, and division presidents. / educators, state chairmen, and division presidents.
  1. How many national officers may be elected from the same state chapter in the same year?
/ One / Two / Three / No limit
  1. Which of the following is NOT a goal of FBLA-PBL?
/ Encourage and practice efficient money management / Promote the adoption of free enterprise around the world / Strengthen the confidence of students in themselves and their work / Encourage scholarship and promote school loyalty
  1. Which of the following items is NOT considered business attire for males according to the official FBLA-PBL Dress Code?
/ Business suit / Dress shoes / Necktie / Denim
  1. In order for a state to be issued an FBLA state chapter charter, there must be how many active local chapters?
/ Three / Five / Ten / One
  1. In what year was the postsecondary division, Phi Beta Lambda created?
/ 1945 / 1950 / 1958 / 1970
  1. Candidates for National Office
/ do not have to have held or hold an elective local or state office. / have to hold or have held an elective local or state office. / may be graduating seniors. / None of the above