Lesson Seven


2 KINGS (PG. 373)

740 BC


16:2fWhen Ahaz became king of Judah, he sacrificed his ______to the god Molech.

17:5fAssyria laid siege to ______, the capital of the northern kingdom of Israel for ______years. Then they ______the Israelites to ______.

17:13Had God warned them to turn from their sins? ______How? ______

17:16fTheir sins were that they worshipped calves and the goddess ____, also all the ______hosts, also the god ______. They sacrificed their ______and ______, practiced ______and ______.

720 BC

17:23They are ______there. That means they were never heard from again. They became known as the lost tribes of Israel.

17:24Samaria was settled with people from how many foreign cities? ______

17:33Although they worshiped the ______, they also worshiped their own ______. As a result, they actually did not worship the ______nor adhere to his decrees. (During the time of Jesus, the Samaritans, descendants of these people, were despised, and good Jews would not even walk through their province, although it was in the middle of Palestine and separated Judah in the south from Galilee in the north where Jesus lived.)

NAHUM (PG. 906)

720 BC

1:1fGod warned ______, the capital of Assyria, that he will avenge their destruction of Israel.

3:4Assyria had enslaved peoples of other nations by her ______.

ISAIAH (PG. 663)

With the northern kingdom now in permanent exile, never to return,

God turns his attention to trying to save the southern kingdom of Judah through Isaiah.

1:16f______and make yourselves ______....Though your sins are like ______, they shall be as ______as snow.

5:13The people will go into captivity some day because they have no ______of God's Word.

5:20Today, many people call ______good, and good ______.

7:14A prophecy of Jesus: The ______will be with child and will give birth to a ______and will call him ______(meaning, God with us). This was fulfilled in Matthew 1:22-25, pg. 934.


9:6Another prophecy of Jesus: "Unto us a ______is born, to us a ______is given....called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty ______, Everlasting ______, ______of end. He will reign on ______throne ______.

10:22Even though the people of Judah will be taken captive by a foreigner, a ______shall return to Jerusalem.

14:12fThe morning star fell from heaven. (Morning Star in Hebrew is Lucifer.) Why? Because he said he would raise his ______above God, and make himself like the Most ______. (This is why Satan was cast out of heaven. He is still trying to become our God. More on this in other scriptures.)

28:13To learn of the word of God is to do and do, and study rule on ______, a ______here, a ______there. Just keep plugging along.

29:13The sin of Judah was that the people honored God with the ______, but their ______were far from him. Their worship was made up only of ______taught by ______. If this can bring down a nation, could it bring down ours? ______

The following is duplicated in 2 Kings. We will follow it in Isaiah.

36:1fIn the ______year of the reign of King ______, the king of Assyria, who had already taken the northern kingdom captive, attacked all the fortified cities of ______and captured them. Then he went to capture ______.

37:5fWhen King Hezekiah sent word to Isaiah, Isaiah told them they should not be ______....The King of Assyria will return to his ______country where he will be ______.

38:1Some time later, Hezekiah became ______and was at the point of ______.

38:5Isaiah told him God heard his ______and would add ______years to his life.

39:7Isaiah also told Hezekiah that some of his own ______will be taken away to serve the king of ______.

40:22Here is a remarkable scientific fact that was not known for centuries after this. Isaiah declared that God is above the ______of the earth during a time when people thought the earth was flat. Another proof the Bible is from God and not man!

43:16Another scientific fact not known then: There is a way through the ______, a path. Modern mariners follow these paths; they are charted on their maps of the ocean.

44:28Even though Isaiah says Judah will be taken captive by the Babylonians, he prophesies a future foreign king yet unborn who will allow Jerusalem and the temple to be rebuilt. What is this future king's name? ______


53:5fIn Isaiah's touching prediction of the death of Jesus, the ultimate King, he says, "He was ______for our his ______we are ______....yet he did not open his ______....He was assigned a grave [execution] with the ______, and with the rich in his death [burial]."

59:2What separates us from God? ______

62:2Who besides the Jews will be considered righteous before God? ______


700 BC

21:3After King Hezekiah died, his son Manasseh erected altars to ______and made ______poles. He also bowed down to ______. Even in the temple he erected altars to the ______. He also sacrificed his own ______, and practiced ______and ______, and consulted ______and ______. He even put an Asherah pole where? ______

How much of this do you see going on in our country today? ______

MICAH (PG. 899)

700 BC

5:2A prophecy about Jesus. Out of what town will a ruler of Israel come some day? ______He will be from ______times (the footnote says days of eternity). Where was Jesus born (Matthew 2:1, pg. 934)? ______

6:11fWhat were three sins that caused God to destroy Israel? ______, ______, ______.


1:4Zephaniah warns ______of punishment for her sins.

2:4Zephaniah warns ______, capital of the Philistines, of punishment for her sins.

2:12Zephaniah warns ______in the upper Nile region of punishment for her sins.

2:13Zephaniah warns ______of punishment for her sins.

3:15Although Judah will be punished, God will eventually take away her ______.


640 BC

22:5When King Josiah was 26, possibly as a result of Jeremiah's preaching, he ordered the ______be repaired.

22:8What had been lost that the workers found? ______

23:10In the Valley of Ben ______people used to sacrifice their children in the ______to the god Molech. NOTE: Hell is from the Greek word, Hinnom.

23:36How old was Jehoiakim when he became king? ______


DANIEL (PG. 855)

610 BC

1:3fWhen King Jehoiakim was 28 years old (see 1:1), King Nebuchadnezzar in Babylon ordered handsome and intelligent young ______, captives from Judah, to be taught the Babylonian ______and ______.

1:6Among the best were D______, S______, M______, and A______.

2:36fKing Nebuchadnezzar dreamed about a great statue and only Daniel could interpret his dream. The gold head represented Nebuchadnezzar. The silver chest represented a succeeding kings after him who will be weaker. The king represented by the bronze will ______over the ______earth. Then a fourth king will be as strong as ______. A fifth kingdom will be of mixed peoples.

2:44During the time of the fifth kingdom, God will set up a kingdom that will ______be destroyed.

2:48Daniel was made governor over the entire province of ______, and placed in charge of all the ______men.


24:1During the reign of King Jehoiakim, Nebuchaddnezzar king of ______invaded Judah, and Jehoikim became his vassal (puppet king).


600 BC

1:5Does an unborn baby have a soul that is recognized by God? ______

11:13How bad had Judah gotten? They had as many gods as ______and as many altars as ______.

19:9Because they had forsaken God, some day the people of Jerusalem will actually eat the flesh of their ______during the siege by foreign enemies.

20:2As a result of these prophecies of doom, Jeremiah was put in ______at the gate of Benjamin near the temple.

22:26Jeremiah prophesied the exile of King's Jehoiakim and his ______, and they would die in a foreign land.

36:9fWhen King Jehoiakim was 30, years old Jeremiah's assistant read Jeremiah's warnings from a scroll in the ______.

36:23Then it was read to the king. But whenever ______or ______columns were read, the king would ______them off and throw them into the ______. Do we tend to do such as this when we read something in the Bible we don't want it to say? ______



1:6God decided to raise up the ______to power, even though they were wicked.

1:13"But, God, why do you ______evil people?" Habakkuk asks.

2:8It's like a boomerang. Those they plunder will turn around and ______them.


24:10During the reign of Jehoiachin, Nebuchadnezzar returned and laid siege to ______.

24:13fHe took all the treasures and gold from the ______and royal ______, and he carried into exile all ______except the ______people.

24:18Who became the next puppet king? ______


590 BC

This book is almost all symbolic. The symbolism represents the downfall of Jerusalem,

which Ezekiel explains to the early exiles in Babylon. Even there they continued to

worship idols and commit sins forbidden by the Law of Moses.

1:2When did Ezekiel begin to prophecy? ______

2:3The Jews still had not repented. So God sent Ezekiel to them, calling them ______.

11:19fSome day God will return the Jews to their land and remove their ______of stone and replace it with a ______of flesh. then they will follow God's ______and carefully keep God's ______. How can we know what God's laws are? ______

24:18So that Ezekiel would understand the pain God had watching his wife, the Israelites, destroyed, he caused Ezekiel's ______to die.

28:13fWho is God talking about that was in the garden of Eden (v. 13), was a guardian angel (v.14), was blameless but became wicked (v. 15), was expelled by God (v. 16), and some day he will come to a horrible end and be no more? [Hint: Look at Isaiah 14:12-15 (KJV), pg. 676, and Luke 10:18, pg. 1006) ______

33:11God has no pleasure in the death of the ______; instead he wants them to ______and ______. "Why will you die?" God asks; he always gives us a way out.

37:24f______will some day be their king and one shepherd, and shall be their prince ______.

This book ends with instructions on rebuilding the temple some day.


25:11fJeremiah told the people of Jerusalem that, although they will be taken captive to Babylon, after ______years they will be freed.

26:7fWho seized Jeremiah in the temple shouting that he must die? ______and ______.

26:17Who saved Jeremiah from death? ______of the land (political leaders).

27:12fJeremiah sent word to King Zedekiah to give in and submit to the ______of Babylon. "Why will you...die?...Do not listen to the prophets who say 'You will ______serve Babylon,' for they are prophesying ______."