‘Endless Summer’Exhibition 2013-14

AnExhibition of Artworks by Members of Jervis Bay & Basin Arts Inc

Entry Due: 24 November 2013

Exhibition Dates:14th December 2013 - 12th January 2014

Venue: Vera Hatton Gallery, Lady Denman Heritage Complex

Fees:$15 entry per item. 15% Commission on sales. A further entry fee is payable if you replace an item during the course of the exhibition.

ENTRY FORM Please print clearly – we use this information on labels

Artist's Name:
Home: / Business: / Mobile:
Payment: / Cheque Mastercard Visa credit cards only
Direct BSB 112-879 Acc 065453123 (not debit cards)
(Reference to include Surname + ES) Amount :
Card No. / Expiry: / /

All exhibitors must be financial Members and must be prepared to supervise the exhibition

Is your Membership paid up until 31 March 2015 [Please circle]YES NO

Membership forms are available on the website [

Up to three (3) artworks may be entered with SMALL grouped works classed asone (1)entry See item 5 p2 for definition. Works are expected to be recent, preferably not over 2 years old.

Please provide a sentence for each work describing how it fits the theme of Endless Summer (MS word).

1 / Title: / Medium:
Size: / cm (W) cm (H) / Sale Price: / [including 15% JBBArts commission]
2 / Title: / Medium:
Size: / cm (W) cm (H) / Sale Price: / [including 15% JBBArts commission]
3 / Title: / Medium:
Size: / cm (W) cm (H) / Sale Price: / [including 15% JBBArts commission]

You will be expected to supervise the exhibition for at least 2 shifts and this will be organized on or before “drop off day”. If you are having your artwork delivered by someone else please give them the information to pass on, or phone the Roster Manager. Please remember that the success of the exhibition depends on your help and if there are no volunteer supervisors the exhibition cannot open.

NB. Read Conditions of Entry carefully as submission of entry form signifies acceptance of these conditions. Please note that conditions may vary from previous exhibitions


to: JervisBay and Basin Arts, PO Box 207 Vincentia NSW 2540

or via email to

A Group Exhibition of artworks by members of Jervis Bay and Basin Arts Inc.

Date:14thDecember 2013 to 12thJanuary 2014

Gallery Space:Vera Hatton Gallery, Lady Denman Heritage Complex

Entry Fee$15 per work (replacement works also attract a $15 fee).

Payment via chq, Mastercard, Visa (no debit cards) or direct deposit - details on entry form

Requirements:All artists must be financial members of JervisBay and Basin Arts Inc. and at least 16 years old. Up to 3 artworks may be entered. 3 small grouped works may be classed as one entry depending on size and subject. Works are expected to be less than 2 years old.

Exhibiting artists must supervise the exhibition for at least two shifts during the time it is on.


  1. Entries in any style, any medium
  2. Up to three [3] entries per artist.
  3. All works to be fully labelled: artist's name, address, phone number, title of work, medium, price.
  4. 2D works MUST be fitted with D rings, and NO wet paintings will be accepted.3D works to be of a weight easily lifted.
  5. Small works [3 to be grouped as one entry] must be no greater than 1200cm2 in area [i.e. 30cm x 40cm, 60cm x 20cm, 34cm x 34cm or other equivalent measurement] and the works must have a common theme so that they can be hung as one work. These measurements include mounts and frames.
  6. The theme for the exhibition is “Endless Summer” which can be interpreted in any way by the artist. Please provide a sentence describing how each work meets the theme – this will be displayed along with the artwork information. If not provided with the entry form, please email to by 24th Nov 2013.
  7. Payment: entry fee of $15 per work with cheques made out to full title 'JervisBay and Basin Arts Inc. - no initials. Visa/Mastercard credit cards only. Direct deposit reference “ESumm and surname, initial”.
  8. Delivery and collection of works are the artist's responsibility. Neither Jervis Bay and Bay Arts Inc. nor the Lady Denman Heritage Complex can take responsibility for storing works beyond the end of the exhibition.
  9. By entering Artists give permission for works to be reproduced in whole or in part for publicity for JervisBay and Basin Arts Inc. and therefore waive copyright for this purpose.
  10. Artworksmust be recent, preferably not over 2 years old.
  11. The Committee will try to hang all works but in some circumstances may have to select entries – an entry fee refund will apply.
  12. The Exhibition Coordinator will make all final decisions re what will be exhibited based on these conditions of entry with JBBArts reserving the right to refuse to exhibit any work on any grounds.


1.Sales will be recorded and receipted by Exhibition Minders [rostered JervisBay and Basin Arts Inc. Members].

  1. Sold works may be left until the end of the exhibition. However the work may be taken by the purchaser and replaced with a similarly sized work by the artist. The artist must pay a $15 entry fee for each replacement work.
  2. The artist has the responsibility for arranging for the purchaser to collect the work at the end of the exhibition, or to deliver work to the purchaser.
  3. All sale money will be initially paid to JervisBay and Basin Arts Inc. The Treasurer will pay the artist the requisite sum minus 15% commission within a reasonable period after the close of the exhibition.


  1. For reasons of public liability/personal accident insurance all exhibitors must be financial members of JervisBay and Basin Arts Inc.
  2. Insurance of the work is the responsibility of the artist. While all care will be taken, no responsibility will be accepted by the Committee.



1.JervisBay and Basin Arts Inc. mustprovide Exhibition Minders from 10am to 4pm each day the exhibition is open. Therefore exhibiting artists are expected to supervise the exhibition for at least two shifts. You will be asked to finalise the days and times you will be available to “exhibition sit” when you drop your artwork off on December 12th.

2. If you organise someone else to drop off your work, please give them your roster information to pass on to the exhibition team.

3.If you are unable to fulfill your rostered shift you are expected to organise a replacement – you will be given a copy of the roster with contact numbers. Please organize a standby/ replacement person in advance to cover your shifts in case you are unable to fulfill your turn on the roster. Staff at the Lady Denman cannot cover the Exhibition. If the shifts are not covered, the Gallery cannot be opened. This affects JBBArts Inc’s reputation in the community and results in loss of sales for Members.

4. If you cannot cover your nominated shift and cannot find a replacement, you are urged to contact a member of the Exhibition Team as soon as possible on or before the day.


Electronic entry is encouraged. Fill in page 1 of this form and email to Include your artist’s statement(s) about the work(s) and artist’s profile as attachments. You also have the option to send an image of your work for use in the catalogue. This should be a small image <100 KB. A high definition image can also be provided which will possibly be used forJBBArts promotional purposes.


A folder of exhibiting artists’ profiles will be on display throughout the exhibition to let both the “exhibition minders” and the visitors to the exhibition know more about the artists whose work is on display. This profile should contain information that you want the general public to know such as your background in art, whether you undertake commissions, run workshops, where else your art is available; and your contact details. Your information will be displayed in an A4 folder usually one A4 sheet per artist profile. This profile can also be added to the JBBArts website with a photo – see

You are encouraged to attach your profile to your entry form so that it can be placed in the existing Artists Profiles folder or email to


JBBArts is leasing the Vera Hatton Gallery from the Lady Denman complex. There will be no entry fee charged by Lady Denman staff for artists or visitors.

A gold coin donation can be made on entry to the Gallery to help cover costs and it is hoped that the Artists on the Supervision & Sales roster will encourage members of the public to donate.


Members are reminded that there are no storage facilities at Lady Denman for uncollected work.

Please arrange for someone to collect your work if you are unable to attend on the Collection Day – Monday 13January 2014.


Entry forms and fees dueSUNDAY24thNovember 2013

Works delivered to Lady DenmanTHURSDAY12thDecember 2013 between 10.30am and 3pm

Hanging DayFRIDAY13thDecember 2013 between 10.30am and 3pm

Opening to publicSATURDAY14thDecember 2013

Opening ceremonySATURDAY14thDecember 2013 between 2 and 4 pm

Closing daySUNDAY12thJanuary 2014

Pick up dayMONDAY13thJanuary2014 between 10.30am and 2.30pm

Contacts: Exhibition CoordinatorWayne Pryor0407 418 663

Exhibition Sitting RosterRonnie Kroon0408 409 152

JervisBay and Basin Arts Inc. Group Exhibition Entry Form Page 1