The Somerset Independent Schools Board of Education met for the Regular Monthly Board Meeting of the Somerset Independent School District at 305 College Street, Somerset, Kentucky, 42501 at 6:00 P.M. on the 12th day of February, 2013. The members of the Somerset Board of Education are as follows: (1.) Scott P. Gulock, Chairperson (2) Gretchen W. Cole, Vice-Chairperson (3) Sharon A. Brown, Member (4) Jeff L. Perkins, Member (5) Elaine A. Wilson, Member
I. Call To Order
A. Approve/Amend February 12, 2013, Board Meeting Agenda
02-13-01 Superintendent Randolph recommended to the board that they approve the February 12, 2013, Regular Monthly Board Meeting Agenda as presented. Sharon A. Brown made a motion to accept the recommendation of Superintendent Randolph. Gretchen W. Cole seconded the motion. The motion carried.
The following votes were recorded: Votes For: 5 Votes Against: 0
II. Recognitions
A. David Morris – Modern Systems, Inc., Operation Security Blanket
B. Hopkins Elementary School
Hopkins Elementary School Salutes for the Month of January 2013, for the word Optimism
Haley Combs, Kindergarten; Connor Roberts, Kindergarten
Kollin Neal, 1st Grade; Tori Robertson, 1st Grade
Lilly Watkins, 2nd Grade; Chanler Edwards, 2nd Grade
Emily Sears, 3rd Grade; Andrew Zafra, 3rd Grade
Noah Hines, 4th Grade; Andrew Flesher, 4th Grade
Mrs. Helen Ard, Hopkins Elementary School Custodian and Cook/Baker
Mrs. Jennifer Coldiron, Hopkins Elementary School 4th Grade Teacher
2013 Hopkins Elementary School 4th Grade Holiday Hoops Basketball Champions
Colton Correll, Camden Ryan, Logan Maynard, Landin New, Kannon Tucker Hagen Teague, Kade Grundy, Isaiah Coffey, Logan Watson
and Matthew Coffey
Robert Tucker, Coach; Michael Correll, Assistant Coach
Ryan Tucker, Assistant Coach
Josie Watkins – Community Service to the Homeless Animals of Somerset
C. Meece Middle School
Meece Middle School Character Salutes for the Month of January 2013, for the word Optimism
Riley Emerson, 5th Grade; Brooklyn Cowan, 6th Grade
Zoe Smith, 7th Grade; Omar Ortiz, 8th Grade
Mrs. Allison Gregg – Meece Middle School Counselor
Ms. Julie Back – 5th Grade Language Arts
D. Somerset High School
2013 Somerset High School All District Band
Kaleigh Hail, Macie Walker, Kaitlyn Acton, Ben Hargis, Brian Rutherford, Ensley Peters, Manny Peralta, and Carlee Roy.
2013 District Governor’s Scholars
Maci New, Braden McWilliams, Dustin Burkett, Hannah Burkett, Reza Katanbaf, and Will Lange
III. Communications
A. November 2012, SBDM Minutes
November 2012, approved SBDM Minutes were presented as informational items to the board for:
1. Hopkins Elementary School
2. Meece Middle School
3. Somerset High School
B. Gifted and Talented Report – Fonda Crawford
The Gifted and Talented Report was presented as an informational item to the board, by Fonda Crawford.
Section 1 – Data
· Current GT Student Report with State Comparison including new identification
Section 2 – Timeline
· GT Coordinator/Instructor Timeline of Duties
Section 3 – GT News
· EKU/NASA Project
o On January 11, 2013, four of our Middle School GT students attended a one day event at Eastern KY University as part of a NASA coordination. Students, with the assistance of Mr. Scott Dunn, built a solar oven and entered their project in competition. The students took part in a Teleconference with Astronauts aboard the International Space Station and attended Break Out sessions in math and Science. Students attending were: Alex Ham, Ella Corder, Jake Cothron and Patrick Oursler. Ms. Allison Gregg, school counselor, assisted in coordination of this event.
C. Review EXPLORE and PLAN Scores – Cindy Ham
A review of the EXPLORE and PLAN Scores was presented as an informational item to the board, by Cindy Ham. Due to the requirements of KDE, each district’s improvement plan must be submitted via an Advanc-Ed web-based program called ASSIST. This update will serve as the district improvement plan for the remainder of this school year and will be revised as necessary following the release of test scores in the fall of 2013.
D. Review Comprehensive District Improvement Plan and School Improvement Plans for Hopkins Elementary School, Meece Middle School, and Somerset High School
A review of the Comprehensive District Improvement Plan and School Improvement Plans for Hopkins Elementary School, Meece Middle School, and Somerset High School was presented as informational items to the board, by Cindy Ham. Due to the requirements of KDE, each district’s improvement plan must be submitted via an Advanc Ed web-based program called ASSIST. This update will serve as the district improvement plan for the remainder of this school year and will be revised as necessary following the release of test scores in the fall of 2013.
E. Communications from Citizens and Delegations
No citizens or delegations made a request to address the board.
IV. Superintendent’s Report
A. Employments
The following personnel actions have been taken by the Superintendent and are presented as information to the board between regular board meetings.
Employed Position Date
Brown, Jeremy Lee Rank III, Substitute Teacher 01/31/2013
Somerset Independent School District
Dick, Gerald Lee Custodian (Evening) 01/28/2013
Hopkins Elementary School
Hensley, Reginia Gail Classified Substitute 01/28/2013
Somerset Independent School District
Scott-Dane, Phyllis Jean Rank I, Substitute Teacher 01/28/2013
Somerset Independent School District
Taylor, Floyd Matthew Custodian (Evening) 02/04/2013
Somerset High School
Cogsdill, Randy From: Custodian (Evening) 01/28/2013
Somerset High School
To: Custodian (Day) 01/28/2013
Somerset High School
Jones, Libby From: Cook/Baker (4 hours per day) 01/02/2013
Meece Middle School
To: Cook/Baker (5 hours per day) 01/02/2013
Meece Middle School
Mallicoate, Kara From: Cook/Baker (4 hours per day) 01/02/2013
Meece Middle School
To: Cook/Baker (5 hours per day) 01/02/2013
Meece Middle School
Poynter, Lucas Edwin From: Custodian (Evening) 01/28/2013
Hopkins Elementary School
To: Maintenance Technician I 01/28/2013
Somerset Independent School District
B. 2012-2013 Extra Service Employments
The following personnel have been hired for Extra Service Extended Employment for the 2012-2013 school year.
Edwards, Jonathan – Somerset High School Freshman Boys’ Head Coach
C. Retirements/Dismissals/Resignations
The following personnel actions have been taken by the superintendent between regular board meetings and are presented as information to the board.
Name Date Position Resignations/Retirements/Dismissals
Buxton, Patrick 01/14/2013 Custodian Resignation
Somerset High School
Coffey, Brenda 02/01/2013 Food Service Manager Retirement
Hopkins Elementary School
Hall, Doris Jean 02/01/2013 Instructional Assistant I Retirement
Hopkins Elementary School
Harness, Marvin Kelly 02/04/2013 Instructional Assistant II Resignation
Somerset High School
D. Review Mid-Year Proficiency Progress Report
The mid-year proficiency progress report was presented as an informational item to the board, by Cindy Ham. For board review, staff members at all schools have reviewed their monthly proficiency measures for the first semester of the school year to gauge the pace of the curriculum for the second semester so that all required standards be taught and assessed by the end of the year or the state testing window if appropriate.
E. Porter Hopkins Elementary School Proficiency Progress Report
The Porter Hopkins Elementary School Proficiency Progress Report was presented as an informational item to the board for the following grade levels:
1. 1st Grade through 3rd Grade
2. 4th Grade
F. Meece Middle School Proficiency Progress Report
The Meece Middle School Proficiency Progress Report was presented as an informational item to the board for the following grade levels:
1. 5th Grade
2. 6th Grade
3. 7th Grade
4. 8th Grade
G. Somerset High School Proficiency Progress Report
The Somerset High School Proficiency Progress Report was presented to the board for the following grade levels:
1. 9-12 English
2. 9-12 Math
3. 9-12 Science
4. 9-12 Social Studies
5. 9-12 Supporting Subjects
V. Treasurer’s Report
A. Financial Statement, and January 2013 Balances
02-13-02 In accordance with KRS 424.220 it is necessary for the board to review and approve the
Financial Statement & Balance Sheet for January 2013. Superintendent Randolph recommended to the board that they approve the financial statement and balances for the month of January 2013. Gretchen W. Cole made a motion to accept the recommendation of Superintendent Randolph. Sharon A. Brown seconded the motion. The motion carried.
The following votes were recorded: Votes For: 5 Votes Against: 0
B. Current Bills
02-13-03 Superintendent Randolph recommended to the board that the current bills (February 2013 expenditures) be approved for payment. Sharon A. Brown made a motion to accept the recommendation of Superintendent Randolph. Elaine A. Wilson seconded the motion. The motion carried.
The following votes were recorded: Votes For: 5 Votes Against: 0
VI. Consent Items
02-13-04 Chairperson Gulock asked board members if there were any consent items to be brought out for discussion. Superintendent Randolph recommended that the board approve the Consent Items Agenda as presented. Elaine A. Wilson made a motion to accept the recommendation of Superintendent Randolph. Sharon A. Brown seconded the motion. The motion carried.
The following votes were recorded: Votes For: 5 Votes Against: 0
A. Board Meeting Minutes for January 2013
1. January 8, 2013, Regular Monthly Board Meeting
2. January 22, 2013, Special-Called Board Meeting
B. Review Policy 08.113 Graduation Requirements First Reading
To address the needs of students “at-risk” of dropping out of school, Mr. Wesley Cornett and an ad hoc committee on drop-out prevention at Somerset High School, respectfully request an amendment to Somerset Independent Board of Education Policy 08.113 Graduation Requirements. The amended portions (in red on the digital copy) would address this request.
(Note: I wanted to present Policy 08.113 as an alternative location for an alternative diploma program. We would therefore have one policy that address more than one set of requirements, as opposed to two graduation policies.)
Graduation Requirements
(Note: The following paragraph is original to the policy. It was originally located in another paragraph of this policy. I thought it may better serve us as the opening statement.)
The Board may grant different diplomas to those students who complete credits above the minimum number as established by the Kentucky Board of Education. In addition, the Board may award a diploma to a student posthumously indicating graduation with the class with which the student was expected to graduate.
Students must complete a minimum of twenty-five (25) credits and all other state and local requirements in order to graduate from Somerset High School.
Students shall complete an individual graduation/learning plan that incorporates emphasis on career development.
Unless they are exempted by the Kentucky Department of Education from accountability, students shall complete all parts of the state mandated accountability assessment before being considered for graduation.
Students that do not meet the college readiness benchmarks for English and language arts and/or mathematics shall take a transitional course or intervention before exiting high school.
The high school student handbook shall include complete details concerning specific graduation requirements.
Students must meet all graduation requirements in order to participate in the graduation ceremonies.
In keeping with statutory requirements, the District shall accept for credit toward graduation and completion of high school course requirements an advanced placement or a high school equivalent course taken by a student in grades 5, 6, 7, or 8 if that student attains performance levels expected of high school students in the District as determined by achieving a score of "3" or higher on a College Board Advanced Placement examination or a grade of "B" or better in a high school equivalent.2
(Note: the following is inserted to reflect the policy for alternative diploma issuance, based on the discussions held thus far.)
Alternative Graduation Diploma
1. Students who meet at-risk criteria (as defined by applicable law, regulation, and local policy will be eligible for the Alternative Diploma Program
2. A student may apply OR be referred to the program by a faculty member and the principal will refer the student to the Superintendent for approval in the Alternative Diploma program
3. When approval is granted, a counselor/administrator will meet with the student and create an Individualized Diploma Plan as a part of their diploma program which will consist of classes needed, school day schedule and delivery method(s).
4. 22 credits will be required to graduate within the alternative graduation diploma program
--students may graduate before their class is scheduled to do so
--students may have a shortened school day
--students will be allowed to participate in graduation activities on the same terms as other diploma candidates.
Other Provisions
The Board, Superintendent, Principal, or teacher may award special recognition to students.
High school diplomas shall be awarded to students with disabilities in compliance with applicable legal requirements.3
Graduation Exercises
Graduation exercises shall be held the first Friday following the last day of school for students.
Diplomas for Veterans
In keeping with statute and regulation, the Board shall award an authentic high school diploma to an honorably discharged veteran who did not complete high school prior to being inducted into the United States Armed Forces during World War II, the Korean conflict, or the Vietnam War.1
Graduation Requirements
1KRS 40.010
2KRS 158.622
3KRS 156.160; 20 U.S.C. sec. 1414
KRS 158.140; KRS 158.860; KRS 158.645; KRS 158.6451
013 KAR 002:020; 702 KAR 007:125; 703 KAR 004:060; 704 KAR 003:303; 704 KAR 003:305
704 KAR 003:340; 704 KAR 007:140;
OAG 78348; OAG 82386;
Kentucky Core Academic Standards
Related Policies:
08.1131; 08.113; 08.22; 09.126 (re requirements/exceptions for students from military families)
Adopted/Amended: 11/13/2012
Order #: 11-12-16
VII. New Business
A. Approve BG1 (pending KDE approval) for the Hopkins Elementary School Renovation Project, Phase II
02-13-05 Board of Education approval of the appropriate BG-1 is the required first formal step to complete Phase II of the Hopkins Elementary Renovation Project. Upon Board approval the BG-1 will be submitted to KDE for approval. Superintendent Randolph recommended that the board approve
(pending KDE approval) a BG-1 for the Hopkins Elementary Renovation Project (Phase II). Gretchen W. Cole made a motion to accept the recommendation of Superintendent Randolph. Elaine A. Wilson seconded the motion. The motion carried.