Curriculum Map 2017-2018 – Key Stage 3

Water Wing / Autumn Term / Spring Term / Summer Term
Autumn 1 / Autumn 2 / Spring 1 / Spring 2 / Summer 1 / Summer 2
English / Reading
Non-Fiction Based / Writing
Non- Fiction Based / Reading
Fiction Based / Writing
Fiction Based / Writing
Application of Skills Learnt / Writing &
Speaking & Listening
Maths / Maths - Number & Problem Solving 1 Weekly Lesson Focus Each Week
Working Towards Y1 ARE / Number & Place Value / Measurement – Time / Mass / Capacity / Number – Addition & Subtraction / Measurement – Money / Length / Geometry – Position & Direction/ / Properties of Shape / Measurement
Working Towards Y2/Y3 ARE / Number & Place Value / Measurement – Time / Mass / Capacity / Number – Addition & Subtraction / Measurement – Money / Length / Geometry – Position & Direction/ / Properties of Shape / Measurement
Science / Science - Students Working at Y2 (Towards Y3) ARE - Introduce Elements of Working Scientifically Across All Areas of Study
Everyday Materials / Animals Including Humans / Uses of Everyday Materials / Seasonal Changes / Plants / Living Things & Their Habitats
Art & Design / Artist Study –
Paul Klee / Artist Study –
Paul Klee
(& Christmas Art) / Sculpture –
Man Made Resources / Sculpture –
Natural Resources / Artist Study –
Jackson Pollock / Artist Study –
Picasso (Portraits)
Computing / Internet Safety / Uses of Technology / Algorithms / Using Technology to Create / Retrieve / Creating Simple Programmes / Debugging Simple Programmes
Design & Technology / Moving Vehicles
(Design & Make) / Moving Vehicles (Evaluation)
(& Christmas Linked DT) / Kite Making / Bridges
(London Bridge) / Edible Garden / Build a Birds Nest/ Insect Home
Geography / (Geographical Skills)
Fieldwork – Local Environment / (Human & Physical Geog)
Weather Patterns / Equator / (Locational Knowledge)
Continents & Oceans / (Geographical Skills)
Map Work / (Place Knowledge)
Brazil (Rio) & London Comparison / (Human & Physical Geog)
Human & Physical Features
History / (Changes in Living Memory)
Travel & Transport / (Changes in Living Memory)
Toys from the past and present / (Events Beyond Living Memory)
The First Aeroplane Flight / (Events Beyond Living Memory)
Castles / (Significant Individuals)
Christopher Columbus / (Significant Individuals)
Neil Armstrong
Music / Taught by Music Specialist
PE / Streamed
1 Throwing/ Catching
2 Basketball/Netball / Streamed
1 Balance/Coordination
2 Football/Hockey / Streamed
1 Dance
2 Football/Dance / Streamed
1 Team Building (Inside)
2 Team Building (Outside) / Streamed
1 Athletics
2 Athletics / Streamed
1 Athletics
2 Athletics
SACRE Units of Work / Who Are We?
Diwali (Rama & Sita)
(Hinduism) / Why Are Some Times Special?Why Are Some Places Special?
Nativity / How Should We Live Our Lives?
World Religion Day
Mother’s Day / Where Do We Belong?
St George’s Day/
Christian Aid Week
Easter / Why Are Some Stories Special?Why is Jesus Important?
Pentecost (Christian) / Why Is Our World Special?
World Humanist Day