八年級 Section One: Vocabulary & Grammar

1.I got . I have to see a doctor now.

(A)busy (B)early

(C)sick (D)comic

2. summer comes, people like to eat ice-cream.

(A)When (B)Before

(C)What (D)After

3.Henry didn't go out yesterday because it too cold.

(A)is (B)does

(C)was (D)did

4.The traffic was too heavy. I at school too late.

(A)brought (B)cleaned

(C)meant (D)arrived

5.I got a hat my sister.

(A)from (B)with

(C)at (D)on

6.I the book at all because it wasn'tinteresting.

(A)read (B)reads

(C)don’t read (D)didn't read

7.Jolin and Jay are my favorite singers.

(A)both (B)all

(C)some (D)every

8. some light music with the baby, and she may not cry.

(A)Listen (B)Listen to

(C)To listen (D)To listen to

9. It’s dinner time. Helen is hotpot with her family.

(A)having (B)has

(C)had (D)have

10.Jim:What's my birthday gift?

Bob: You can , but I can't tell you.

(A)call (B)guess

(C)happen (D)throw

11.I have to do a lot of things in a day. 24 hours a day aren't for me.

(A)busy (B)last

(C)down (D)enough

12.The notebook is because I wrote down many points in it.

(A)worse (B)important

(C)free (D)stray

13.There’re five people in my family. We love music.

(A)every (B)some

(C)all (D) both

14.Please help me the table.

(A)clean (B)cleaned

(C)cleaning (D)to cleaning

15.Ed couldn't speak English well because he didn't it.

(A)have (B)practice

(C)enter (D) save

16.John got up late this morning, so he went to school without breakfast.

(A)eat (B)eating

(C)ate (D)to eat

17.I'm going to work. Please your little brother.

(A)look around (B)look for

(C)take care of (D)get sick

18.Sandy baking cakes on weekends.

(A)enjoys (B)plans

(C)wants (D)helps

19.I don't have any time. I'm very busy.

(A)a lot (B)many

(C)free (D)much

20.Robert studies for long hours every day just good grades.

(A)in getting (B) for get

(C)about getting (D)to get

21. The month before September is .

(A) July (B) August

(C) October (D) November

22. We use a knife and a to eat steak.

(A) chopstick (B) finger

(C) spoon (D) fork

23. Oscar: What’s the date today? Ruby:

(A) It’s six-thirty. (B) It’s Saturday.

(C) It’s September 9th. (D)It’s a holiday.

24. Today is Mom’s birthday, so let’s .

(A) hold (B) guess

(C) celebrate (D) practice

25. This math problem looks , but it’s not.

(A) to be easy (B) easily

(C) easier (D) easy

Section Two: Reading Test

Peter: You are a great basketball player. You play very well.

Andy: Thank you very much. 1. Can you play basketball?

Peter: Yes, I can. But I'm not very good at playing it. I play baseball.

Andy: Really? I think playing baseball is very 2. . I can't play it.

Peter: Maybe next time you can come and play with us. I can teach you. We always play baseball on Thursday afternoon.

Andy: That's a great 3. . Can I 4. my brother, Eric, with me?

Peter: Of course. And this Saturday afternoon, we will have a baseball game in the park. You can come to 5. .

Andy: OK!

1.(A)How are you?

(B)What about you?

(C)Where are you?

(D)Why not?













5.(A)join our

(B)join we

(C)join us

(D)join they