World Language Curriculum Map

The following are general topic areas and intended timelines for instruction. Topics are listed in the months they are most likely to be taught, but may occur earlier or later than indicated. Math topics are listed for the “at grade level” curriculum only.

Kindergarten / First Grade / Second Grade / Third Grade / Fourth Grade / Fifth Grade
September through
November / 1-Take part in conversations using correct expression and translate
2-{ b,t,j,x, kh }
Understand language spoken at near normal speed
3- Provide a summary of {alphabet order]
4-Plan and present brief history in Somali language two
different vowel
5. Long vowels: Like { A E U }LONG VOWEL LIKE{ AA,EE,II,,OO,,UU
/ 1-Student will recognize words leading to simple sentence and develop vocabulary.
A-Students read out understand few familiar{like short vowel/long vowel}
B-Students require visual prompts to read.
C-Students match sound to print / 1-A-Write some letters and read.
B- Recognize simple phrases
Follow simple words and phrases in shared reading
C-Students spelling may be approximate
D- Choose reading material with guidance
E-Respond and answer simple questions
. / 1-Student will understand spoken cleary and arrange expressions.
2-Identify and copy correct pronunciation
3-Speak simple words and phrases about what they see and hear. Like {maxaa dhacay, maxaad maqashay / 1-Student will respond to ask questions using {pronunciation and consistent }
Like{ soo qaado ii keen ,fiiri u yeer]
2-Take part in conversation with each other
3- Understand main point from short passages of familiar language [ buuga ii keen ,wax I sii , ii sharax. / 1-Student will identify main point and personal opinions from familiar and understand others language {fikrado kala duwan si ay ufahmaan.
2- Mostly spell somali words accurately.
3- Use new vocabulary and phrases in differernt situations
Like{magacaada ii sheeg . shalay dugsiga ma timid
4_ Understand dialogue face to face
{ wada shey keysi laba qof oo iska soo horjeedo}
November through January / Pupils read out and understand few familiar words and phrases written in clear script.
Pupils require visual prompts to read.
Pupils match sound print.
Sac , bar, far / Pupils write, or copy simple words correctly.
Pupils label items and fill words on a simple form.
Pupils write one, or two sentences correctly, following a model.
Pupils spelling maybe approximate.
ل ج ه م ن، ل ،ع،ل / Read and count numbers to 15.
Recognize familiar words.
Recognize simple phrases written in clear script.
Repeat simple words and phrases
Follow simple words and phrases in shared reading.
Ka bax , soo noqo
Aniga / Copy simple words correctly.
Write simple letters and words correctly.
Write modeled words.
Attempt to spell familiar words.
Annotate and label using simple words.
ولعل ؛ وعلي؛ ئك ادا تراه وهدا / Pupils understand few spoke words and phrases.
Pupils understand
Speech spoken clearly, face to face or from good quality recording,
Pupils say simple words and repeat simple.
Pupils can answer simple questions.
Students imitate correct pronunciation and become aware of sound patters.
Waan seexday , waan arkay------/ Interpret familiar spoken words and phrases.
Interpret clear spoken speech.
Understand dialogue face to face
Identify familiar words in repeated expressions
Speak simple words and phrases about what they see and hear.
Respond and answer simple questions
Identify and copy correct pronunciation
Ma ka shaqeyssay casharkii?
January through April
April through June