Issues and Options Consultation

Planning Services

Cambridge City Council

PO BOX 700




8th February 2013


Dear Sir/ Madam,


Iceni Projects has been instructed by our client, the Anderson Group, to provide representations in response to the above published consultation. The Anderson Group owns a series of landholdings South of Coldham’s Lane, as identified on the enclosed Land Ownership Plan, and which comprises Appendix One.

It is understood that the current consultation document is an additional phase of consultation and does not replace, supersede or displace the previous issues and options consulted upon in June 2012. The broad basis of the current consultation process is considered to be for the purposes of discussing potential acceptable locations within the existing Green Belt to accommodate future growth and consulting upon specific sites within Cambridge which are suitable for allocation for a variety of land uses over the Local Plan period to 2013.

a)Previous Representations

As you will be aware, representations were made on behalf of the Anderson Group to the previous Issues and Options Report back in June 2012. These representations specifically focused upon Option 40 of the Report relating to Land South of Coldham’s Lane, Cherry Hinton.

These previous representations welcomed the positive identification of Land South of Coldham’s Lane as a potential new development opportunity for commercial purposes and stressed the importance of the site as an existing under-utilised brownfield site within the urban area. Furthermore, these representations proposed that the potential of the site had not been explored to the full extent and that the site is suitable for residential purposes as an alternative use.

The Anderson Group has undertaken a number of exploratory surveys on the site including contamination and ecological work, which has confirmed that the site would be suitable for residential uses as an alternative to commercial uses. Such an allocation could further reduce pressures upon other sites and notably land within the Green Belt to be released for residential development.


We wish to make it clear, before commenting on the latest consultation document, that these previous representations are still applicable and should be taken in to account in consideration of the preparation of the Local Plan.

In addition to these previous representations, it must also be stated that the opportunity for use of Land South of Coldham’s Lane should also give consideration to the potential that exists for the site to accommodate a range of commercial uses including retail and leisure. Explorative studies have confirmed that the site could be appropriate for a range of commercial uses and could meet an identified and established demand within the area.

To summarise, Land South of Coldham’s Lane represents a significant opportunity site within the existing urban area and is considered appropriate for a wide range of residential and commercial uses.

b)Issues and Options 2 Consultation Response

REP NO: 23863

The Anderson Group welcomes the principle of the Issues and Options 2 Report in seeking to identify appropriate sites for the allocation of development within Cambridge and within the Green Belt. Notwithstanding this, it is considered that all opportunities for the redevelopment and re-use of brownfield sites must be considered in preference to release of Green Bet land. It is not the intention of the Anderson Group to comment upon specific Green Belt sites or suggested allocations within the Cambridge area.

REP NO: 23863

However, it is noted from Part 2 of the Issues and Options 2 Report that whilst the direction of the document is towards allocating appropriate sites, Part L of the Report focuses upon proposed site designations and specifically Protected Industrial Sites, District and Local Centres and Protected Open Spaces. From inspection of the document, it is evident that Land South of Coldham’s Lane as previously identified as a key opportunity area within Issues and Options 1 Report, is proposed for designation as natural or semi-natural greenspace. Whilst this proposed designation covers the existing lakes sites (Ref: NAT11 and NAT28), it is clear that the proposed designation also covers the former landfill site to the East of Norman Way (Ref: NAT38), which was previously identified for commercial purposes in June 2012.

The Anderson Group object to this proposed designation of site NAT38 (Former Landfill Site East of Norman Way) as natural and semi-natural greenspace. This proposed designation appears to be inconsistent with the direction/objectives of the Issues and Options 1 Report and would serve to stifle the site for any meaningful form of development.

As previously acknowledged the landholding identified as NAT38 is a key opportunity site within Cambridge and affords the potential for use for commercial, residential or retail purposes. The site represents a unique opportunity to regenerate a previously developed site of significant benefit to the local area. At present, The Anderson Group has undertaken ecological investigations on the site, which has revealed that the site is of limited ecological value in comparison to the lakes sites to the south. As a consequence, it is not considered that the site is appropriate for formal designation as natural and semi-natural greenspace as proposed.

Upholding the proposed designation of the site as natural or semi-natural greenspace has the potential to undermine the future development of the site and result in the all of the benefits identified in these and previous representations being lost. In order to maximise the regenerative benefits of this previously developed site, it is considered that this designation should be withdrawn and that the site should be formally proposed for allocation for commercial, residential and retail purposes within the Local Plan.


We trust that the content of these representations are clearly understood and look forward to further discussions with Planning Officers regarding the prospect of securing new development on the site.

We would be grateful for confirmation of receipt of these representations.

Yours sincerely,