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May 2009 No 443


Fredrick Töben says: After the recent Einfeld judgment I expect no legal mercy from the FCA. So, wish me luck on 16 April 2009 … perhaps this will be our final newsletter, and for the record this on 16 April 2009 was the front page of AI’s website:

Nothing is more galling than to fight with facts and arguments againstan adversary in the belief that one is dealing with his understanding, when inreality one is dealing with the will, which obdurately closes its mind to the truth.One must understand that reason applied against the will is like seed sown on barerock, like light arrows against armor, like the storm wind against a beam of light.- Arthur Schopenhauer

Judgment in matter Jones v Töben on 16 April 2009 Federal Court of Australia, Adelaide, at 14 hours.

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PO Box 3300, Adelaide-Norwood 5067, Australia
Please be advised, unless stated otherwise, any communication with Adelaide Institute is considered to be a public act.
Dr Fredrick Töben's disclaimer:
"I am operating under a Federal Court of Australia Gag Order that prohibits me from questioning/denying the three pillars on which the>Holocaust-Shoah< story/legend/myth rests:
1. During World War II, Germany had an extermination policy against European Jewry;
2. of which they killed six million;
3. using as a murder weapon homicidal gas chambers. It is impossible to discuss the >Holocaust< with such an imposed constraint. I therefore am merely reporting on matters that I am not permitted to state.
For example, if I state the >Holocaust< is:
1. a lie;
2. six million Jews never died, or
3. the gas chambers did not exist, then I would claim that I am merely reporting on what expertRevisionists such as Professors Butz/Faurisson, et al, are stating in public.
Anyone who refuses to believe in these three pillars of orthodoxy will face a world-widegroup of enforcers who will use any means to destroy dissenting voices. The problem is that these pillars are not set in concrete, though attempts at setting them in legal concrete have been under way for decades - without success.
The latest victims imprisoned for refusing to BELIEVE in the >Holocaust-Shoah<narrative are Germar Rudolf, Ernst Zündel & Sylvia Stolz in Germany; Siegfried Verbeke in Belgium, and Wolfgang Fröhlich & Gerd Honsik in Austria.
If you wish to begin to doubt the >Holocaust-Shoah<narrative,you must be prepared for personal sacrifice, must be prepared for marriage and family break-up, loss of career, and go to prison. This is because Revisionistsare, among other things, dismantling a massive multi-billion dollar industry that the >Holocaust-Shoah< enforcers are defending, as well as the survival of Zionist-racist Israel. So, do not crywhen the knock on the door takes you away from family and friends. Such experiences can be character-building. Revisionists are not foolish or naive but realistic as befitting someone whostill cherishes suchlife-affirming ideals as Love, Truth, Honour, Justice, Beauty!
Some definitions:
a. An antisemite is someone who condemns Jews because they are Jews, somethingI reject in my maxim: >Don't blame the Jews, blame those that bend to their pressure<.
b. The term >antisemitic< is itself a problem because it refers to language-type and refers to the Arabic-speaking peoples, not just the Hebrew-speaking peoples; both peoples use a Semitic language.
c. An antisemite is someone the Jews hate.
d. Antisemitism is a disease. You catch it from Jewish behaviour.
If you seek to create Beauty-Love, Honour-Justice and Truth, then feel free to enter Adelaide Institute's website.


Dear Supporters

Herewith copies of emails sent to the Federal Court of Australia, and the replies received:

From: Adelaide Institute

Sent: Wednesday, 8 April 2009 2:37 PM

Subject: Overseas visit


Dear Associate to The Honourable Justice Lander

I would be pleased if you advised His Honour that I am about to depart for overseas and I plan to return by the end of August 2009. The last time I advised of same, see below, you may recall I was arrested at Heathrow Airport on 1 October 2008 and detained for 50 days before being released without charge.

I shall be spending some time in Washington, DC, where my book about my arrest on an European Arrest Warrant will be launched. To date I still have no actual conviction against my name, and the matter for which the German authorities attempted to have me extradited from Britain is regarded not a ‘moral turpitude’ matter in the USA.

However, should I be found in contempt of court in Australia, then that is a criminal matter and I would be precluded from ever visiting the USA again, as was the case with a journalist who, upon refusing to disclose to a court his source of information on a matter, was found to be in contempt of court. Subsequently, this particular journalist could not accompany the Prime Minister’s contingent to the USA.

The German authorities have advised that they are pursuing me – and so I can expect the European Arrest Warrant/ Interpol to be enforced wherever it is accepted, as it is in Dubai!

Submitted for your consideration.

Sincerely Fredrick Töben




German Translation by:

From: AlexandervL

Sent: Wednesday, 8 April 2009 9:12 PM

To: Wahrheitssucher - undisclosed recipients

Subject: Australien: Neues von Töben - Will in Washington ein neues Buch vorstellen / News from Töben - will launch a new book in Washington

Mittwoch, 8. April 2009

An den Gehilfen des Richters Lander

Ich würde mich freuen, wenn Sie Herrn Richter darauf hinweisen würden, daß ich nach Übersee verreisen werde und ich plane Ende August 2009 zurückzukehren. Beim letzten Mal, als ich dies in ähnlicher Weise ankündigte, siehe unten, wurde ich, wie Sie sich vielleicht erinnern, am Flughafen Heathrow am 1. Oktober 2008 verhaftet und für 50 Tage festgehalten, bevor ich ohne Strafe freigelassen wurde.

Ich werde einige Zeit in Washington D.C. verbringen, wo mein Buch über meine Verhaftung mittels des europäisches Haftbefehles vorgestellt werden wird. Bis zum heutigen Tage gibt es gegen mich keine tatsächliche Verurteilung, und die Angelegenheit, weshalb mich die deutschen Behörden von Großbritannien aus ausgeliefert wissen wollen, wird in den VSA nicht als „moralische Schändlichkeit“ betrachtet.

Sollte ich aber in Australien der Mißachtung des Gerichtes schuldig gesprochen werden, dann ist das eine strafrechtliche Sache und ich wäre davon ausgeschlossen, jemals wieder die VSA zu besuchen, so wie es mit einem Journalisten geschehen ist, als er einem Gericht nicht preisgeben wollte, was seine Informationsquellen gewesen waren, und dadurch der Mißachtung des Gerichtes schuldig gesprochen wurde. Danach war es dem Journalisten nicht möglich, den Premierminister in die VSA zu folgen.

Die deutschen Behörden haben darauf hingewiesen, daß sie weiter hinter mir her sind – und deshalb kann ich erwarten, daß der europäische Haftbefehl bzw. Interpol überall dort angewendet werden kann, wo er angenommen wird, so wie es in Dubai der Fall ist.

Zu Ihrer Würdigung übergeben.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Friedrich Töben




From: Samuel Rogers

Sent: Wednesday, 8 April 2009 3:50


Cc: ;


Subject: RE: Overseas visit


Dear Dr Toben,

Thank you for advising the court of you travel arrangements.

I note that you have not advised of a date on which you intend to leave the country. Please be advised that judgment in the matter NSD 327/2001 Jeremy Jones v Fredrick Toben will be handed down next Thursday 16 April 2009 at 2pm (Central Standard Time).

The Court will require your attendance on that date.

Kind regards,

Samuel Rogers

Associate to The Honourable Justice Lander

Federal Court of Australia



From: Samuel Rogers

Sent: Thursday, 9 April 2009 8:38 AM

To: ;

; ;

Cc: Janet Rice

Subject: NSD327/2001 Jones v Toben

Dear Parties,

Further to previous communication, please be advised that judgment in this matter will be handed down on Thursday 16 April 2009 at 2pm (CST) in Adelaidewith videolink to Sydney.

Please respond to confirm receipt of this notification.

Kind regards,

Samuel Rogers

Associate to The Honourable Justice Lander

Federal Court of Australia



From: Adelaide Institute

Sent: Friday, 10 April 2009 8:41 AM

To: 'Samuel Rogers'

Cc: ;

; ;

Adelaide Institute

Subject: RE: NSD327/2001 Jones v Töben

Thank you for this – I shall be at FCA, Adelaide on 16 April 2009 at 14 hours.

Fredrick Töben



Germany Can’t Question Swedish Journalist


Göran Lambertz, Swedish Chancellor for Justice, says no to Germany

A German prosecutor wants to question the Swedish TV-journalist who interviewed the Holocaust denier, Bishop Richard Williamson. But the Swedish Chancellor of Justice, Göran Lambertz, says no. Williamson, a deeply conservative catholic minister, caused international offence as he told Swedish Television that during the Holocaust only 300.000 Jews had died, instead of the officially estimated 6 million. Also, he claimed that none had been sent to gas chambers.

The interview was carried out in Germany, where it is illegal to deny the Holocaust and soon after an investigation was begun against Williamson. According to the Swedish news agency TT, the German prosecutor now wants the Swedish authorities to make the journalist disclose more details regarding the interview.

As the Chancellor of Justice in Sweden is the sole authority on freedom of speech legislation, the matter rests with him. And the answer is no.

The reason is that Williamson hasn’t committed a crime under Swedish law. Not a suspect, he is protected by the clauses in the Swedish constitution on protecting media sources.

According to TT, the chancellor does not see anything wrong with Swedish Police approaching the journalist to ask him if he is willing to disclose anything else. And if the Germans aren’t happy with his decision, he refers them to the government. (RM) © Copyright Sveriges Radio 2009



French comedian to face trial for anti-Semitism

Dieudonne Mbala Mbala will go on trial for having an actor dressed as a Jewish deportee award a prize to a Holocaust denier during a comedy show.


PARIS – A French comic will go on trial in May on charges of anti-Semitism after he awarded a prize to a Holocaust denier during a comedy show, prosecutors said Wednesday.

Dieudonne sparked outrage when he had an actor dressed as a Jewish deportee present the prize for "unrespectability and insolence" to Robert Faurisson, an academic who has denied the existence of the Holocaust.

Far-right leader Jean-Marie Le Pen, who recently caused an uproar for again calling Nazi gas chambers a "detail of World War II history," was in the audience during the show on 29 December at one of Paris' biggest concert halls.

The Paris criminal court will begin hearing the case on 5 May, the prosecutor's office said. The black comedian, whose full name is Dieudonne Mbala Mbala, has over the past years been ordered to pay several fines for inciting hatred. Dieudonne, 42, faces a possible sentence of six months in prison and a maximum fine of EUR 22,500 if convicted.

In September 2007, he was fined EUR 7,000 after he accused Jews of "memorial pornography" for their remembrance of the Holocaust during a press conference in Algeria in 2005. In the same conference he attacked "the Zionist lobby which cultivates the idea of their unique suffering ... and has declared war on the black world."

In March, the comedian born to a Cameroonian father again caused a stir after he announced plans to run as an "anti-Zionist" candidate in the June elections to the European parliament. Dieudonne is to answer charges of causing offense to a group of persons based on their origin, ethnic background, race or religion, a judicial source said.

Several city councils had decided to cancel shows by the comedian over the past months and Culture Minister Christine Albanel called it a "provocation" that "is hurtful and offensive".

AFP / Expatica


“The radical reinterpretation of incitement against Jews by the Chancellor of Justice in Sweden.”

European Jewish Press, 03 April 2006


EJP publishes an Opinion written and signed by four Jewish Swedish personalities about the “radical reinterpretation of incitement against Jews by the Chancellor of Justice in Sweden.”

Discussions about the limits of freedom of expression are running high right now, not least because of the Muhammed cartoons in Danish Jyllandsposten. The EU Council states in a controversial message on the 27th February, that it acknowledges and regrets that these cartoons were considered offensive and distressing by Muslims across the world and that a spirit of respect for religious and other beliefs should prevail.