IE361Peer EvaluationFall 2016

IE 361 Peer Evaluation

Team: ______

Your name (evaluator):______


Please fill this form out as a Word document and submit electronically through email to the instructor. Change the filename to IE361_F2016_TeamXX_PeerEvaluation_LASTNAME,FIRSTNAME.docxwhere you fill in your two-digit team number and your name.

Each individual will rate the contributions all of the other members of their teams. As team maintenance is such an important part of success in this class, the peer evaluation will be extensive.Please consider the contribution to the team effort in all activities (tRAT, Laboratories and in-class activities, and project).This is a required activity. Please fill out all three sections. You will be judged on how professional, thoughtful, substantive, and constructive your comments are for all team members.

Part II: Qualitative Overall Assessment[1]

Below are the definitions of each level.Please fill in a team member name in each column. If you have three team members, fill in three columns. Place an “X” in the proper row for each team member. Do not rate yourself.

Assessment / Definition Team Member: / ______ / ______ / ______ / ______
Excellent / A sustained and outstanding contribution to team effort
Very Good / Above average effort and contribution
Satisfactory / Met all team requirements and contributed fairly
Ordinary / Contributed some good material but performance was patchy
Marginal / Barely satisfactory contribution with deficiencies in effort, quality or teamwork.
Deficient / Less than half the objectives achieved and with incomplete success
Unsatisfactory / Some attempt but contribution very weak due to poor skills, unsatisfactory attendance or other factors
Superficial / Poor attendance and/or participation with virtually no success
No Show / Attendance virtually zero and/or played no effective part in team effort


Fill out the final peer evaluation on Any comments will only be seen by the instructor.

Part III: Qualitative Assessment

For each item, write at least one sentence, but not more than three sentences.

1) What is the single most valuable contribution each team member person makes to your team?

Team Member Name:


Team Member Name:


Team Member Name:


2) What is the single most important thing this person could do to further your team’s effectiveness?

Team Member Name:


Team Member Name:


Team Member Name:


[1] Brown, R.W.