The Vicarage, Great Bedwyn

Communities of Communities

In the deep rural wilds of Wiltshire, we are rightly proud of our communities. Hamlets, villages and parishes each have a distinctive identity. That identity is polished, protected and supported by those who form part of each particular community. Sometimes the sense of identity can be extreme – there are still some communities where even the newest newcomer is aware of the neighbouring communities which are to be shunned because they were on the other side in the Civil War 350 years ago!

There has been a relentless process of centralising local government: Rural District Councils gave way to the District Councils, and these are now giving way to the new “unitary” County Council. There is now a risk that none of the tiny voices of our small communities will ever be heard in the broad corridors of power. When we look hard at our communities, we find that most of them, in fact, are communities of communities: the “school-gate” and “church” communities are typical examples of the overlapping groups which go to make up many of our villages. In order to make an impact, even to receive our share of the “cake” of local government spending, there will be an increasing need for villages to work together as communities of communities for mutual support.

The same process has happened within the church, as we struggle to make things work with fewer and fewer clergy. Parishes are now in “teams”, and, increasingly, in smaller groupings (“clusters”) within those teams, working together to maximise their impact on the communities they serve. Building this sort of community doesn’t happen overnight. One step we have learned to take is to get out of our buildings and walk together. On Sunday 7th September people from all over the Savernake Team will gather at Manor Farm, Wilton, at ten o’clock for a gentle circular walk to Wilton Windmill for a short service at about half past eleven followed by a “bring and share” picnic. Like a pilgrimage, we shall talk with our fellow pilgrims on the way, getting to know them and sharing our experiences and insights.

Everyone is welcome – in fact, encouraged – to join us.

Your Church in September

Be completely humble and gentle;

be patient, bearing with one another in love.

Ephesians 4:2

Name 7 Date / Time Service / Sidesmen / Readers & Readings / Prayers / Flowers / Cleaners
7thSept Trinity 16 / 10am Team Walk & Picnic / n/a / n/a / n/a / n/a
14thSept Trinity 17 / 11am Baptism & Morning Worship / David
Amanda / David – tba / Amanda / Isobel / John & Janet
Sat. 20th Sept / 3pm Concert / The Gough Duo(see below)
21stSept Trinity 18 / 11am Pets’ Service / at the Village Hall / tba / n/a / n/a
28thSept. Trinity 19 / 9.30am Holy
Communion / Chris
Amanda / Chris – Exodus 17:1-7
Mary – Matthew:21:23-32 / ME / Dorothy
5thOct. Trinity 20 / 6pm Harvest Festival / ALL / tba / tba / ALL / Bill & Ann

Details of special Services

Savernake Team Walk and Picnic – 7th September (full details are on the church notice board). The plan is to meet in the centre of Wilton, by the Swan Inn at 10am to walk about 3 miles to Wilton Windmill. There will be a short service at the Windmill followed by a shared picnic (you can leave your picnic contribution at the Windmill from 9.30am if you don’t want to carry it). Paper plates, picnic cutlery, wine, water, fruit juice and plastic cups will be provided. Dogs on leads welcome. It is possible to join the service at the Windmill without walking. If too wet to walk, the service and picnic will be in The Barn at Manor Farm, Wilton

Pets’ Service at the Village Hall - 21st September. We are delighted that the Revd Richard Graham will lead the Pets’ Service for us. This is a lovely opportunity to praise God for our animals and love of nature! Everyone is welcome, with or without a pet, for a short celebration and a cup of coffee afterwards; all pets will be particularly welcome! The Phoenix Brass Band will provide the music.

Harvest Festival and Harvest Supper will be on Sunday 5th October. Supper tickets available in early September from the Browns, the Aldersons and the Woods.


No Sunday Club in September, No Monthly Munch in September.

Choir rehearsals resume on Wednesday 3rd September, 7.30pm in the Church

Supper Group will meet at 7.30pm on Monday 15th September at Providence Cottage

The Great Cycle Ride on Saturday 13th September

It’s still possible to join the thousands all over the country who will ride or stride between churches on this day to raise money – half for their nominated church and half for Wiltshire Historic Churches Trust. Ring David Brown on 730236 about getting a sponsorship form.

An Alpha Course will be held in Burbage Church Centre again this year and people from all over the Savernake Team will be welcome. This is a wonderful opportunity for anyone in Chute to explore and question Christianity and they would love to hear from you. As an introduction to the Course, they are hosting a free supper in BurbageChurch Centre on Wednesday 17th September. Anyone can go along to the Supper without having to commit to the Course and should ring Joyce Kennaway on 01672 870 478. The Alpha Course itself will start on Wednesday 24th September again in Burbage Church Centre.


We are delighted that the complete overhaul of the organ has been completed, together with repairs to the floor, walls and ceiling of the organ vestry. It has been a revelation that our organ has so many parts (over 900 pipes) and took up almost a quarter of the building when in pieces. We are extremely grateful to Peter Munro for completing this huge task, and to celebrate we are delighted and honoured to welcome the Gough Duo - Rupert (organ) and Rachel (violin). Rupert is Director of Choral Music and College Organist at the RoyalHollowayCollege, and conducted their choir here at our earlier concerts. Their website shows just what a treat is in store. As with earlier concerts, tickets will be on the door - £10 each (£5 for parishioners)


Planning Applications

59136/LBC, 1,2 & 3 Tolleys Cottages: Change thatched ridge from block to flush. No objection by Parish Council

59209/TR2, Cross Keys In: Ash tree work : pollard one and fell two Ash trees. No objection by Parish Council

Planning Application Outcomes

58894/F, 19 Tibbs Meadow, Upper Chute: 2 Storey extension at side and 1 Storey extension at rear. Parish Council Objected. Now approved by KDC.

59011/F, Little Lovington, Upper Chute: Replace Conservatory to rear. No objection by Parish Council. Now approved by KDC


In 2007/08, Kennet residents managed to recycle and compost a very respectable 40.34% of their waste; this was the highest in the county and much better than the average for other Wiltshire districts of 30.19%.

Now KDC is asking us if we can help their crews streamline their collection service wherever possible. Textiles should be put out for collection in carrier bags (but only on dry days please). Paper should be placed in a black box (or hessian sack available from the Council) with the other materials into another. Alternatively, please place the different materials into separate carrier bags. If you prefer and can put all your recycling in one box, please try to place all the paper together at the bottom with the other material on top.

(Clerk’s note: sounds a bit complicated but makes sense when you think of the guys trying to sort it quickly at the roadside)

Amenity Skip for Lower Chute

An advance note for your diary - a skip has been arranged for the weekend beginning Friday 10th October – it will be sited on the Village Green at Lower Chute. Please note this will be a general purpose skip – the content goes to landfill – so is not intended for recycling materials. The Parish pays for this (albeit at a considerably subsidised rate) so it makes sense to make good use of it. However, please don’t over-use it - if you leave excess on the ground, Kennet will have to make a separate trip to clear this, we will be charged, and it won’t be subsidised.

Next Meeting of the Parish Council will take place on Thursday 18th September 2008 at 7.30pm – venue the Village Hall. As always, you will be welcome to attend. The agenda will be displayed around the Parish and the previous (draft) minutes will be displayed on the Council notice board at the Village Hall.

David Clark (Chute Parish Clerk, Tel 730782)


One of the most loyal and hard working, but unsung, Chute villagers was rewarded recently with a very special away day and commemorative medal at the Royal Show, held annually at Stoneleigh, Warwickshire – Wally Long was recognised for having completed 40 years work for the Eccles family.

We offer him our warmest congratulations.


I have been waiting until all the money had been collected before giving an update.

The 12 Pink Angels in our pink wigs left Andover on Sunday 6th July at 9.30 in the pouring rain for Newbury Showground. The rain didn't stop until all the competitors were leaving the ground after the race. As everyone was leaving the skies cleared and we decided we would stay for our picnic after all. There were nearly 4,000 in the race. There was a tremendous atmosphere and it was very emotional too. I didn't manage to walk the whole course but did it in stages being pushed in my decorated wheelchair when I needed a rest.

Between us we raised £3,420 which I hope will go someway to helping to find a cure for cancer. I would like to thank everyone in Chute who supported me. The donations from Chute amounted to £1,197.50 and I cannot thank you enough for your generosity.

I'm still fighting and hopefully will get a better prognosis after my next scan.

Margaret Edwards


If your club / organisation would like to participate in this ‘forward planner’ of Chute events, please let Chris Stock () have the details as early as possible.

Thurs 4th / 7.00pm / Chute CC nets / K. G. Playing Fields
Sun 7th / 2.00pm / Car Treasure Hunt / Starting Village Hall
Tues 9th / 8.00pm / Village Hall Committee Meeting / Village Hall
Thurs 11th / 7.00pm / Chute CC nets / K. G. Playing Fields
Fri 12th / Barn Dance / Village Hall
Sat 13th / Great Cycle Ride
Sat 13th / 12.00 / Parish Council meeting / Village Hall
Sat 13th / 2.00pm / Chute CC v Old Boys / K. G. Playing Fields
Mon 15th / 7.30pm / Supper Group / Providence Cottage
Tues 16th / 8.00pm / Gardening Club / Village Hall
Wed 17th / Alpha Course Introductory Supper / BurbageChurch Centre
Thurs 18th / Chute Parish Council meeting / Village Hall
Sat 20th / tbc / Cricket Club work party / K. G. Playing Fields
Sat 20th / 3.00pm / Organ Concert / Sty Nicolas
Thurs 25th / Chute Forest Parish Council meeting / Village Hall
Sun. 28th / Autumn Walk / Starting Village Hall
Sundays / Times vary / Church service – details under ‘Your Church in . .’ / St Nicolas
Mondays / 7.30pm / Line Dancing / Village Hall
Tuesdays / Quiz Night / Hatchet
Wednesdays / 10.00am / Mothers & Toddlers / Village Hall
Wednesdays / 7.30pm / Choir practice / St Nicholas
Thursdays / 7.45pm / Bell ringing / St Nicolas
Thursdays / Curry night / Hatchet
Fridays (from 12th) / 9.30am / Yoga / Village Hall
Oct 10th / Amenity Skip / Lower Chute Green
Oct. 10th / Barn Dance / Village Hall
Nov. 14th / Barn Dance / Village Hall
Nov. 14th / Cricket Club dinner (tbc) / Cross Keys
Nov. 15th / Christmas and Gift Fair / Chute Club
Dec. 6th / Village Christmas Supper and Get Together / Village Hall


Our latest outing on Wednesday August 20th took us to Weymouth. We arrived just in time to see a grand display by the Red Arrows and later watched two Wing Walkers. There was plenty of things going on as it was their Carnival and the beach was crowded. Although we had a wet journey home the day was dry for us.

On Wednesday September 17th we will be going to Bashley in the New Forest to the OldeTymePlayersMusic Hall.

A big Thank You to all who attended our Garden Party and especially to all who helped in any way. We took the grand sum of £500 and despite the downpours in the morning, the afternoon was warm and sunny. A special thanks to Rick Wall who erected and dismantled the marquees for us, this was very much appreciated. Also thanks to Chute Club who provided us with tables and other items.

Eileen Soper 730698


The autumn sessions start with:

The Great Bustard on Salisbury Plain

Tuesday September 16th.

8.00p.m. Chute Village Hall

All Welcome. Non Members £1





£5.00 PER CAR


Tickets Sold In Aid of Chute Village Hall

‘The finest view from any pub garden in the South of England’


Cross Keys Loyalty Card Coming September 2008

Discounts, Special Offers and Invitation events

for card holders throughout the year

To receive your card, please fill out the details below and return to the Cross Keys.

Name: ______

Address: ______



Mobile Number: ______

Email Address: ______

Favourite Beer / Drink: ______

News of events, offers and discounts will be sent via text and email, please tick the box below to accept us sending these messages.


What an appalling month, weather-wise!

However, results to date this year are won 4, lost 3, rained off 3, and abandoned due to rain 1 – at least we’ve won more than 50% of the games played. But it still means that one third of our games have been cancelled or curtailed due to rain.

2 fixtures remain, namely home against Linkenholt on 31st August, and home to the Club’s old boys on 13th September, when many former village residents and club players return to the Playing Fields; do come and say hello if you get a chance, or join us at the Cross Keys afterwards.

Chute v Chris Stock Family XI, home, Saturday 2nd August – rained off

Chute v Linkenholt CC, away, Sunday 10th August – abandoned

Was this a moral victory? Sadly the weather prevented it from becoming a real victory, but that, surely, would have been the result.

With both teams determined to try to play cricket on a very damp Sunday, we visited Linkenholt, won the toss and elected to field first.

Superb bowling by James Cracknell (1 for 9 off 5) and Colin Shubrook (3 for 25 off 5) had the home team in real trouble before rain intervened. When play was resumed some 15 minutes later, Charlie Gold (1 for 8 off 2) and Paul Struthers (1 for 2 off 2) continued the aggressive attack, helped by more great Chute fielding and overall pressure. Then the rain returned and, despite an early tea, the game was abandoned; the downpour that subsequently ensued proved this was the right decision, but would Chute have had time to win outright, not just morally?.

George Trewby was the star of Linkenholt’s batting, contributing 33 (not out) to the team’s total of 44 for 7 in 14 overs. Linkenholt visit Chute in on 31st August, hopefully the weather will be allow a full game.

What does the future hold?

By the time you read this, the Club will have had their most recent committee meeting, and the short to medium term future will have been resolved – but this is all good news! Will the club be fielding 2 teams next year, including a competitive league team, or continuing with just the one as at present? How many wickets will we be digging up and relaying in September? What structural changes do we need to make to the club to accommodate these decisions? When will the club be weed killing the entire playing field? All this and more to be decided and reported on soon!

Chris Stock

730613 /


Reebok RB1000 exercise cycle.


Excellent condition, approx 4 years old.

An ideal exercise cycle to either help maintain peak performance for an accomplished athlete, or to help realise the benefits of exercise for the first timer.

Adjustable electro-magnetic resistance. Motivational electronic display monitors time, speed, distance and pulse. Hand grip pulse sensor. Adjustable seat and handlebars

Can deliver locally

Chris Stock, 730613


Come to our soup and cheese lunch to support the urgent needs of the people of Zimbabwe on 9th October at 12.30 in Tangley Parish Village Hall. Tickets £7.50.

Proceeds will go directly to the Highlands Presbyterian Church and Glen Lorne Fellowship in Harare to finance food and medicine for those most in need.

Call Fiona Stormer 735305 or Diana Cox 735285 () to confirm your place by 1st October.


Rathlin, Tangley, SP11 0RU

17 September, 9.30 - 12.30

Coffee/tea,wine, soft drinksand light refreshments

Raffle andsale

Tickets £35 (normally £45)

All proceeds to Moon Bear Rescue, Animals Asia

Helen McGarray and Janet Kimble of 'The Blooming Workshop', Kingsworthy, will demonstrate several designs; we will then have hands-on opportunity to create our own table decorations to take home.

Please bring apron and scissors/secateurs (some can be provided)

Helen and Janet did the most beautiful arrangements for our daughter's wedding andalso in Winchester Cathedral. Not to be missed!