Year 4 Newsletter – SUMMER 2018 – Welcome back!


This term we will be learning about shape, measure, addition and subtraction, multiplication and division, place value, money and decimals. You can help your child at home by making sure they practise their times tables facts regularly, it is also important to practise the appropriate division facts for their times tables too.


This half term our literacy work is based on ‘The Mousehole Cat’ by Antonia Barber. We will be reading the book and using it as a base for lots of different writing tasks, such as descriptive writing, story-boards, narrative writing and poetry. We will also look at explanation texts, before moving on to folk tales and debate in the second part of the term. We will be encouraging children to spell words themselves and punctuate their work accurately. We will be teaching them strategies to enable them to do this through a range of discrete spelling, punctuation and grammar sessions each week, as well as re-enforcing this in our literacy lessons.


Please read with your child at home as much as possible, and talk to them about the stories they are reading. Reading books will be changed at least once a week and please try to make sure you sign and write when and what your child has read in their homework/reading diary each time they do so. Children will also get a librarybook which can be changed when necessary.Guided reading sessions are also part of our weekly timetable; children are grouped by ability and will be taking part in group reading activities with in-depth discussions, writing activities and a range of interesting and exciting books. Also, please encourage your child to take part in our exciting school reading challenge!


Our topic in Science this half term is ‘States of Matter’. We will be learning about solids, liquids and gases, and their properties. We will also be carrying out lots of investigations linking to melting, freezing, evaporation and condensation. We will then be learning about ‘Living Things and Habitats’ during the second part of the Summer term.


Our topic this term is ‘Water, Water, Everywhere’. During our history lessons we will be exploring ancient civilisations, specifically the Ancient Egyptians. We will look at their location, ancient traditions, inventions, farming and important people. A large part of the geography topic is based on rivers, so we will be learning about the River Nile. We will also be studying World War 1 as part of the Longridge School’s Armistice Day project.


We will be learning about how to use Microsoft Excel to present mathematical and scientific date in a range of different chart formats. During our Internet safety sessions we will learn about THINK, PROTECT, CHECK and RESPECT.


We will be continuing our woodwind lessons with Mrs Maddocks from the Lancashire School’s Music service. The lessons are on a Thursday afternoon and children must ensure their flutes are in school for each session. The children are also encouraged to practise at home.


In our art lessons we will be developing our drawing and painting skills within the theme of water. Also, our DT topic is moving mechanisms. We will be creating some moving mechanisms that link to our Ancient Egyptians topic.


This term we have lessons on striking and fielding games. We will practise athletics before Sports Week and also explore some Outdoor and Adventure activities.


We will be exploring The Church. We will look at our local church, other Christian churches, and churches from around the World. We will be looking closely at prayer as a way of communicating with God.


Reading is still a priority and children are encouraged to read school reading books and books they enjoy from home. Literacy and Maths homework will be sent home on Wednesday and expected back on Monday/Tuesday. This may include Education City, mathletics, ‘’ or handwriting. There will also be a weekly list of spellings that will be assessed on Mondays. Please help your child to complete as much of the work as you can but don’t worry if they are unable to finish it – just write a note in their home school record or on the work in their folder to let me know how they are doing.

Thank you for taking the time to read Year 4’s newsletter, any problems or queries please feel free to make an appointment to come and see me on Wednesdays, after school.

Miss L. Cross