International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering
Société Internationale de Mécanique des Sols et de la Géotechnique
ISSMGE Secretariat, City University, Northampton Square, London EC1V 0HB UK Tel: +44 20 7040 8154; Fax: +44 20 7040 8832; E-mail:
ISSMGE Board Members
President / W F Van Impe / Vice-President Africa / P Day / Vice-President Europe / P Sêco e Pinto / Appointed Member / M Gambin
Secretary General / R N Taylor / Vice-President Asia / F Tatsuoka / Vice-President N America / R D Woods / Appointed Member / L G de Mello
Past President / K Ishihara / Vice-President Australasia / J G Murray / Vice-President S America / J J Bosio / Appointed Member / H G Poulos

Secretary General

Professor R Neil Taylor

City University

Northampton Square

London EC1V 0HB. UK

Tel: +44 20 7040 8157

Fax: +44 20 7040 8832


December 2002

Circular letter to ISSMGE TC-Chairs

Dear Mr Chairman,

Conc. : TC activity report and further actions.

As suggested in my letter of October 9th to all of you, I was trying to seek your help for presenting the state of progress of the TC activities at the Board Meeting of the ISSMGE on November 16th.

I received a report of the progress and planned activities from the chairs of TC2, TC3, TC5, TC6, TC10, TC16, TC32, TC33, TC34, TC37. Some letter on scheduled initiatives was received from TC18. From all other TC’s there was as far no reply, which limited my presentation of the TC working in the Board to the apparently small group mentioned above.

I would appreciate to anyhow establish more regular the contact with all TC-committees discussing the working on a regular base, certainly for those committees who did not yet reply to my former invitation. It is in any case my intention to present more broadly the TC working at the occasion of the Council Meeting in Prague and to propose, whenever this would show appropriate and useful to the further development of the ISSMGE-supported expert groups, a possible merging and/or changing of some of the existing TC’s.

It is indeed possible that we were by far to optimistic in writing down the list of the terms of reference, either that we missed opportunities by merging topics and/or expert groups.

There is another six months to go for analysing such points in more detail and I feel indebted for all the help and suggestions you could include in your TC activity report expected by May 2003.

Wishing you all the very best and looking forward to meet your TC-group at some of the related activities.

A Merry Christmas and a challenging Happy New Year !

Best wishes,

W.F. Van Impe

President ISSMGE