Create Your First TouchCast


  1. Make a storyboard and gather all interactive materials
  1. Transfer the script into TouchCast using teleprompter
  1. Set up camera using the green screen mode
  1. Record video
  1. Create new TouchCast project for editing
  1. Import clips
  1. Add TouchCast title
  1. Add vApps (control when and how vApps appear on the TouchCast)
  1. Record again with the new title and vApps

“Build the frame. Let your students paint the picture”

Kentucky State Parks Touchcast

Identify the state park with a green screen intro

Research info about the state park

Collect 6 images about that state park vApp

If possible find a video of the state park vApp

Use Google Maps/Earth Vapp

List website for state park vApp

Step 1: Make a storyboard and gather interactive materials

-­ In this process, you will figure out how you want the end result of what your TouchCast will look like.

-­ Write the script for what you want to say in the TouchCast. In this step, you can start to make a note in your script of when and what content you want your audience to interact while watching your TouchCast.

-­ Gather images, videos and links you want to use in your TouchCast. You can add them into your TouchCast later via vApps options.

● -­Save images to Photo library ● -­Save URL links



Step 2: Transfer the script into TouchCast using teleprompter

-­ Open TouchCast app in iPad.

-­ Select the generic theme to create a new TouchCast (feel free to use other themes if it works better for you)

-­ Tap on Camera

-­ Tap on Teleprompt.

-­ Tap on Edit and paste your script here.

Note: the teleprompter will not be recorded while filming.

-­ Adjust the speed of your audio recording. It’s best to practice talking and reading your script while the teleprompter is running.

-­ While reading the script, make a note of the timestamp on when you want your interactive links to appear/disappear from the screen.

Example: after 10 seconds of the audio, you want a Google map and stay on the screen for another 10 seconds before disappearing.



Step 3: Set up camera using the green screen mode

-­ Tap on Effects to get to green screen mode.

-­ Select Green Screen.

-­ Choose video for your background

Note: In order for you to see the background video, you need to stand in front of an actual green screen.

Note: If you choose to select a video from YouTube, you should choose a 2-­3 minute clip.

-­ Use Settings to change how you look in the new background.

-­ Tap Camera



Step 4: Record video

-­ Turn on Teleprompt.

-­ Tap here to start recording video.

-­ Tap Done to finish recording.

-­ Review your video. You can record more videos in addition to the first video.

-­ If you don't like what you have recorded, tap to highlight the unwanted video clip, then hit the trashcan icon.

-­Use Trim option to cut out unwanted footage.

Note: in order to use these options, you have to highlight which clip you want to work on by tapping on it.

-­Name your project before you start moving on to editing process. This project basically contains all of your raw video

Step 5: Create New TouchCast For Editing

-­Create new Touchcast project. -­

You will import only the good clips from the raw clip project.

-­Tap here to record a new clip.

Note: this clip should be only a second or two. We will delete it later.

-­Highlight the new clip and hit the trash icon to delete it.

Step 6: Import Clips From The First Project

-­Click on Add Clip

-­Select Import Clip from Project

-­Select the first project

-­Select a clip. You can only select one clip at a time.



Step 7: Add Title

-­ Tap on Titles.

-­ Select New Title.

-­ Scroll down to see more preset titles. -­ Tap to select the title you want to use.

-­ Tap to enter a title

-­ You can choose how long you want the title to stay on or add new titles after the first one.



Step 8: Add vApps (Google Map and Website)

-­ Tap on vApps.

-­ Tap on Add a vApp.

Google Map vApp:

-­ Select Google Map and follow the instructions on the screen to add a new map. -­ Add to Video

-­ Drag the top left corner of the Google Map vApp to the right location on the screen.

-­ Tap the lower left corner to open the settings of the Google Map vApp.

-­ Select Time In/Out to set when and how long you want this vApp to appear on the screen.

-­ Tap Done



-­ Using positioning set up a vApp's position: floating, half screen, full screen or full screen with picture in picture.

Webpage vApp:

-­ Add a new vApp

-­ Use Google search box or type in the full URL.

-­ Tap on Create vApp

-­ Use vApp settings to change Time In/Out for this vApp.

-­ Use the picture in picture mode position.

­ Tap on Hide vApps to finish working on



Step 9: Record again with the new title and vApps running

-­ Tap here to start recording your video.

Note: you should see your title and vApps appear on the screen. If you're unhappy with how they appear on the screen, you have to make the adjustment and then record your video again.

-­ Tap Done to finish recording.

-­ Export TouchCast when you are happy with the final result of your video.

My Notes

TOUCHCAST Storyboard

TITLE of Project: ______

SUBJECT: ______

Rough sketch of the shot. Stick figures acceptable. / Narration, voiceover script, dialogue, sound effects, music, etc.