SCBWI Cen-Cal Application for Mentorship 2017
Expectations: Mentees will communicate with the mentor at least twice a month on a schedule mutually agreed to by both parties. Mentees will submit one complete manuscript for the mentor to read, consider mentor feedback and revise, allowing the mentor time to comment on revisions. Mentees will use the method of communication preferred by the mentor (i.e. email, Skype, Zoom, etc.), keep all scheduled appointments and be prepared for all appointments. A mentorship is a wonderful learning opportunity with the ultimate goal of making mentees better writers. Mentees should not expect mentors to help submit, sell or market their work, only to help them make their manuscripts stronger.
Middle Grade & Poetry Collection: The fee for a middle grade or poetry mentorship is $875. The mentorship will run from April 1 until October 1.
Picture Book: The picture book mentorship is $450. It will run from April 1 until July 1. The mentorship will cover one picture book manuscript.
Payment: Mentees will pay SCBWI Cen-Cal the full amount upon notification of acceptance in the program. The full payment must be received by March 20, 2017. No refunds will be given unless the mentor must cancel. Should any issues arise please contact your Cen-Cal RA team at
Qualifications: Mentees must be current SCBWI members in good standing who are actively working on their craft.
Requirements: Picture book writers should submit the entire text of one manuscript along with this form (2 attachments). Middle grade writers and poetry collection writers should submit the first ten pages of a manuscript with the synopsis as the eleventh page along with this form (2 attachments). Email your information to Rebecca Langston-George at The application window runs from February 1, 2017 to February 14, 2017. Those chosen for a mentorship will be notified by March 1, 2017.
Are you a current SCBWI member? In what region?
1. What type of mentorship (picture book, poetry collection or middle grade) are you applying for?
2. What year did you join SCBWI? During that time what SCBWI events have you attended? Have you attended other events or classes for children’s writers?
3. How many manuscripts have you written? Have you submitted any manuscripts to publishers? Have you had any pieces published?
4. Have you won any writing contests?
5. Are you in a critique group? If so, how long have you been a member?
6. Why would you like to have a mentor?
7. What would you like your mentor to help you with?
8. Please sign and date below to indicate you have read and understood the expectations, requirements and non-refundable payment due upon acceptance for a mentorship.