Davidson High School Teacher/Parent/Student Agreement

BLOCK: Student Printed Name:

Dear Student and Parent/Guardian,

My desire is to help you reach your potential. Your success in this class is vitally important to me.I am often available for extra assistance before each school day beginning at 6:30 AM,after each school day until 4:30 PM,by appointment, via e-mail (excluding class hours), by placing a note in your daily folder, and via phone appointment. After hours and weekend, please try to contact me before 8pm if at all possible.Students are also encouraged to utilize the online text or www.khanacademy.org.

I want this class to challenge the students, to satisfy your intellectual curiosity, and to fulfill your academic needs.You WILL have to work hard, but I can guarantee you that I will be working even harder to see you meet your goals.Let’s make this a great school year by working together toward the common goals of academic success and maturity.Show me that you are working to your potential. Be an active participator in class. It will not go unnoticed.

Parent/Guardian Involvement:

The following suggestions will help students be successful and have a positive experience in Pre-Algebra.
* Encourage and support risk taking and perseverance in working problems.
* Talk with your student on a regular basis about the concepts he/she is learning.
* Read and discuss your student's work on occasion.
* Create an atmosphere at home where your student has a designated study space and study time.
* Be open to math groups working together at homes in the evenings and/or weekends.
* Be prepared to learn algebra from your child.

Student Agreement

·  I will come to class ready for the day's work.

·  I will be respectful of my teacher and classmates.

·  I will try my best on my work.

·  I will follow all school expectations.

Parent/Guardian Agreement

·  I will make sure my child is prepared with the necessary materials, and ready to learn.

·  I will monitor my child's work and communicate any concerns to his/her teacher, Mrs. Millet.

·  I will read, sign, and return progress reports and teacher communications, and attend conferences as requested.

·  I will support school initiatives and give input for improvements.

·  I will send an e-mail or text to my child’s teacher.

Disclaimer: To the best of your abilities – I know life happens!

Teacher Agreement

·  I will teach the Alabama Standard Course of Study/Common Core Curriculum.

·  I will provide a classroom environment conducive to learning.

·  I will communicate my expectations, instructional goals, and grading systems with parents through conferences, progress reports, e-mails, or by telephone.

·  I will accept and respect all students as individuals.

·  I will provide intervention/enrichment strategies daily in math.

Student Signature ______

Parent/Guardian Printed Name ______Signature ______

Parent/Guardian Contact Number ______Contact E-mail ______

Teacher Signature ______

After I get this form back, I can send a copy of the back to you via e-mail or through your child. Please let me know how you would like to receive the back copy: £ Paper £E-mail


Behavioral consequences may consist of in-school suspension, detention, suspension, and expulsion (Refer to Student Handbook).


Cheating/plagiarism in any form is not allowed at Davidson High School. Cheating can include, but is not limited to, obtaining and giving information during a test by secret or public means, copying and/or duplicating another person’s work. In all cases, students must do his/her work. Plagiarism is copying another person’s work and claiming it as one’s own. The instructor makes the determination (observation is sufficient) that cheating has occurred. The following steps will be enforced in regards to cheating/plagiarism:

1. The student and instructor will discuss the issue in a timely manner.

2. The student will receive no credit on the assignment or test.

3. The teacher will notify the parent/guardian and an administrator of the incident.

4. A conference to discuss the matter will be arranged if so desired by the administrator or parent/guardian.

5. A second offense in the same class will result in parent notification by the teacher. Then final outcome will be discussed with an administrator.

Copyright Notice:

The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted materials, including music and software. Copying, displaying, reproducing, or distributing copyrighted works may infringe the copyright owner’s rights and such infringement is subject to appropriate disciplinary action as well as criminal penalties provided by federal law. Usage of such material is only appropriate when that usage constitutes “fair use” under the Copyright Act. As a Davidson High School student, you are required to follow the institution’s copyright policy. For more information about the fair use exemption, see http://www.utsystem.edu/ogc/intellectualproperty/copypol2.htm.

Electronic Devices:

Handheld radios, laser pointers, handheld games, portable TV’s and similar electronic devices are not allowed in my classroom. Regardless of the size, they will be confiscated and returned to the student’s parent/guardian.

Cell Phones

·  Cell phones are to remain OFF and out of sight during class time.

·  Cell phones may be used in class ONLY with specific permission from the teacher.

·  Calls to the office/school will only be accepted on school phone line(s), not on student cell phones.


1st Offense – The first time a student violates the policy; the cell phone will be taken from the student and held until the end of the class.

2nd Offense – The second time a student’s phone is retrieved, the student’s parents will be contacted and phone released only to the student’s parents.

3rd Offense – The third time a student’s phone is retrieved, the student’s parents will be called. The phone will only be released to the parents, and the student will be banned from having a phone in class for the remainder of the school year.

4th Offense – In the event the student violates the cell phone policy and/or consequences for a fourth time, the student may be suspended.

I will be available after school from dismissal to 4:30 pm, Tuesday through Friday. Please have your child attend if they need additional assistance.

The teacher has the right to change or modify the syllabus as new situations arise in the school and classroom. The students and their Parents/Guardians will be notified in writing (whether electronic or paper) of any new policies.