**Warm-up Assignment before actual project can begin filming.

Directions: Students will be randomly selected into three groups. The groups are irrelevant because technically each person will design their own idea for a short video. Students will create a storyboard in class. The goal is to perform it for the camera using all the shots listed below. The video does not have to really make sense (abstract), but it must incorporate all the shots listed. The story board itself will allow the producer/director to create the video without any instructions or personal additions to the making of the film. In other words, if it isn’t on the storyboard, the director/producer will not shoot it. All three students will submit their storyboards to the teacher. Then they will receive three new storyboards randomly from the other groups. It will be their job to take the role of producer, camera man, and editor. After shooting the film and directing it, each student will edit the film to put together a 50 to 60 second spoof. Once they have shown they can master the element of editing and shooting appropriate shots, they will then establish the filming for their project music video project.

  • Establishing Shot: a long shot that shows location and mood.
  • Full Shot: A long shot that captures the subject’s entire body.
  • Medium Shot: Shot that captures from the knees up.
  • Close Shot: A shot that subject is shown from the top of the head to mid-waist
  • Tight Shot: A shot where the character’s head fills the whole frame.
  • Point of View Shot (POV): A shot from the characters point of view
  • Two Shot: Is a close or medium shot wide enough for two people often used in film conversation.
  • Over the shoulder shot (OTS): A shot that shows us the character’s point of view, but includes part of that characters shoulder or side of their head in the shot
  • A pan shot: a shot in which the camera moves horizontally around a fixed axis from one part of the scene to another
  • A tilt shot: a shot in which the camera moves up or down along a vertical axis, as when it looks from a building from bottom to top