Città della Pieve

Programma di Lingua e Civiltà Inglese

a.s. 2011-2012

Classe III A


Going on holiday / -  Present Perfect / -  Holiday activities and things to buy
-  / -  Reading part 2, 1, 5
-  Listening part 3
-  Writing part 2, 3
-  Speaking part 2
Student life / -  Obligation and prohibition / -  Classroom objects
-  Ways of studying / -  Reading part 4, 1, 5
-  Listening part 4
-  Writing part 3
-  Speaking part2
What’s like outside? / -  Direct and reported speech / -  In the country Words easily confused
-  / -  Reading part 2, 1,5
-  Listening part 4
-  Writing part 2,3
-  Speaking part2
A day’s work / -  Verb + infinitive or ing
-  connectors / -  jobs / -  Reading part 3, 1,5
-  Listening part 3
-  Writing part 1
-  Speaking part 3, 4
Down town / -  The past perfect / -  Building and location / -  Reading part 4, 1,5
-  Listening part 1
-  Writing part 3
-  Speaking part 2
story / -  It is and there is / -  Vocabulary of horror stories
-  Different types of food / -  Reading part 4, 1,5
-  Listening part 3
-  Writing part 2
-  Speaking part 1, 3, 4









Test 1
Test 2
Test 3
Test 4
Test 5
Test 6 / 1. A mobile phone
2. Writing a thank you e- mail
3. Letter giving advice
Story: “The lost key” / 1. Short conversation and announcement
2. An engineer
3. Crossway sports and fitness centre
4. A conversation about clothes / 1. Giving personal information, spelling
2. Talking about present
3. Talking about holidays
4. Talking about likes, dislikes and preferences
1. A dance class
2. Writing about a lost item
3. Letter: celebrations
Story: “it was the last day...2” / 1. Short conversation and announcement
2. A college tour
3. City film festival
4 A conversation in a computer shop / 1. Giving personal information, spelling
2. Talking about places to visit
3. Talking about rooms
4. Talking about likes, dislikes and preferences
1. The Sahara Desert
2. Writing an e-mail of apology
3. Letter: what you do at weekend
Story: I was surprised when / 1. Short conversation and announcement
2. A balloon trip
3. Recommended hotels
4. A conversation about a swimming competition / 1. Giving personal information, spelling
2. Talking about a camping trip
3. Talking about different jobs
4. Talking about likes, dislikes and preferences
1. A journalist
2. Inviting a friend to the cinema
3. Letter: :your favourite subject
Story: “The best day of my life” / 1 .Short conversation and announcement
2. A photographer
3. The central library
4 A conversation about a friend’s birthday / 1. Giving personal information, spelling
2. Talking about a shopping centre
3. Talking about free time activities
4. Talking about likes, dislikes and preferences
1. Surfing
2. Writing an e-mail with an offer and a suggestion
3. Letter: your favourite TV programmes
Story: “The dream” / 1. Short conversations and announcements
2. An Actor
3. Photography competition
4. A conversation about university accommodation / 1. Giving personal information, spelling
2. Talking about places to eat
3. Talking about music
4. Talking about likes, dislikes and preferences
1. The Globe Theatre
2. Writing an e-mail with invitation
3. Letter: do you spend or save money?
Story: “Daniel opened his eyes” / 1. Short conversations and announcements
2. A young violin player
3. Brandon Forest Park / 1. Giving personal information, spelling
2. Talking about going to the seaside
3. Talking about being photographed
4. Talking about likes, dislikes and preferences
TURE / -  The Origins / Historical and Social Context
(Poetry as a literary genre)
Beowulf and Grendel: The Fight
- Geoffrey Chaucer / Historical and Social Context
Canterbury Tales:
-  The prioress
-  The Merchant
The Tudor dynasty / Historical and Social Context
(Drama as a literary genre)

Città della Pieve, 07 giugno 2012

Gli studenti L’insegnante

