Opening Weekend Group Leaders (OWGLs) serve the community of BGSU by supporting first-year students and their transition to the university during Opening Weekend. Opening Weekend allows incoming students to acclimate to their new environment, to make friends, and to learn all about the resources available to them andwhat it means to be a BGSU Falcon.Serving as a "first-friend" and guide to incoming students, OWGLs are an integral part of these transitions.
Transferrable Skills
By serving as an OWGL, the following transferable skills can be added to your resume:
•Confidence as a leader
•Personal and team goalsetting
•Facilitating discussions and activities
•Motivating ateam
You will receive the following by serving as an OWGL:
•~90 verifiable volunteerhours
•Quality, wellrounded experience asa student leader
•OWGL gear- including shirts and a nametag
•Lastingfriendships and support systems
•Abilitytomoveinearlyiflivingoncampus (~$1000value)
•$150 gift card to FalconOutfitters uponsuccessfulcompletionofresponsibilities
Application Requirements
Applicants must:
•Holdaminimumofa2.5cumulativeGPAandmaintainitthroughspringand summer 2018
•Spring and Summer
oReturn to BGSU fortraining
oFollowtheplacementscheduleandhelpstaffvariouseventsthroughouttheweekend,including late nightactivities
oFacilitateicebreakersandteambuildingactivitiestogivefirstyearstudentsanopportunityto get to know eachother
oLeadsmallgroupdiscussionswithfirstyearstudentsontopicssuchasgettinginvolvedon campus,diversityandinclusion,andconsent
oEngage studentgroupinfrequent,informal,unscriptedconversationsaimedtoeasestudents’transition
oMotivatefirstyearstudentsandmaintainexcitementthroughoutOpeningWeekendandthe academicyear
oUtilizeyourOrientationLeader for support and stay in contact with them throughouttheweekend
Important Dates
March 2 Applications due at midnight
March 24 or 25 OWGL GroupInterviews
April 14 Spring OWGLTraining
August 19 OWGL MoveIn
August 1922 August OWGLTraining
August 2326 Opening Weekend 2018
Application Deadline & Interview Process
•Applicantsmaybeinvitedtoparticipateingroupinterviews.Theywillattendoneofthefollowing: o March 24,10:00am1:00pm
oMarch 24,3:00pm6:00pm
oMarch 25,1:00pm4:00pm