Lord of the Flies, journaling, ch. 8-end.

Select a few of the following journaling questions to write a THOUGHTFUL response from this chapter. Remember to go for quality work here, not speed.

Lord of the Flies

Chapter 8: Gift for the Darkness

1. What does Ralph’s answer to Piggy’s question, “D’you think we’re safe down here?” indicateto you?

2. Who is the first to realize that Jack might prove dangerous?

3. What are the implications of Jack’s using the word play in “I’m not going to play any longer”?

4. Jack’s choir are all (except Simon) back with him, having accepted him as leader, by the end of the chapter. Why doesn’t Jack get support at the meeting? Why does the narrator refer to their voices as they had used to sound in the choir?

5. Piggy has insight into many things. What do you think of his comments about Simon?

6. What does the sow’s head represent to Jack? To Simon? To you?

7. In Chapter 2, Ralph said, “This is a god island.” By Chapter 8, he believes that “the island was getting worse and worse”. Is the island changing? What is he trying to convey?

8. What effect did the paint and costume have on Jack?

9. Why did Piggy run away when Jack and his hunters came to steal the fire?

10. Explain what the Lord of the Flies said to Simon.

Journal your ideas about how this (the situation they find themselves in) could end. What do you think is most likely? Why?

Lord of the Flies

Chapter 9: A View to a Death

1. How would you characterize Jack’s regime? What details support your conclusions?

2. Why does the narrator refer to Simon as “the beast”? What effect does this have for you?

3. Simon’s death could be considered symbolic. Looked at this way, what might the death of Simonsymbolize?

4. In what ways is Simon’s death ironic?

5. How do you think the boys will react to their role in Simon’s death?

Pick the most interesting of the five questions above and journal your response. If you have a more interesting “question” to journal, first write the question, then journal your response.

Lord of the Flies

Chapter 10: The Shell and the Glasses

1. Analyze how Piggy, Ralph, and Samneric deal with Simon’s death.

2. How does Jack’s reaction to Simon’s death differ from the reaction of his followers?

3. How is the word savage used differently in this chapter than before?

4. What meaning do you attach to the episode involving the beating of Wilfrid?

5. What hint about the war in the world they left is given in Chapter 10? What does it mean to you?

6. What do you think is happening to Ralph when the “curtain flaps” in his mind?

7. How did you react to Ralph’s prayer?

8. When did you realize what Jack and his hunters came for?

9. Why does the narrator say “He was a chief now in truth”?

10. What is the significance of face paint in this chapter? In the story?

Lord of the Flies

Chapter 11: Castle Rock

1. Ralph asks, “Are we savages or what?” What do you think means by the question?

2. In Ralph’s speech, he says, “Then ere was, there was...that’s his fault too.” What does he have inmind? Do you agree with his analysis?

3. Do you believe Ralph, Piggy, and Samneric would have given the others fire if they’d asked?

Explain your thinking.

4. How do you interpret Ralph’s statement, “We can’t ever be rescued”?

5. Characterize the change that takes place in Piggy with the loss of his glasses.

6. What is the “one thing (that Jack) hasn’t got” that Piggy plans to show him?

7. What do you think is the connection between paint and savagery?

8. Do you think it’s true that they can’t be rescued without smoke?

9. Why do Piggy and Ralph lie to each other? What’s the impact on Samneric?

10. Why is Ralph’s reference to “playing the game” ironic?

11. What has changed in the way Roger acts? Why didn’t’ he show this side of himself before?

12. What does it mean that Jack hurled his spear at Ralph “with full intention”?

Lord of the Flies

Chapter 12: Cry of the Hunters

1. What do you think Ralph will be like when he grows up? Jack? Roger? Explain why you think as you do.

2. Why do you think Jack decided not to challenge Ralph when the officer asked who was the boss of the boys on the island?

3. Who is your favorite character and why?

4. How did you expect the chase to end? How did you expect the book to end? What do you think of the actual ending?

5. How did the boys change from Chapter 1 to Chapter 12?

6. What were the boys’ expectations for their island experience? Compare and contrast theirexpectations with the actual occurrences. Analyze how/why the difference occurred.

7. Do you share the vision of life that comes through Lord of the Flies? Explain how your vision is similar or how it differs.

8. Do you think this is a book you would ever reread? Why or why not?

9. How would you identify the protagonist and antagonist in this book? Explain your thinking.

10. What images from Chapter 12 struck you most deeply? Describe what you pictured in your mind’s eye and explain why it resonated.

11. What examples of irony do you find in the final chapter?