Non-Compliance with Procurement Procedures

Financial Regulations & Procedures

The purpose of this form is to highlight the requirement to raise requisitions and have orders issued via our e-ordering system (Agresso) in advance of the receipt of a services or goods etc.

The only valid routes for purchasing are by Requisition via Agresso and by Purchase Card.

An order is a legal contract, ordering by any other means than the above may leave the University open to legal challenge and may result in double payment or delays in payment with consequent damage to our reputation with our supplier base.

Only heads of school or equivalent (Requisition Approvers) have the authority in conjunction with Procurement to authorise the conversion of requisitions into orders and issue orders electronically and only via Agresso. All requisitions must be raised well in advance and before the goods or services are to be delivered.

Remember to also engage well in advance of raising a requisition with the Procurement who can offer advice on available contracts and frameworks.

Ordering by any other means including ordering via letter, fax or email is a clear breach of the Financial Regulations, such acts, if they continue, may result in disciplinary action.


The form on the next page must be completed in any instance where there is non-compliance with the above procedures.

The form must be completed and signed by the initiator of the purchase and also signed by the requisitioner and the approver.

Once signed, pages one and two must be scanned and attached to the requisition in the notes section.

A full record of non-compliance is kept by Procurement, which will be reviewed on a monthly basis.


All invoices received without a pre-printed purchase order number must be returned to the supplier with the a completed letter – see Return of Invoice (Depts). You will note the letter requests that the supplierre-issues any invoices to include a valid order number printed by the supplier at the time of invoicing.


The purpose of this form is to enable Agresso users to record and communicate to Procurement, instances where goods or services have incorrectly already been supplied, for which an official order has not yet been issued via Agresso.

Orders must always be raised in advance of the supply of goods or services and staff must not “order” by any other means than Agresso.

Please state the name of the member of staff who initiated the purchase and the name of the “supplier” and how the “supplier” was selected and if additional quotes were sought / Provide an explanation as to why an order was not raised as per regulations and by what means was the “order” made?
For example by telephone etc
Initiator: / / Reason order was not made in advance /
Supplier Name & Supplier No.
How supplier was selected
Folder No. / Means by which order was made
Initiator of the Purchase / Approver (this must be one of the approvers on Agresso)
Print Name
Date / / Signed
Print Name
Date /

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