Agreement for 2 + 2 Program Between
The CatholicUniversity of America and(Name of University)
The Catholic University of America (CUA) and (name of university), wishing to further relations between our two institutions through academic exchange in education, research, scholarship, and other related activities, do hereby commit to mutual and reciprocal cooperation toward our shared goal of internationalization of higher education in (academic discipline). The two institutions agree to enter an agreement to establish a 2+2 program described as below.
1. Overview of the 2+2 Program
Students from (name of university) join CUA as an international transfer student to pursue an (academic discipline) bachelor’s degree after they complete 2-3 years of study preferably in English at (name of university) in the following degree programs: (list here).
The students may transfer into the following degree programs at CUA: (list here). (Name of university) will recommend yearly its top (number) students for the 2+2 program and CUA will consider (number) students from the submitted pool.
Transfer students from (name of university) are expected to spend at least 2 years at CUA to finish their bachelor’s degree. To facilitate the 2+2 program, articulations for course transfer between the (name of university) and CUA will be established on a case by case basis.
2. Promoting, Marketing, and Advertising
Promoting, marketing, and advertising to recruit students from (name of university) to transfer to CUA will be the responsibility of (name of university).
3. Interview
Students recommended by (name of university) will have to request an initial interview with the appropriate CUA program director. The objective of the interview is to provide the students with an introduction to CUA and current information regarding tuition and admission. The interview process will be the responsibility of CUA.
4. Admission
Eligible (name of university) students who are interested in coming to study at CUA can apply for admission to CUA as an international transfer student. They can apply on-line at The (name of university) students must meet all conditions required for international students and transfer students at CUA, including submission of all credentials translated to English and the results (score) of the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or equivalent tests. The Catholic University of America International Student Guide booklet provides the details of the admission requirements.
Should the students be admitted to a specific CUA program, CUA will determine the coursework they have to make up in order to receive a (discipline) bachelor’s degree from CUA.
5. Tuition Assistance
Students admitted to CUAfor the 2 + 2 program are eligible to receive a transfer student scholarship in the amount of (percentage) of the yearly tuition. Awards are renewable for a total of (number) consecutive semesters and renewal is based on the student academic performance of the preceding year. This financial assistance is limited to a total number of (number) students per year and (number) students at any given time. Students can start their study at CUA at the beginning of either the fall semester or the spring semester. Transfer students will be fully responsible for other expenses including admission fee, room and board, books, transportations, and medical insurance, etc.
6. Financial Arrangements
6.1 Administrative Costs
Each institution shall bear its own administrative costs in relation to the development and operation of this agreement and the delivery and assessment of its own programs.
6.2 Travel Costs
Each institution shall bear the cost of visits by its own representatives to the other institution for the purpose of implementing this agreement.
7. Program Coordinator
Each institution shall appoint a coordinator who will represent his/her organization to work with his/her counterpart to implement the cooperative programs listed above.
8. Term of Agreement
This agreement shall be valid for four years from the date it is signed by the two institutions.
Signed for and on behalf ofThe CatholicUniversity of America,
WashingtonD.C., USA / Signed for and on behalf of
(Name of University),
Title, CatholicUniversity of America
Title, School Name / Name
Title, Name of University
Title, School Name
Date: / Date: