King’s Revival Church Intl. Ministry

Miracle Testimonies Dubai-Sept’07


God instantly healed my “shoulder pain” when I responded to the “word of knowledge” by the servant of God. As I believe, I started moving my shoulder which I cannot do before. I realize that the pain is gone and I am healed.

Emmanuel Jaya Paul

My name was called out and my burden rolled away at that very moment. I was filled with joy and peace in my heart. I knew without a shadow of doubt that God touched me by revealing my name. Praise Jesus.


I was so troubled and worried when I came to the church because of my financial problems. Suddenly, my name was called out. I was so happy, thanking God and responded to the altar call. I was so amazed when my conditions were told and I rejoice when the results were revealed. I left that day rejoicing and praising the Lord. God truly never abandoned anyone with a broken heart. I praise and thank the Lord for His amazing works in my life.


I came to the church with stomach pain and swelling that resulted to my breathing difficulties. While worshipping the Lord I thank Him for my healing. I touched my stomach again and again, and notice that there’s no more swelling and the pain is gone. Now I can breathe freely. Praise the Lord.


I was so blessed when God has called out my name through His servant revealing His blessings upon my life. I believe every word that God has revealed to me and pondered them in my heart. After sometimes, all that was revealed earlier through His prophets has come to pass in my life. Now I am also blessed with a wife and other things. Thank you Jesus.


My daughter who was suffering from heart disease and advised by her doctor to go for a “bypass operation” is completely healed by the Lord in Jesus name.

I stand to testify that God healed my daughter.


I praise God for saving my brother after sharing to him the love of God through Christ Jesus. Few days after receiving the Lord as his Saviour and Lord, he met a terrible accident but Jesus saved him from the accident. Jesus came to his life just right on time. If it’s not for Jesus, I don’t know what would have happened to my brother. Praise the Lord, He saves him.

Salwa Majid

SEPTEMBER 14, 2007

I was suffering from “chest pain” and literally dragged myself to come to church because I wanted God to heal me. While worshipping the Lord in tears because of excruciating pain, suddenly, I realized I don’t have pain anymore. I breathed in and out and tried a couple of times to check if there’s no more pain. And the pain is gone; I was completely healed in Jesus name.

Maria Peters

My burdens rolled away when my name was called out by the servant of God through the power of the Holy Spirit. For me it’s quite amazing since I came from a different faith, but the wonderful touch that I felt that very moment has filled my heart with joy and peace, which I believed was from the Lord for it was something new for me. My heart is rejoicing.


For 2 weeks I was very worried because of various difficulties I was going through in life. I came to church with heaviness in my heart. But while in the service, God started talking to me through His Words that was being preached by His servant. It was as if God was talking to me personally, through the quoted verses from the Word of God. I felt a cold sensation over me. I was filled with joy and all worries and heaviness left me. I praise and thank God for lifting me up by the power of His Word.


SEPTEMBER 21, 2007

I was having “neck & shoulder pain” (Spondolytis) for almost one year. The presence of God in the church touched me and the pain disappeared both from my neck and shoulder. I am healed in Jesus name.


The doctor suspected that I have “Osteoporoses” due to my constant hip pain down my left leg. I prayed and asked the Lord to heal me. When I collected my medical report, the results showed “negative”. Praise the Lord. God’s report is true.


In the Miracle Moments Healing & Deliverance Service the presence of God was so powerful that a “Word of knowledge” from the Holy Spirit through His servant, “that God is healing someone with “infected toe”. That very moment I believe God was talking to me. I went forward and was prayed over by one of the pastors. I went rejoicing and thanking God. Later, I noticed the infection is diminishing and now I am completely healed.


Word of Prophecy came to pass in my life. I praise the Lord for fulfilling the prophecy revealed to me by His servant through the power of His Holy Spirit. Now I am blessed in Jesus name.


SEPTEMBER 28, 2007

A Word of Knowledge from the Pastor revealing my “ear pain” has resulted to my healing when I believed and received in Jesus name.


The Lord has healed my eye problems and restored my clear vision. Praise the Lord for His might works.


I responded to the “word of knowledge” that God revealed through His servant. I went forward to receive my healing in Jesus name. After the Pastor prayed over me, I went back to my seat to realize that I don’t have back pain anymore. I praise and thank God for my instant healing in Jesus name. I give Him all the glory.

Padma Marritt

Testimonies / September

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