CACCN – NS Meeting Minutes for October 14, 2016 from 1400-1450 hours

Present at the meeting:

Amber Eason (president), Ashley Mowat (vice-president), Robin Fraser (treasurer), Kara Evers (secretary)

  1. Role Clarity and Expectations:

-Ashley brought bank statements, credit cards, renewal for the post office box ($248.00, and the post office box key. Ashley will remain signing officer but will add Amber and Robin. She will contact BMO to arrange this.

-Amber will give each of us the email address and password for the NS chapter email.

-As secretary, Kara will update this website page.

-Amber will get a complete list of CCUs, ICUs, and IMCUs in NS and will contact CACCN to update the contact information on the NS page

  1. Succession Planning:

-In our 10-year history, not much has been done in the area of succession planning.

-We would like to review what other chapters have done in this area.

-There is currently a commitment time of 2 years which Amber suggested be made 3 years as this would allow for better mentorship with some overlap for training (issues with who holds title and who gets coupons for things like Dynamics TBD)

  1. Membership (Why join?):

-Only 7% of Critical Care Nurses are part of CACCN

-There are 120 active members in NS and only NS offers premium points for leadership

-Reason 1

  • Practice premiums
  • We can expedite education sessions for practice premiums
  • We can consider using an app such as “Go to Meeting” whereby each chapter could be responsible for hosting one meeting

-Reason 2

  • Social aspect
  • Meet and greet for new members/ dinner & education sessions

-Reason 3

  • Education
  • Study groups for CCN licensing
  • Montreal is willing to link us in to their study sessions
  • Carla MacDonald of DGH would be willing to head up so NS study tutorials

-We would like to put a package/poster together that explains the benefits of joining to new members and start recruiting

  1. Education:

-We must offer a minimum of one education session per year – we would ideally like to have 2 sessions and talked about hosting the first one in Truro to showcase their unit sometime in January

-We must have our AGM before June 16, 2017

-October 19-November 4 is Critical Care Nurses Week – can we have a recruitment poster ready for presentation at this event?

  1. Communication:

-Can we use social media to recruit new members?

-We talked about visiting each of the ICUs to reach out/liaise with potential new members to increase membership

-We also spoke about the inclusion of IMCU nurses

-We discussed setting up Google Calendar for the four of us – Kara will look into this

-Ashley brought up using Zoom as a means of meeting – we will try this for our first meeting on November 1

-Paypal was suggested as an option for CACCN membership fees – Amber will follow-up

  1. Dynamics 2017

-The next Dynamics will be hosted in Toronto – going forward, only Halifax, Toronto and Calgary will be used as rotating sites for this conference

-CACCN is now only funding one nurse per unit

-Amber suggested using a silent auction to help fund nurses for the conference. She has a contact that she will speak with to get more information and to find out whether we could do a silent auction online

-Kara and Amber also brought up the idea of a payroll deduction (ie. $50/pay) as a means of funding nurses for the conference – the logistics of this need to be determined

Meeting adjourned at 1450hrs.