Special Conditions for External Electrification Work for Jila Paryatan Sanwardhan Parishad, Shivpuri Page 5of 5

Special conditions etc. for External electrification of Bhadaiya Kund, Shivpuri By jila paryatan sanwardhan parishad, shivpuri

1.  The entire work of electrification shall be carried out as per Indian electricity Rules 1956 updated till date and as per the norms and standards of M.P. Licensing Board, M.P.P.K.V.V.Co. Ltd and M.P.M.K.V.V.Co.Ltd.

2.  The contractor shall be required to maintain all safety precautions as per all concerned departments of Central Govt. and State Govt. etc.

3. The contractor shall be fully and solely responsible for the insurance of his own working staff, employees and directly or indirectly employed labourers/workers. The contractor shall be fully and solely responsible for any accident or any damage caused to any person or property during the course of execution of the work till handing it over to the Jila Paryatan Sanwardhan Parishad, Shivpuri, after a period of 2 years from the date of completion. The date of completion shall be certified by the Engineer-in-charge of the Jila Paryatan Sanwardhan Parishad, Shivpuri.

4. The Jila Paryatan Sanwardhan Parishad, Shivpuri or any officer/employee / consultant of Jila Paryatan Sanwardhan Parishad, Shivpuri shall not be responsible for any accident or any damage caused to any person or property from the electrical work executed by the contractor/ agency under this contract, during or after the execution of the work till handing it over to the Competent Authority departments after a period of 2 years from the date of completion. The date of completion shall be certified by the Engineer-in-charge of the Jila Paryatan Sanwardhan Parishad, Shivpuri.

5. All materials supplied and installed shall be of any one of the given makes in the tender-bid document only. The quality of items should be as per relevant IS specifications or as described in items. The samples of all materials (as required) shall be got approved by Engineer-in-charge (EIC) before installation. The approval / rejection on any sample shall be binding on the contractor.

In case of any doubt or problem, the Jila Paryatan Sanwardhan Parishad, Shivpuri reserves the right to get any or all items checked at contractor’s cost from any Government Laboratory (CPRI/NABL/eRDA etc) Govt. approved /Private Laboratory of national or local level as required. The contractor shall arrange testing for any material/equipments at site or at approved laboratories or at factory No extra cost shall be paid for any expenses incurred by the contractor in such testing. The contractor shall bear all the cost of travelling, lodging etc. of the inspection team of Jila Paryatan Sanwardhan Parishad, Shivpuri

6. To assure that all materials supplied & installed by the contractor are original and genuine, the contractor should purchase all material of approved make from the manufacturing company or its authorized dealer as the case may be. If required by the Engineer in-charge, the contractor shall show the original purchase bills and submit the self-attested photo-copies of these bills and the original certificates obtained by him from the manufactures showing that the materials supplied/installed by him are original & genuine.

In case of LED Flood lights, 24 Volts DC Power Supplies and DMX Lighting Controllers, the contractor shall procure a letter from the authorized dealer/ manufacturer on official letter-head of the Company that these products are warranted for two years from the date of commissioning or 25 months from the date of supply whichever is later. This/ these letters in original shall be signed by the contractor also and submitted to the Engineer-in-charge

7. The drawing(s) which may be issued to the contractor shall be General Arrangement Drawings only which shall be for providing guidelines about the work. These shall be indicative of the arrangement & placement of various items of the tender to be used in this work. The work shall be carried out by the contractor as per the drawing(s) and the instructions given by the Engineer-in-Charge from time to time.

8. The quantities given in the tender may vary and some items may not be used at all depending on work conditions and requirements and the contractor shall have no claim on this account. However, the payment will be made on the actual supply and work carried out at site and duly certified by the Engineer-in-charge.

9. In case of non availability for any other genuine reasons if the contractor wishes an alternative equipments make other than suggested in tender, the name of equivalent make shall be submitted to the Engineer-in-charge giving details specifications , catalogue , price list along with the samples, if possible, for approval from the Engineer-in-charge. All necessary tests shall be carried out at no extra cost and report be submitted to Engineer-in-charge. Jila Paryatan Sanwardhan Parishad, Shivpuri reserves the right to permit or not to permit the contractor for use of other alternate make material without any reasons and contractor is bound to follow his decision in this regard

10. in case of any discrepancies in specifications in any item(s) of S.o.R. Non- S.o.R. or condition (either general or special) in tender, decision of Jila Paryatan Sanwardhan Parishad, Shivpuri shall be final and binding on the contractor.

11. In case if any item is required to be carried out as per site conditions and requirements which is not considered or not covered in the schedule of items of this tender then following conditions will apply ;

(a)  The item which is not covered in the schedule of items of this tender but otherwise is covered in the U.A.D.D. S.o.R., then that item will be paid for as supplementary schedule of items considering the S.o.R. rate of that item plus the tender percentage.

(b)  The item is not covered in the schedule of items of this tender nor in the U.A.D.D. S.o.R. then it will be treated as "Extra Item" and will be paid as per rate analysis based on actual market rate of the cost of item , labour, required to execute it and @ 10% Contractor’s Profit. The tender percentage shall Not apply on such extra items.

12. On the completion of the work the contractor shall supply completion Drawing in 3 copies. All test reports of the internal and external electrification installation in three copies shall be handed over to engineer in-charge in good condition by the contractor before finalisation of his final bill. The contractor shall supply all above items free of cost.

13. After completion of the entire work, test report should be submitted to the Electrical Inspector of M.P. Licensing Board. Any drawings/ documents required for such permission, sanction, approval, testing or inspection shall be prepared by contractor and submitted to the relevant officer and NOC is to be obtained from Electrical Inspector of M.P. Licensing Board and submitted in original to the Engineer-in-charge / Competent Authority of Jila Paryatan Sanwardhan Parishad, Shivpuri. Any alternations additions suggested by the Electrical Inspector in drawing / documents / material / work shall have to be incorporated / corrected with consent of Engineer-in-charge by the contractor at his cost. The contractor shall submit original copies and necessary numbers of set of photocopies of all the approved documents, permissions, sanctions etc., to the Jila Paryatan Sanwardhan Parishad, Shivpuri.

14. Security deposit for performance and maintenance FOR TWO YEARS.

The security deposit to be taken for the due performance & maintenance of the contract work under the terms & conditions printed on the tender form will be the earnest money plus deductions made from the payment made in the running bill, till the two together amount 10 percent of the cost of work put to tender or 10 percent of the cost of the work executed when the same exceeds the cost of work put to tender. This amount can be replaced by bank guarantee as desired by Jila Paryatan Sanwardhan Parishad, Shivpuri , which shall be valid for a period of 2 years ( 24 months) from the date of completion of work. The date of completion shall be certified by the Engineer-in-charge of the Jila Paryatan Sanwardhan Parishad, Shivpuri.

During the maintenance period the contractor/agency have to carry out all necessary repair within required period looking to the urgency of work as decided by engineer in-charge. The maximum limit, if allowed by engineer In charge, shall be 3 days of receipt of such communication from Engineer-in-charge. If defects & damages are not rectified to full satisfaction of engineer-in-charge within time limit, then department reserves right to get the work done by any outside agency & amount paid for such works will be recovered from the amount deposited by contractor/agency against Performance & Maintenance Security & S.D. etc. The Maintenance & Performance security will be released to the contractor as given below only if all the repairs have been completed to the satisfaction of Engineer- in charge:

50% of the Maintenance & Performance security shall be released to the contractor after 1 (One) year (12 months) from the date of handing over the executed work to the Competent Authority (that is, Jila Paryatan Sanwardhan Parishad, Shivpuri) and balance 50% will be released after 1 (One) year (12 months) from the dale of release of the first 50% of the Maintenance & Performance Security.

15. The security personnel shall be appointed by the Jila Paryatan Sanwardhan Parishad, Shivpuri. The contractor shall not be liable for the loss due to theft of the material installed by him or damaged caused to the material installed by him by visitors etc.

16. Security amount would be payable from the date of actual completion certified by the Engineer-in-charge and shall be applicable up to the date of handing over. Handing over formalities must be done by agency / contractor immediately after completion of work along with charging of line and if any bonafide intention of delay is observed in that case department reserves the right to with hold/ encash security of the contractor / agency and no separate advance notice to this respect shall be necessary.

17. These “Special Conditions” will supersede the relevant clauses of N.I.T., conditions of the contract and relevant conditions etc. of U.A.D.D. S.O.R.

18. If any material existing at site or available with Jila Paryatan Sanwardhan Parishad, Shivpuri is used with the permission & approval of the Engineer-in-charge then only the labour charges for digging, erection/installation/ painting etc, as applicable shall be paid to the contractor at quoted,, approved, U./A.D.D. S.O.R. rates or rates approved by Engineer-in-charge for such items.

19. This work of external electrification is to be completed in 12 months from the date of firm order and agreement. In phase-I the work of special illumination and electrification of Bhadaiya Kund and surrounding area is to be completed. The estimated cost of this work of phase-I shall be nearly Rs. 15 Lakh and the completion time for this work is 2 months. The remaining work shall be divided in Phase-II & Phase-III and these shall be required to be completed in remaining 10 months.

20. The FDR submitted by the contractor for Earnest Money shall be in the name of the Paryatan Sanwardhan Parishad, Shivpuri (M.P.)

21. The tender without all the required documents as mentioned in the enquiry for tender or tender-bid document shall be rejected. Also those tenders shall be rejected in which the tendered rates are cut / damaged / incomplete or illegible.

22. If the contractor/ agency fails to complete the work as per the agreement with and work order received from Paryatan Sanwardhan Parishad, Shivpuri in the period of 12 months then the Paryatan Sanwardhan Parishad, Shivpuri reserves the right to get that remaining or incomplete work completed from any other contractor at the risk and cost of the contractor/ agency and the payments made to the other contractor shall be deducted from the payment due to be made to the contractor and or from his security deposit. Similar condition shall be applicable if the contractor/agency is not able to maintain the executed work for 2 years after the date of completion certified by Engineer-in-charge.

23. Paryatan Sanwardhan Parishad, Shivpuri, reserves the right to accept or reject the lowest tender bid without assigning any reason whatsoever. The Paryatan Sanwardhan Parishad, Shivpuri, also reserves the right to reject all tender bids without assigning any reason whatsoever.

24. The legal disputes or legal cases shall be subject to the jurisdiction of Shivpuri (M.P.)

Dy Collector & Nodal Officer

Jila Paryatan Sanwardhan Parishad, Shivpuri (M.P.)