1. FLIP and NOTAM ABBREVIATIONS - This listing provides a ready reference of abbreviations used in Flight Information Publications (FLIPs) and the DoD NOTAM System. Codes, e.g., POL, Lighting, JASU etc., are listed elsewhere in the Supplement Legends. The abbreviations presented are intended to represent grammatical variations of the basic form. (Example - "trans"
may mean "transmit", "transmitting," "transmitted," or "transmits.")
A Alert Area (followed by identification)
A Area Chart (followed by identification)
AA Aruba
A/A air to air
AAF Army Air Field
AAI Angle of Approach Indicator
AAL above airport level
AAL Aircraft Approach Limitations
AAS Airport Advisory Service
AB Airbase
abm abeam
ABn Aerodrome Beacon
abt about
abv above
AC Antigua & Barbuda
ACA Arctic Control Area
ACC Air Combat Command
ACC Area Control Center
ACCID notification of aircraft accident
accom accommodate
acft aircraft
ACL altimeter check location
ACLS Automatic Carrier Landing System
ACN Aircraft Classification Number
acpt accept
act activity
ACW Aircraft Control and Warning
A/D Aerodrome
ADA Advisory Area
ADC Aerospace Defense Command
ADCC Air Defense Control Center
ADCF air defense control facility
ADCUS Advise Customs
ADDC Air Defense Direction Center
addn addition
ADF Automatic Direction Finder
ADIZ Air Defense Identification Zone
adj adjacent
admin administration
ADR Advisory Route
advs advise
advsy advisory
AE United Arab Emirates
AEIS Aeronautical Enroute Information Service
AER Approach End of Runway
AF Afghanistan
AFA Army Flight Activity
AFB Air Force Base
afct affect
AFFF Aqueous Film Forming Foam
AFFSA Air Force Flight Standards Agency
AFHP Air Force Heliport
AFI African/Indian Ocean (ICAO Region, Air Force Instruction)
AFIL Flight plan filed while airborne
AFIO Authorization for Fighter Interceptor Operations
AFIS Aerodrome Flight Information Service
afld airfield
AFM Air Force Manual
AFMC Air Force Material Command
AFOD US Army Flight Operations Detachment
AFR Air Force Regulation
AFRC Armed Forces Reserve Center
AFRC Air Force Reserve Command
AFRS Armed Forces Radio Stations
aft after
AFTN Aeronautical Fixed Telecommunication Network
AG Agriculture
AG Algeria
A/G air/ground
A-G Arresting Gear
AGA airfield or air routes ground aids
agcy Agency
A-GEAR Arresting Gear
AGL above ground level
agn again
AHP Army heliport
AIP Aeronautical InformationPublication
AIRAC aeronautical informationregulation and control
AIREP Air Reports (Metro in PlainLanguage)
AIRNAVO US Navy Air NavigationOffice
AIS Aeronautical InformationServices
AJ Azerbaijan
AL Albania
AL Approach and Landing Chart
ALA alighting area
ALERFA alert phase
ALF Auxiliary Landing Field
ALS Approach Light System
ALSF High Intensity ALSCategory 1configuration (code)
ALSF-1 High Intensity ALSCategory I configuration
with sequenced Flashers(code)
ALSF-2 High Intensity ALSCategory II configuration
with sequenced Flashers(code)
alt altitude
altn alternate
ALTRV Altitude Reservation
AM Amplitude Modulation
AM ante meridiem, midnight tonoon
AM Armenia
AMC Air Mobility Command
amd amend
amdt amendment
ammo ammunition
AMSL Above Mean Sea Level
AN Andorra
ANG Air National Guard
ANGS Air National Guard Station
ANO Air Navigation Order
ant antenna
AO Angola
AOE Airport/Aerodrome of Entry
AP Area Planning
apch approach
apn apron
APO Air Force or Army PostOffice
APP CON Approach Control
Apr April
aprx approximate
APU Auxiliary Power Unit
APV Approach with VerticalGuidance
apv approve
apvl approval
AQ American Samoa
AR Aerial Refueling
AR Argentina
AR Army Reserve, Air Receive
ARB Air Reserve Base
ARC Area of ResponsibilityCenter
ARCAL Aircraft Radio Control(Canada) of Aerodrome Lighting
ARCP Air Refueling Control Point
ARCT Air Refueling Control Time
ARFOR Area Forecast
ARINC Aeronautical Radio Inc.
ARIP Air Refueling Initial Point
arng arrange
ARNG Army National Guard
ARO ATS Reporting Office
ARP Airport Reference Point
arpt airport
arr arrive
ARS Air Rescue Service/AirReserve Station
ARSA Airport RADAR Service Area
ARSR Air Route Surveillance Radar
ARTC Air Route Traffic Control
ARTCC Air Route Traffic ControlCenter
AS Air Station
AS Australia
ASAP as soon as possible
ASDA accelerate - stop distanceavailable
ASDE Airport Surface DetectionEquipment
asgn assign
ASL Above Sea Level
ASOS Automatic SurfaceObserving System
ASR Airport Surveillance Radar
ASRgn Altimeter Setting Region
ASU Aircraft Starting Unit
AT Air Transmit
AT Ashmore and Cartier I
ATA Actual Time of Arrival
ATC Air Traffic Control
ATC Air Training Command
ATCAA Air Traffic Control AssignedAirspace
ATCC Air Traffic Control Center
ATCOM Air Traffic ControlCommunications (Ship toShore)
ATCRBS Air Traffic Control RadarBeacon System
ATD Actual Time of Departure
ATD Along Track Distance
ATF Automatic Terrain Following
ATFM Air Traffic Flow Management
ATIS Automatic TerminalInformation Service
ATS Air Traffic Service
attn attention
ATZ airport traffic zone
AU Austria
Aug August
auth authority
AUW All Up Weight (gross weight)
aux auxiliary
AV Anguilla
AVASI abbreviated VASI
avbl available
avg average
AvGas aviation gasoline
avn aviation
AvOil aviation oil
avord aviation ordnance
AWOS Automated WeatherObserving System
AWS Air Weather Service
awy airway
AY Antarctica
az azimuth
BA Bahrain
BA braking action
BASH Bird Aircraft Strike Hazard
BB Barbados
BC back course
BC Botswana
bcn beacon
bcst broadcast
BD Bermuda
bdry boundary
BE Belgium
BEQ Bachelor Enlisted Quarters
BF The Bahamas
BG Bangladesh
BH Belize
BK Bosnia and Herzegovina
BKN Broken
BL Bolivia
bldg building
blkd blocked
blw below
BM bone marker, back marker
BM Burma
BN Benin
BO Belarus
BOA Break-Off Altitude
BOH Break-Off Height
BOQ Bachelor Officers Quarters
BP Solomon I
BQ Navassa I
BR Brazil
brg bearing
brkg braking
BS Broadcast Station(commercial)
BT Bhutan
btn between
BU Bulgaria
bus business
BV Bouvet I
BWC Bird Watch Condition
BX Brunei
BY Burundi
byd beyond
BZ Buffer Zone
C Celsius (degrees),Centigrade (degrees)
C Center (runway designation)
C Circling Approach (oninstrument approach chart)
C Commercial Circuit(Telephone)
CA Canada
CAC Centralized ApproachControl
CALS combat assault landing stripcap capacity
CAR Caribbean (ICAO Region)
CARF Central Altitude ReservationFacility
CAS Calibrated Airspeed
CAT Clear Air Turbulence
CAVU Ceiling and VisibilityUnlimited
CB Cambodia
CB Crash Boat
CCW or cntclkwscounterclockwise
CD Chad
CDI Course Direction Indicator
CE Sri Lanka
ceil ceiling
CERAP Center Radar ApproachControl
CF Congo
cfm confirm
CFMU Central Flow ManagementUnit
CG Democratic Republic of theCongo
CGAF Coast Guard Air Facility
CGAS Coast Guard Air Station
CH channel
CH China
chan channel
CHAPI Chase Helicopter ApproachPath Indicator
chg change
cht chart
CI Chile, Easter I
cir circle, circling
CIS Commonwealth ofIndependent States
CIRVIS Communications InstructionsReporting Vital IntelligenceSightings
CIT near or over large towns
civ civil, civilian
CJ Cayman I
ck check
CK Cocos (Keeling) I
cl class
CL Centerline Lighting System
clbr calibration
clnc clearance
CLNC DEL clearance delivery
CLR Clear
clsd closed
CM Cameroon
CMNPS Canadian MinimumNavigation Performance Specifications Airspace
cmsn commission
CN Comoros
CNATRA Chief of Naval Air Training
CNF Computer Navigation Fix
cnl cancel
CNO Chief of Naval Operations
cns continuous
cnsld Consolidated
cntclkws counterclockwise
or CCW
cntr center
cntrln centerline
CO Colombia
CO Commanding Officer
Co Company, County
com communication
comd command
Comdr Commander
comdt commandant
coml commercial
compl complete
compul compulsory
comsn commission
CON Control (voice call),Consol, Consolan
conc concrete
cond condition
const construction
cont continue
CONUS Continental United States
convl conventional
coord coordinate
COP change over point
copter helicopter
corr correct
cov cover
CQ Northern Mariana I
CR Coral Sea I
crdr corridor
cros cross
CRP Compulsory Reporting Point
crs course
CRT Cathode Ray Tube
CS call sign
CS communication station
CS Costa Rica
CSA Caribbean and SouthAmerica
cstl coastal, coastline
CSTMS Customs
CStn communication station
CT Central African Republic
CTA Control Area
CTAF Common Traffic AdvisoryFrequency
CTAM climb to and maintain
ctc contact
ctl control
CTLZ Control Zone
ctn caution
CU Cuba
CV Cape Verde
CVFP Charted Visual FlightProcedure
CVFR Controlled Visual FlightRules
CW Clockwise, ContinuousWave, Carrier Wave
CW Cook I
CWA Center Weather Advisory
CWT hundredweight
CY Cyprus
D Danger Area (followed byidentification)
DA Decision Altitude
DA Denmark
DAFIF Digital Aeronautical FlightInformation File
daylt daylight
db decibel
dckg docking
dct direct
Dec December
DECCA Decca Navigator
decom decommission
deg degree
del delivery
DEMIZ DEW East MilitaryIdentification Zone
DENEB fog dispersal operations
dep depart
DEP CON Departure Control
DER Departure End of Runway
destn destination
det detachment
DF Direction Finder
DFTI distance from touchdownindicator
dgr danger
DH Decision Height
direc directional
disc discontinue
disem disseminate
displ displace
dist district, distance
div division
DJ Djibouti
DL Direct Line to FSS
dlt delete
dly daily
dly delay
DM Double Master (LoranStations)
DMEDistance Measuring Equipment(UHF standard,TACAN compatible)
DND Department of NationalDefense (Canada)
DNVT Digital Non-Secure VoiceTelephone
DO Dominica
DoD Department of Defense
dpth depth
DQ Jarvis I
DR Dead Reckoning
DR Dominican Republic
drct direct
DS Double Slave (LoranStations)
DSB Double Sideband
DSN Defense Switching Network
DT Daylight Savings Time
DTAM descent to and maintain
DTU Data Transfer Unit
dupe duplication
dur duration
dur during
DV Distinguished Visitor
DVFR Defense Visual Flight Rule
DVOR Doppler VOR
E East
ea each
EAF Expeditionary airfield
EAT Expected Approach Time
Ebnd Eastbound
EC Ecuador
ECM Electronic Counter Measures
ECN Enroute Change Notice
EDCT expected departureclearance time
EET estimated elapsed time
EFC Expect Further Clearance
eff effect
EFIS Electronic Flight InformationSystem
EG Egypt
E-HA Enroute High Altitude
EHF extremely high frequency(30,000 to 300,000 MHz)
EI Ireland
EK Equatorial Guinea
E-LA Enroute Low Altitude
elev elevation
ELT Emergency LocatorTransmitter
em emission
emerg emergency
EN Estonia
eng engine
enrt enroute
EOBT estimated off-block time
EOR End of Runway
EPD Earliest Practicable Date
EPI Expanded Position Indicator
eqpt equipment
ER Eritrea
ERDA nergy Research andDevelopment Administration
ES El Salvador
E-S Enroute Supplement
est estimate
estab establish
ET Ethiopia
ETA Estimated Time of Arrival
ETD Estimated Time of Departure
ETE Estimated Time Enroute
ETO estimated time oversignificant point
ETS European Telephone System
EU Europa I
EUCARF European Central AltitudeReservation Function
Eur Eureka
Eur Europe
EUR European (ICAO Region)
ev every
evac evacuate
exc except
excld exclude
exer exercise
exm exempt
exp expect
ext extent
extn extend, extension
extv extensive
EZ Czech Republic
F Fahrenheit (degrees)
F fixed
FA Falkland I
FAA Federal AviationAdministration
fac facility
FAF Final Approach Fix
FACSFAC Fleet Area Control andSurveillance Facility
FAR Federal Air Regulations
FARP Forward Arming andRefueling Point
FAS Final Approach Speed
FAWS Flight Advisory WeatherService
fax facsimile
FBAA Flying Boat Alighting Area
FBO Fixed Base Operator
FBW Fly by Wire
FCC Flight Control Center
FCG Foreign Clearance Guide
FCLP field carrier landing practice
fcst forecast
Feb February
FG French Guiana
FI Finland
FIC Flight Information Center
FIFORFlight Forecast (ininternational MET figures)
FIH Flight Information Handbook
FI/P Flight Inspection Permanent
FIR Flight Information Region
FIS Flight Information Service
FI/T Flight Inspection Temporary
FJ Fiji
FK Falkland I, incl South GeorgiaI and South Sandwich I
FL flight level
fld field
flg flashing
FLIP Flight InformationPublication
flr flare
flt flight
fltck flight check
FLT CON Flight Control
fluc fluctuate
flw follow
FM Fan Marker, FrequencyModulation
FM Federated States ofMicronesia
FMP Flow Management Position
FMS Flight Management System
FMU Flow Management Unit
FNAfinal approach
FO Faroe I
FOC Flight Operations Center
FOD Foreign Object Damage
fone telephone
FP French Polynesia
FPL Flight Plan
fpm feet per minute
FPO Fleet Post Office
FQ Baker I
fqt frequent
FR France, Corsica
fr from
freq frequency, frequent
Fri Friday
frng firing
FS Flight Service
FS French Southern andAntarctic I
FSC Flight Service Center
FSL full stop landing
FSS Flight Service Station
fst first
ft foot
ftr fighter
furn furnish
F/W Fixed Wing
G grid
GA Gambia
GA Glide Angle
G/A ground-to-air
gal gallon
G-,A-,R-,B- Low Frequency Airways(green, amber, red, blue)
GAT General Air Traffic (Europe-Asia)
GB Gabon
GCA Ground ControlledApproach
GCAS Ground Collision AvoidanceSystem
GCI Ground Control Intercept
GCO Ground CommunicationsOutlet
GCT Greenwich Civil Time
gen general
GG Georgia
GH Ghana
GI Gibraltar
GJ Grenada
GK Guernsey
GL Greenland
gldr glider
GLS GNSS Landing System
GM Germany
GMT Greenwich Mean Time (whennot a figure of time)
gnd ground
gndck ground check
GND CON Ground Control
gnry gunnery
GNSS Global Navigation SatelliteSystem
GO Glorioso I
govt government
GP Glide Path
Gp Group
GP Guadeloupe
GPI Ground Point of Intercept
GPS Global Positioning System
GQ Guam
GR Greece, Crete
grad gradient
grav gravel
grd guard
grdl gradual
Griv Grivation
GS glide slope
GT Guatemala
GV Grid variation
GV Guinea
GWT gross weight
GY Guyana
GZ Gaza Strip
H Enroute High Altitude Chart(followed by identification)
H+ Hours or hours plus...minutes past the hour
H24 continuous operation
HA Haiti
HAA Height Above Airport/Aerodrome
HAL Height Above Landing Area
HALS Helicopter ApproachLighting System
HAR Height Above Runway
HAT Height Above Touchdown
haz hazard
HDF High Frequency DirectionFinder
hdg heading
HDTA High Density Traffic Airport/Aerodrome
HF High Frequency (3000 to30,000 KHz)
Hg mercury
hgr hangar
hgt height
HI Hawaii
hi high
Hi or HAALT High Altitude
HIFOR High Level Forecast
HILS Heliport Instrument LightingSystem
HIRL High Intensity Runway Lights
HIRTA high intensity radiotransmission area
HIWAS Hazardous Inflight WeatherAdvisory Service
HJ Sunrise to Sunset
HK Hong Kong
HKSAR Hong Kong SpecialAdministrative Region
hldg holding
HM Heard and McDonald I
HN Sunset to Sunrise
HO Honduras
HO Service available to meetoperational requirements
hol holiday
HOLF Helicopter Outlying Field
horiz horizontal
hosp hospital
hPa hectopascal
HPOX High Pressure Oxygen
HPZ Helicopter Protected Zone
HQ Headquarters
HQ Howard I
HR Croatia
hr hour
HS service available duringhours of scheduledoperations
hsg housing
HTA Helicopter Training Area
HU Hungary
HVDF High and Very HighFrequency Direction Finder
(at the same location)
hvy heavy
HW Heavy Weight
hwy highway
HX Station having no specificworking hours
Hz Hertz (cycles per second)
I island
IACC Inter-Agency AirCartographic Committee
IAF Initial Approach Fix
IALinstrument approach andlanding chart
IAP Instrument ApproachProcedure
IAR intersection of air routes
IAS Indicated Air Speed
IATA International Air TransportAssociation
IAW in accordance with
IBn identification Beacon
IC Iceland
ICAO International Civil AviationOrganization
ice icing
ICLS Instrument Carrier LandingSystem
ID Indonesia
ident identification
IF Intermediate Fix
IFF Identification, Friend or Foe
IFIM International FlightInformation Manual.
IFPS Integrated Initial Flight PlanProcessing System
IFR Instrument Flight Rules
IFR-S FLIP IFR Supplement
IFSS International Flight ServiceStation
IGS Instrument Guidance System
ILA Instrument Landing Aid
ILS Instrument Landing System
IM Inner Marker
IM Isle of Man/Ronaldsway
IMC Instrument MeteorologicalConditions
IMG Immigration
immed immediate
in inch
IN India
INAinitial approach
inactv inactive
inad inadvertent
inbd inbound
INC In Cloud
Inc Incorporated
incl include
indef indefinite
info information
inop inoperative
INP if not possible
inpr in progress
INREQ information request
INS Inertial Navigation System
inst instrument
instl install
instr instruction
int intersection
intcntl intercontinental
intcp intercept
intl international
intmed intermediate
intmt intermittent
intrg interrogate
introd introduce
intrp interrupt
ints intense
intsf intensify
INTXN Intersection (for InstrumentApproach Procedures only)
IO British Indian OceanTerritory (Diego Garcia)
IP Chipperton I
IP Initial Point
IR IFR Military Training Route
IR Iran
IS Israel
ISMLS Interim Standard MicrowaveLanding System
isol isolate
IV Ivory Coast
IZ Iraq
J Jet Fuel
J Jet Route (followed byidentification)
JA Japan, Bonin I, Volcano I,Minami-Torishima I, Ryukyu I
and Okinawa
JAL High Altitude InstrumentApproach Procedure Chart
J-bar jet aircraft barrier
Jan January
JARB Joint Air Reserve Base
JASU Jet Aircraft Starting Unit
JATO Jet Assisted Take-Off
JCS Joint Chiefs of Staff
JE Jersey
JM Jamaica
JN Jan Mayen
JNC Jet Navigation Chart
jng joining
JO Jordan
JOAP Joint Oil Analysis Program
JOSAC Joint OperationalSupportAirlift Center
JQ Johnston Atoll
JRB Joint Reserve Base
jtstr jet stream
JU Juan De Nova I
Jul July
Jun June
K Kopter (spoken ICAO ATSroute designator)
KE Kenya