St. Louis Gateway Chapter
April 7, 2005
Bank of America
Attendees: Doug Stuart, Tracy Beckette, Jim Barrett, Molly Barrett, RickSeiler, R. Jon Bopp, Chuck Luntz,Julie Chakides, Joe Thompson,, Keith Guller, Jaime Torres, David LaValle, Bill Hammerschmidt, Dennis Muilenburg, Jamie Torres, Dave LaValle, Cliff Metcalf and Christina Winkler
Operating Principals: Doug handed out a list of principals that we will discuss in detail next month.
Minutes: Minutes were approved for March 2006.
Treasury: As of April 7th we have $13,122.11 in the treasury. This will be reduced significantly when scholarship checks are written, the MAC, photographer and musicians are paid. Julie is working on the Non-Profit Letter.
Scholarship Awards Banquet: Thanks to all of the scholarship committee for their time and efforts with the selection of the winners: Rick, Dave, Chuck, Keith and David. 19 scholarships will be awarded from the 80 applications – in classes of: 1)In Uniform 2)Parents in Uniform 3)High School seniors whose parents work for a defense contractor or who served in the US Army
Letters will be sent to all non-winners. Julie stressed that we need more reservations, especially from the board members. This year we will have open seating and Doug will let Julie know who will be seated at the head table. Corporate table tents will be displayed and Rick will have golf flyers on each table. The Scott AFB quartet will arrive at 3:00 PM to setup and sound check. It was decided that bottles of wine not be on each table, cash bar only.
Soldier of the Year: There are 6 soldiers of the year, each receiving $750. Joe, Tracy and Bill will get the names to Molly for the program.
Golf Tournament: Monday, August 14th. Additional information should be ready to hand out at scholarship banquet. Each board member to sell one foursome and corporate sponsorships, Joe Thompson will donate an AUSA Golf Bag, there will be goodie bags for each participant. The event will be held at Pevely Farms. Furtherevent discussions at May meeting.
Military Appreciation Day: Saturday June 17th at Busch Stadium. Brett Hanke will again chair this event.
He will verify the venue either the park at 12th St., Roboski’s offered their parking lot, and KeinerPlaza has been offered.
Army Birthday Ball: Saturday June 17th - Adam’s MarkHotel. Joe Thompson, Doug Stuart and Julie Chakides are part of the sub-committee. The board needs to raise $13,000 to cover soldier’s hotel costs. Doug will send AUSA letter to corporations for donations. Doug has a request in with LTG Campbell’s office to assist with the attendance of the Vice Sec. of Army for the event, or another senior Army leader..
Look ahead to upcoming Board meetings:
- Civilian of the Year award
- Mission, Vision and Operating Principles
- 12 May – Boeing, Airport Road
Thank you to Tracy Beckette and Bank of America for hosting our meeting.
Respectfully submitted,
Christina “Gus” Winkler
Secretary, AUSA St. Louis Gateway Chapter
Attendance for 07 Apr 06Name / Organization / Phone / E-mail
Gus Winkler / Boeing
R. Jon Bopp / Atty / 636-391-9100 /
Cliff Metcalf / Tri-Rinse / 314-647-8338 /
Chuck Luntz / CLA / 636-787-7997 /
Dave LaValle / 314-982-8668 /
Bill Hammerschmidt / N/A / 636-532-4488 /
Tracy Beckette / Bank Of America / 314-466-0623 /
Rick Seiler / Seiler Inst. / N/A /
Joe Thompson / N/A / 314-845-3240 /
Julie Chakides / Kling Company / 314-963-2501 /
Jim Barrett / Kemco Mfg. / 636-343-1169 /
Molly Barrett / AAT / 314-962-5269 /
Jamie torres / STLCC / 314-539-5176
Doug Stuart / Boeing / 314-705-1880
Keith Guller / Essex / 314-832-4500 X354
Dennis Muilenburg / Boeing / 314-232-0014