Shiregreen Medical Centre

LTFT ST1 or ST3 GP Registrar

Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
GP on call / Registrar/GP on call
8.30 -11.00 / REGsurgery9.00 –11.00
GPtriage later in attachment if ST3
Melrose surgery
GP09:00 – 11:00
Meeting with clinicians and practice manager
Debrief GP/REG
Sharevisits with team12 30. to 1.15pm
Approx 1 -2 visits / formal Meeting with all PHCT/ clinicians and PM after meeting
Debrief GP/REG
Share visits with team
1230. to 1.15pm
Approx 1-2 visits
Lunch break
GPsurgery 3.30 –5.30

REGsurgery 3.40 –5.30

Debrief with GP
GPminor surgery or PBC /administration available towards end of attachment / Baby clinic 2-3pmavailable as a on offer option for REG
Alternate weeks :-
REG/GP - educational pm, including intense debrief
2.00 -5.30 OR

GPSurgery 3:35 -5:45

REG surgery 3.40 - 5.30

Alternate weeks on call when able starting with alternate Monday AM an then alternate Tuesdays all day / REG Half-day release
Closed surgery
If no half day release then REG works Thursday am surgery / Bank holidays ½ the bank holidays as a Monday others are pay back
Any OOH get 11 hours rest time and shortened surgery
Days of week depend on the registrar/child care etc.
On call ensure prescriptions and post and PATH Links completed
Visits completed -work shared by all if in excess graded on call responsibility


  • The on-call GP deals with urgent telephone calls and visits.The registrar and the supervising doctor share the post and the PATH links
  • The GP meeting held everyday but Wednesday ,always checks the debrief as timetable if there are other commitments or on holiday deputy debriefs final part of agenda is checking who is debriefing the registrar, even if the trainers are both present long clinical meeting and business meeting Tuesday 12- 1 pm .
  • LFT registrar needs 14 hours clinical and 6 hours educational time each week. Joint surgery every week ,full educational pm and VTS adds to 6 hours plus meeting time and debrief sessions
  • As experience increases there is more on call responsibility for the registrar