Coordinating Council Minutes


5-7 pm in the Miles E.L.C. Library

Absent: Teresa Scotland, Robin Weldon

Attending: Patty Mitchell, Jen Guerra, Becky Peterson, Jana Vargas, Jen Nichols, Laurie Mulcahy, Rebecca Lipson, Latrina Lewis, Teresa Driver, Andy Burrola

Meeting started 5:04

I.  call to audience

a.  Caroline King—info. About mural

II.  Study/action items

a.  review of minutes—Andy motion, 2nd by Nicky with changes

b.  school budget plan—tabled due to revising of school budget points

c.  budget

1.  mini-grant proposals

  1. Sonja—photography and art supplies—Becky motion, Laurie 2nd $250.00
  2. Patty—covered wagon ride for pioneer days—Nicky motion, Teresa D. 2nd $300.00
  3. Rebecca—middle school $500 for Mirror Lab field trip—Nicky motion, Jen 2nd
  4. Nicky—$ to preprint t-shirts to sell at concert—Teresa motion, Becky 2nd $800.00

2.  committee reports

III.  Reports

a.  SCPC—see additional report from Nicky, need new representative from Miles since Andy is ending his term with SCPC

b.  Fundraising

1.  Escrip--$8 made, but process is difficult and must be streamlined for the fall next year

2.  carnival/rummage sale

3.  fall fundraiser for Sept. 2nd with a BMX expo instead of magic show

4.  concert—tickets on sale now, 7-9 pm show, Bookmans and Cox Communications as sponsors, guaranteed $5000

5.  Nicky will continue organizing fundraising even though she is not continuing past this year on Coordinating Council

c.  Web page—new site up and running

d.  PTO—sample bylaws used to fit current structure, will plan a meeting with Robin to work through any questions, looking into setting up non-profit status for PTO

e.  City park- Andy Burrola—project was completed 1-1/2 ago as far as funding, canvas over playground has no funding available, would consider a joint project if we found another funding source, will consider reseeding if TUSD is watering regularly

f.  School district summary—Robin not here to report

IV.  Agenda for next month

a.  Study/Action

1.  PTO

2.  Stage curtains

3.  Carolyn King—mural project

b.  Reports

1.  Parent election

***may need to meet again before next meeting to approve school budget

Becky motion to adjourn, Laurie 2nd adjourns at 5:55 pm Minutes by Rebecca Lipson

SCPC Report – February 21st, 2011 MEETING


Dr. Pedicone Addresses the overall state of TUSD

School closures will be addressed in March 8th meeting. Looks likely Carson will close (East Side).

Mergers also underway for Marshall and Lion? Borton will expand and move to Holliday during construction, thereby closing Holliday. Hoping to build it into K-8. Holliday has low enrollment.

Overall budgets 2011/2012 will not be cut.. TUSD looking at desegregation funds and will be put back into the central budget to reallocate funds. State will be scrutinizing us carefully.

Proposing increasing student ratio:25 for elementary/29 middle school.

They will not be using desegregation money to reduce class sizes.

Budget allocation will include a principal in EVERY school as well as Librarians and Counselors. They will hopefully find a way to fund this, because TUSD realize the short fall is too great.

Funding for a Support Coordinator for K-8 will be reviewed for a full time person to work with staff – this will also come out of deseg. Funds.

Discussion about changing the GATE program – improving and using different method of testing.

Prime focus for TUSD right now is on building curriculum and professional development because there is none in place and Pedicone feels this is vital to well being of system.

Also reintroducing middle management – accountability & interdependency = success.

He also feels it is “morally imperative” to have full day Kindergarten.


Priorities include: full K, freezing the budget this year and also finding additional $51K for K-8 offices (each)- TUSD acknowledges the lack of resources and support and recognizes this as failing. Working hard on CUSTOMER SERVICE!


Deep decisions have been broad based, so they are looking to restructure this under new guidelines.


The funds are on the “cusp” of arrival, but now the E Rate money folk are coming to Tucson to spend time with the District and see what it looks like. 33 schools will be receiving the technology updates which is encouraging. Can’t use Bond money that has been specifically identified.


Changes are afoot!