Revised by Ellen Rubin

August 2009





SLMS holds an annual spring conference to educate members, conduct business, recognize achievements, and generate revenue.


·  to promote the profession by offering programs, staff development, and continuing education to increase awareness and enhance the skills of library media specialists

·  to bring members together for business, exhibits, recognition, and networking

·  to provide an opportunity for SLMS to promote a state and national vision

·  to provide an opportunity for the sponsoring affiliate(s) to work together and grow in professional expertise.

·  to attract and retain membership by increasing the awareness of SLMS

·  to provide consistent revenue for SLMS from each spring conference and to provide revenue for sponsoring affiliate(s)


The SLMS Executive Board designates the affiliate which will co-sponsor the conference and approves the conference chairs. Said chairs must be recommended by the affiliate and must be current members of SLMS. In addition, the executive board:

·  recommends program matrix needs

·  works with the conference committee to select a nationally recognized speaker as keynote

·  sets fiscal policies

·  ensures that the winner of the Knickerbocker Award is contacted by the Knickerbocker Award Chair and is asked to speak at the conference and conduct a workshop

·  ensures that the SLMS Award winners are contacted by the Awards Chair and that arrangements for them to be present at the banquet are made as well

·  approves the conference theme and logo as presented by the conference chairs, making sure that the NYLA/SLMS logo is incorporated into the conference logo.

The SLMS Vice-President for Conferences:

·  maintains communication between the Executive Board and the conference chairs

·  meets with the newly appointed conference chairs at next year’s SLMS conference

·  maintains contact with the conference chairs, periodically reviewing the progress of conference committees

·  maintains consistency in policies, forms, and pricing

·  monitors adherence to conference guidelines

The SLMS Treasurer:

·  will work closely with the conference treasurer

The SLMS President-elect:

·  works in conjunction with the conference chairs to set the theme

·  extends the invitation to the keynote speaker or asks the conference chairs to do so

The Conference Chairs are the official conference liaisons to the SLMS Board. They will:

·  supervise and coordinate committee chairs and their activities

·  submit written progress reports to the SLMS Board prior to each board meeting (summer retreat, NYLA conference, winter, & SLMS Conference), attend at least two SLMS Board meetings a year, but may attend additional board meetings at the invitation of the president. If chairs are unable to attend, a delegate should be sent.

The Spring Conference Committee plans and implements the SLMS Conference according to conference guidelines. Spring Conference committees should include the following:

1.  Publicity - prepares and distributes conference information in a variety of formats, including an accessible web page, and save-the-date promotions, such as postcards, magnets, flyers, etc. Make sure maps and directions are included in all conference materials. A “Member Blast” can be done using NYLA’s membership database at the request of the SLMS President. That individual is the only person allowed to facilitate this form of communication to SLMS/YSS members.

2.  Registration - prepares, mails, and keeps records of registration for conference; prepares badges

3.  Workshops - seeks and contacts potential presenters for workshops and special events adhering to established conference strands and taking into account suggestions from previous conference evaluations. Makes necessary arrangements once presenters are chosen/confirmed.

4.  Food and Beverage - makes arrangements for receptions, breakfasts, coffee breaks, luncheons, and the banquet

5.  Hospitality - maintains the hospitality room and assists in local arrangements (contact area’s visitor’s bureau or Chamber of Commerce for brochures, maps, etc.)

6.  Conference Treasurer - handles all records and conference finances. Maintain a conference finance book/ledger-which will be handed in to the SLMS Treasurer once the conference is over and all deposits and bills have been reconciled.

7.  Audiovisual - makes arrangements to provide AV equipment requested by presenters and speakers. Check with all presenters one to two months prior to the conference to confirm requested audiovisual equipment (even if they have filled out the request form.) When possible, only pay for hotel sound systems/microphones and large screens for keynote and meal speakers. Borrow other equipment such as small screens, LCD projectors, extension cords, power strips, and so on from a local BOCES or school district. Label all borrowed equipment! Bring a portable computer printer for last minute printing needs. Whenever feasible, schedule all presenters who request Internet access in the same room(s) to minimize connectivity fees charged by the hotel or convention center.

8.  Conference Program - designs and arranges for the printing of all conference programs (full conference, luncheons, banquet, etc.)

9.  Exhibits - prepares mailings for the trade show and canvasses for prizes, sponsorships and advertising. Consulting with the conference chairs, helps select the pipe and drape company. Working with said company, organizes the placement of exhibitors and is present whenever the trade show is open.

10. Facilitators - selects, contacts and arranges for workshop facilitators.

Provides thank you gifts chosen by the conference committee.

11.  Signage – prepares and mounts directional, event, and miscellaneous signs

12.  Bookstore - works with chosen bookstore on title section, and author autographing, as well as organizing/facilitating autographing sessions

13.  Photography- takes photos throughout the conference and forwards photos to SLMSGram Editor and Technology Chair for posting to web page


1.  The term of office of the Spring Conference Committee is two fiscal years.

2.  A prerequisite for all SLMS elected officers or appointed committee chairs shall be paid membership in SLMS/NYLA at time of nomination, with such paid membership to be continued during the term of elected office or appointment. (SLMS Constitution)

3.  Names and contact information of committee chairs are to be sent to the SLMS Board prior to the summer retreat.

4.  The NYLA Executive Director, in consultation with the SLMS President, approves the hotel contract and signs it as well as other contracts relating to facilities, such as the pipe and drape company contract for vendor area, AV equipment contract, Knickerbocker Award winner’s contract, etc.


1.  At the NYLA Conference, the SLMS Vice-President for Conferences will invite all eligible affiliates to submit a conference proposal application. This application will include the sponsoring affiliate, conference chairs, two possible sites that have been canvassed (if feasible), and the signature of the current affiliate president and treasurer, acknowledging that they accept the invitation according to conference guidelines. All proposals are due by January 1st. A statewide affiliate/liaison will not sponsor a conference twice within a six year rotation, except under unusual circumstances. The final decision will be made by the board at the winter board meeting.

2.  A bulk mailing permit is available for use by the Spring Conference Committee. Arrangements for using the Albany permit are to be made with the NYLA office. Mailing labels for SLMS and YSS members are available through the “NYLA Membership Center” on the NYLA web site. SED/BEDS labels are available through the State Education Department liaison at the request of the SLMS President. The SLMS/NYLA logo should appear on all printed materials along with any conference logo. Membership campaign materials will be included with conference registration mailings.

3.  The majority of workshop presenters should be representative of the statewide affiliates and liaisons. Vendor presentations should not be scheduled during the conference workshop sessions.

4.  Ribbons, such as SLMS, Board Member, Presenter, Exhibitor, etc., are available from the SLMS Exhibit Chair for use at the booth and for placement in conference bags. Conference chairs should check with this person to make certain that there are enough ribbons available. If not, the ribbons must be ordered by the SLMS Exhibit Chair, payment for said ribbons coming out of the appropriate SLMS budget code.


The following policy will govern the fiscal procedures:

1.  The SLMS Treasurer must be updated at least quarterly on all fiscal matters relating to the conference

2.  When necessary, SLMS Spring Conference seed money is available to the affiliate 18 months prior to the conference (the board meeting at the NYLA conference). Upon Executive Board approval, up to $2,000 will be advanced from the SLMS treasury to open a conference account at a local bank of the affiliate’s choice. Said account must have two signatures and is to be used only for conference expenses. The account must be opened in the names of the two organizations. For example: SLMS/SLAWNY 2004 Conference (as per the SLMS Board Book)

3.  All revenue derived from the conference, such as exhibitors‚ fees, registrations, promotions, etc., will be deposited in this special conference account. (as per the SLMS Board Book) Purchase orders will be accepted as payment for registration at the discretion of the conference committee.

4.  Following the conference, the monies advanced by SLMS for opening the special conference account will be repaid to SLMS. All expenses incurred in presenting the conference will then be drawn against this special conference account. (As per the SLMS Board Book). The remaining proceeds will be divided thusly: sixty-five percent of the net profit/loss derived from the conference will go to SLMS/NYLA. The remaining thirty-five percent net profit/loss will be shared equitably by the co-sponsoring association(s). When all funds are disbursed, the account must be closed.

5.  Financial reports shall follow established SLMS format and shall be submitted to the SLMS Executive Board no later than the SLMS Board meeting at the NYLA conference following the Spring Conference. (As per the SLMS Board Book). Two copies of the conference financial report should be sent to the SLMS Treasurer.

6.  Expenses (hotel, transportation, meals) for the recipients of the Beatrice F. Griggs Elementary Administrator’s Award, the Secondary Administrator’s Award, and the Knickerbocker Award to attend the Spring Conference will be paid by SLMS from the awards budget code. Conference registration costs for the scholarship winner to attend the full conference (not hotel costs) will also be paid by SLMS from the awards budget code. The honorarium for the recipient of the Knickerbocker Award will be taken from the conference profits. Banquet meals for guests of administrator award winners will be paid by SLMS from the awards budget code. Each award winner will be limited to one paid guest.

7.  The SLMS Membership Meeting continental breakfast bill will be part of the overall conference expenses.

8.  Non-NYLA members may be paid an honorarium and expenses for workshop presentations. The conference total for each non-NYLA member for such expenses shall not exceed $1000, without SLMS Board approval.

9.  NYLA members are ineligible for honorariums or expenses. (NYLA By-laws)

10.  Students enrolled in graduate school library media programs, who are also student members of SLMS/NYLA, and retirees may attend the SLMS conference at a reduced registration cost. The student/retiree will have to cover the cost of his/her hotel room. A conference package will be offered for students and retirees.

11.  If a nationally recognized speaker has been invited to the SLMS Conference, his or her expenses shall not exceed $2000 unless approved by the Executive Board.

12.  Presenters/speakers receiving honorarium payments over $600 are required by NYLA to complete an IRS W-9 form, including their Social Security numbers on said forms.

13. Complimentary One-Day Registration Policy for Presenters

In lieu of monetary reimbursement for registration, SLMS (following NYLA’s policy) will provide speakers and guests who are attending the conference with a complimentary waiver of a one-day conference registration fee upon specific request. This policy applies to all speakers and special guests including NYLA/SLMS members who are speakers and guests. The complimentary one-day registration allows a speaker or guest to attend any of the conference programs and exhibits scheduled for the day he or she is speaking and to purchase any meal tickets for that particular day that are available.


1.  The cut off date for refunding money for tickets will be stated on registration forms.

2.  Reduced conference rate for members applies to members of SLMS and YSS.

3.  Purchase orders, checks and money orders will be the accepted forms of payment for conference registration.

4.  Exhibit tables for SLMS (reserved space with two tables), and NYSCATE (reserved space with one table) are provided free of charge.

5.  The SLMS Awards Committee Chair handles room reservations and dinner arrangements for award winners.

6.  Complimentary hotel facilities are provided for the SLMS President. This complimentary room or suite should be part of the hotel contract, with no charge to the master conference account.

7.  Local affiliate members who may not be members of SLMS/NYLA are not eligible for honoraria or expenses.

8.  A bonding insurance certificate is available from NYLA.

9.  Author/speaker contract should include:

·  honorarium

·  exact time commitment(s) expected by SLMS

·  agreement on payment for room, board, and travel expenses

·  completion of IRS 1099 form, including the Social Security number, if honorarium exceeds $600

10.  Hotel contract should include:

·  dates

·  room block size (recommend minimum of 100)

·  room rates for single/double/triple/quad

·  reservation method

·  cut off date

·  tax exempt procedure

·  workshop space need (recommend minimum of 5 rooms, each holding 50)

·  banquet space need (recommend minimum of 300)

·  exhibit space needs (recommend minimum of 55 booth spaces)

·  availability and cost of audiovisual equipment rental

·  banquet menus and rates

·  complimentary facilities

·  complimentary services, such as on-site duplicating, free parking

·  guarantee of public facilities and environment such as heating and cooling, pool, exercise room