Course Name


Instructor Contact Information:

This area should contain your availability (do you email on weekends, etc), contact information and your turnaround time for emails.

Purpose of Course:

UNI 101 is both an academic and personal development course. There are no prerequisites for this course. The purpose of the course is to help you build community and make a successful academic and personal transition to UNCW by:

Prerequisites: None?

Goals and Learning Outcomes:

1. Goal 1

2. Goal 2

3 Goal 3

Required Texts:

Course and Classroom Expectations

·  Attend and be on time to all class sessions and outside events.

·  Participate in all class discussions and activities.

·  Read all assignments prior to the start of class.

·  Turn all assignments in complete and on time. NO LATE WORK WILL BE ACCEPTED without penalty! Assignments will be deducted 10 points a day late.

·  Comply with the standards of the UNCW Academic Honor Code.

·  UNCW email is an official means of communication for the university and for this course – CHECK REGULARLY.

·  Cell phones should be silenced and students are not to make calls, access applications or text during class. If you have a personal, urgent matter for which you need to be on call, please let me know in advance. In addition, laptops are not allowed unless the activity warrants

·  Show respect and courtesy to classmates, instructor, Link, and presenters.

·  Allow yourself to learn from others and others to learn from you.

Format of Class

This course is an online course with all activities and materials in the Learning Management System (LMS) Blackboard. All students must have access to a computer and check the class site on the LMS regularly. Plan to check the site several times a week, not only on the day work is due. All work is due by the date and time EST. It is the responsibility of the student to access the materials, note any due dates, and ask the instructor questions as soon as possible. All work is to be submitted and graded via Blackboard. No work will be accepted via email.

Course Requirements

It is the student’s responsibility to have electronic equipment, in good working order, to participate fully in this course. Students must have at a minimum, a working computer with speakers and microphone. Students without personal electronic equipment must make arrangements to use equipment at the university or other location. Lack of access to equipment will not be accepted as a reason for not participating in the course requirements.

Participation Policy


Late Policy

Insert late policy here

Assignment descriptions

Nam in orci vitae sem sodales finibus. Curabitur vitae egestas elit. Morbi hendrerit tempus orci, vel euismod mauris. Phasellus in efficitur tellus. Ut rutrum massa id leo aliquam, pharetra imperdiet elit sollicitudin. Cras dapibus sed magna vel tempus. Suspendisse ultrices, est quis vehicula auctor, felis nibh molestie neque, sed viverra mi lacus eget nulla. Vivamus blandit lacinia mattis. Nunc pretium luctus sodales. Vestibulum a augue nunc. Etiam congue porttitor pellentesque. Cras in volutpat enim, non eleifend dui. Quisque hendrerit nunc ac dui lacinia, vitae finibus ligula consequat. Praesent pharetra sed felis feugiat feugiat. Donec mattis, libero in venenatis suscipit, odio dui luctus mi, eu dapibus quam purus ac lorem.

Blackboard Netiquette

Carefully consider your tone when posting messages to Blackboard. Since there are no visual clues, other than the message posted, pay careful attention to the manner in which messages are posted so that messages will not be taken out of context. Also, remember that even if you disagree with another person's idea, opinion or solution, do not attack the person. Simply state that you disagree with the person's idea, opinion or solution, and defend your alternative response with logical, coherent, and non-judgmental statements. Refrain from continuing a discussion that simply rehashes what has already been stated. Please refrain from using "e slang" when posting messages (i.e. "i no urreadin @ home" is not acceptable). Please use complete and coherent thoughts with appropriate punctuation and capitalization. Threaded discussions should be used for comments relative to the topic for discussion only.


·  Grades are measures -- an agreed-upon system of communication about course performance between instructor and student.

·  Grades reflect the work (and the quality of that work) that you invest in this class (and this class only) -- they are not personal judgments and are nothing to be ashamed of.

·  Grades do not determine how I interact with you -- I do not judge you or your potential based on the grade you receive from me.

·  I take the privacy of grades very seriously. All communication related to grades will occur via private email and through the "My Grades" function of this Blackboard Learn course. I will not discuss your grade with other students or UNCW staff not involved in your educational experience. I suggest you do the same.

Course Grade Breakdown

Course Grade %

A 95-100

A- 90-94

B+ 87-89

B 83-86

B- 80-82

C+ 77-79

C 73-76

C- 70-72

D+ 67-69

D 63-66

D- 60-62

F below 60

Additional Technologies


We will be using WebEx for some of our class sessions. This is a virtual classroom where we can all connect at the same time from different places. Please review the tutorials on WebEx:

WebEx reports 508 compliance. Voluntary Product Accessibility Templates (VPATs) are available, with an Accessibility FAQ on Cisco’s website here. Other inquiries can be directed to or through Cisco’s website.


Sharestream is used for this class to deliver content. You may be asked to submit videos via Sharestream assignments. Please review this this overview of Sharestream by clicking on this link:

Sharestream reports 508 compliance by uploading alternate text or closed captioning. Accessibility information can be found here. The Sharestream privacy policy can be access from this website.


VoiceThread is a collaborative, multimedia slide show that holds images, documents, and videos and allows people to navigate slides and leave comments in 5 ways - using voice (with a mic or telephone), text, audio file, or video (via a webcam). Please review this tutorial on VoiceThread by clicking on this link:

Voice Thread is dedicated to 508 compliance. You can access accessibility information regarding VoiceThread on this website. VoiceThread privacy policy can be accessed from this website.


NetTutor is a web-based online tutoring service. There are no fees associated with this service. Please see the tutorials on this website for an overview of NetTutor as well as how to use the whiteboard.

NetTutor is committed to ensuring their solutions are accessible for all users. To view the NetTutor accessibility policy, please click this link. Click here to view NetTutor’s privacy policy.

Office 365

All student have access to Office 365. If you do not have Outlook (mail), Word, PowerPoint, you can download the suite for free for both Mac and PC users. For instructions for downloading the suite, click on this link. The Office 365 suite includes the following: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, Access, Publisher, Skype for Business, OneDrive for Business.

Adobe Creative Cloud

All students have access to the Adobe Creative Cloud. The Creative Cloud includes Premiere Pro, Photoshop, Lightroom, Illustrator, InDesign, Acrobat DC, Dreamweaver, Media Encoder as well as additional apps such as After Effects and Bridge. For information on downloading the creative cloud, please click here.

University Academic Expectations:

In choosing UNCW, you have become part of our community of scholars. We recognize that the UNCW learning experience is challenging and requires hard work. It also requires a commitment to make time available to do that hard work. The University expects you to make academics your highest priority by dedicating your time and energy to training your mind and acquiring knowledge. Academic success in critical thinking and problem solving prepares you for the changes and challenges you will encounter in the future. Our faculty and academic support resources are readily available as partners in this effort, but the primary responsibility for learning is yours.

Technical Support

If you have any issues using Blackboard or other technical issues, contact the Technology Assistance Center at 910-962-4357 (HELP) or using the ticketing system: Technical issues are not an excuse for a late assignment. You must contact them for assistance within a timely manner. All contact with the TAC is documented and I will contact them if you state you are having technology issues to confirm you have made contact and determine the outcome of your contact. For more information on the TAC, please click the following link:

Academic Integrity:

All members of UNCW’s community are expected to follow the academic Honor Code. Academic dishonesty in any form will not be tolerated in this class. All academic integrity violations will result in a failing grade for the course and will be reported to the University. Please read the UNCW Honor Code carefully (as covered in the UNCW Student Handbook): Please be familiar with UNCW’s position on plagiarism as outlined in the UNCW Student Handbook. Plagiarism is a form of academic dishonesty in which you take someone else’s ideas and represent them as your own. Please note it is also possible to plagiarize yourself. If you use your work from a previous class or assignment in this class without proper citation, it is plagiarism (i.e., using the same paper, or substantial portions of the same paper, for two classes or assignments is not acceptable). It is always best to speak to the instructor prior to submitting a paper if there is a question regarding academic integrity.

The UNCW Statement on Diversity in the University Community

As an institution of higher learning, the University of North Carolina Wilmington represents a rich diversity of human beings among its faculty, staff, and students and is committed to maintaining a campus environment that values that diversity. Accordingly, the university supports policies, curricula, and co-curricular activities that encourage understanding of and appreciation for all members of its community and will not tolerate any harassment or disrespect for persons because of race, gender, age, color, national origin, ethnicity, creed, religion, disability, sexual orientation, political affiliation, marital status, or relationship to other university constituents.

Zero Tolerance Policy

UNCW practices a zero tolerance policy for violence and harassment of any kind. For emergencies contact UNCW CARE at 962-2273; Campus Police at 962-3184; or Wilmington Police at 911. For University or community resources visit:

Student Support Services

The Division of Student Affairs consists of fourteen functional departments, each of which is responsible for providing a variety of student support, service, and educational programs which are accessible to all members of the university community. The staff members are dedicated individuals known for their passion and commitment to implementing programs and services that affect student development over the course of a lifetime. Student Affairs provides excellent delivery of student services that are responsive to student needs and promotes the quality of life and education both inside and outside the classroom. We build institutional traditions and lifelong affiliations through creative programs, vibrant student organizations, and a living/learning environment built on core values and uncompromising principles. The Division is a leader and primary spokesperson for students. For a complete listing of all student support services, please click this link.

Students with Disabilities:

If you are a student with a disability and need accommodations, you must be registered with Disability Services (DePaolo Hall, 962-3746). Please provide your Accommodations Letter within the first week of class or as soon as possible. You should then meet with your instructor to make mutually agreed upon arrangements based upon the recommendations in the Accommodations Letter. For additional information please click the following link: You can contact a representative by clicking on the following link and referring to the contact information for each representative:

The University Learning Center

DePaolo Hall, 910.962.7857,

The University Learning Center’s (ULC) mission is to help students become successful, independent learners. Tutoring at the ULC is NOT remediation: the ULC offers a different type of learning opportunity for those students who want to increase the quality of their education. ULC services are free to all UNCW students and include the following:

·  Learning Services (University Studies)

·  Math Services

·  Study Skills

·  Supplemental Instruction

·  Writing Services

o  You can submit your papers online at the writing center. Be sure to turn your papers in early (a week) prior to the due date.

Course Roadmap and Alignment

Learning Objective (LOs) / Module objectives / Instructional materials / Assessments
1.  Promote development of knowledge and habits contributing to academic persistence and success
2.  Encourage an appreciation for the value of human difference and diverse ideas
3.  Develop fundamental Information Literacy Skills / Module 1
·  Advance self knowledge3 through individual assessment tools, class discussions, and participation in new experiences (LO 1)
·  Demonstrate an awareness of and willingness to consider a wide range of ideas, attitudes, perspectives and behaviors with respect to cultural, racial, ethnic, and global diversity (LO 2)
·  Advance awareness of personal interest, strengths and values with respect to learning and career (LO1) / Spiritual Capital readings (part one and two) (LO 1&2) / Reflection 1 (LO 1&2)
Module 2
·  Demonstrate the ability to differentiate popular and scholarly resources (LO 1, LO 3)
·  Demonstrate the ability to evaluate the credibility and appropriate use of various types of resources (LO 3)
·  Write annotations for three peer reviewed articles (LO 3) / ·  Read Saturated Self
·  Review components of annotated bibliography
·  Attend library session / Annotated Bibliography
Reflection 2