Work Order 9

Matching Guinean priority needs for CC action and funding opportunities

Context and Justification

Though really suffering from the effects of climate change (as explained in the country’s National Adaptation Programme of Action, 2007), the number of CC-related actions and projects in Guinée is very limited. The Intra-ACP GCCA programme’s mapping exercise of the major international climate funds and the projects supported by them, indicates that only two adaptation projects are currently under implementation. Both projects were presented in Guinée’s National Adaptation Programme of Action (NAPA) and are financed through the Least Developed Countries Fund (LDCF).

Apart from these two projects, the formulation of the above-mentioned NAPA in 2007 and the development of an initial national communication to the UNFCCC in 2002 (supported by the Global Environment Facility), very fewCC-related actions havebeen undertaken in Guinée. Lack of institutional capacity and coordination are reported to be a major factor in the country’s weak engagement in Climate Change adaptation and mitigation measures. To change this situation, key staff from the relevant ministries and other institutions should be brought together, should be informed on existing opportunities for participation and funding, should be encouraged to define the national priorities for CC action and should be supported in the development of quality proposals to be submitted to the most appropriate CC fund. In view of these capacity strengthening needs, Guinée’s National Focal Point for the Global Environment Facility (GEF) has requested short term technical assistance from the Intra-ACP GCCA programme.

Being classified as a Least Developed Country, Guinée benefits from priority access to the services provided by the programme. Also, assisting ACP Member States in getting access to existing CC funding opportunities is a strategic priority for the Intra-ACP GCCA programme. The requested TA will address three of the GCCA priority areas for intervention: adaptation, CDM and REDD+.

Description of the Assignment


General objective: To increase the number of relevant CC-related actions in Guinée

Specific objective: To build national capacity in the prioritisation of CC-related needs, in matching the priority needs with relevant funding opportunities and in the formulation of project proposals

Specific tasks:

  1. Revise basic documents related to Guinée and CC: the National Communication (2002), the NAPA (2007), the National Environmental Policy (2011), the project documents of the two ongoing adaptation projects (LDC Fund).
  2. Prepare training and training materials, adapted to the specific context of Guinée.
    The training on CC funding opportunities will follow the same lines and approaches as the series of briefing sessions on CC funds organised and being implemented by the Intra-ACP GCCA programme for the ACP Missions in Brussels. The same set of funds will be covered and the already available training materials will be used as a basis for the training in Guinée. The contact person is Karla Van Eynde ().

For the CDM training, contents and materials will be based on the trainings that have been prepared and conducted by another Intra-ACP programme “Capacity Building related to Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs) in ACP Countries”. All details and resource materials can be found on the website: The contact person is Miriam Hinostroza ().

  1. Assess the institutional context in Guinée in relation to climate change issues (in view of proper implementation of activities 6 and 7; and also to increase contextual understanding on Guinée by the Intra-ACP GCCA Programme in view of possible further assistance).
  2. Train selected staff in existing CC funding opportunities (2 days).
  3. Train selected staff in the characteristics of the CDM and explore with the participants the relevance of Guinée’s participation in the CDM (1 day).
  4. Conduct a final workshop on relevant CC adaptation and mitigation measures forGuinée and on matching the priorities to funding opportunities. As outcome of the workshop, about 5 working groups will have been established, each of them committed to the development of one project proposal for submission to one or more of the discussed Climate Funds. (1 day)
  5. Provide initial technical guidance to each of the newly established working groups and identify possible needs for more substantial TA during proposal development and application process.

Outputs to be delivered:

Training materials: powerpoints, handouts.

List with project proposals under development, the contact details of the members of the respective working groups and further assistance required.

Mission report, including a description of the institutional context in Guinéein relation to CC.

Organisational and Methodological issues

Place: Home-based and Guinée

Duration & Indicative Planning:

The assignment should start as soon as possible after approval of the Work Order and in consultation with Mr SéboryTouré who will coordinate and supervise the mission in Guinée. Ideally, the materials prepared for the Brussels-based briefing session on REDD+ financing should be available so that they can be used for the present assignment; the mentioned briefing session is planned for 19 July, the training materials should however be available by the end of June.

The overall implementation of the assignment (from starting date to debriefing) should not exceed 1,5 calendar months.

Home-based preparatory phase (14 working days)

During this phase, the documents referred to in activity 1 will be revised and all trainings and training materials will be prepared. Relevant documents about CC in Guinée will be transmitted electronically by Mr SéboryTouré. For the preparation of the trainings, the consultant will get in touch and coordinate with the contact persons as indicated in activity 2.The prepared training materials will be shared with and approved by these contact persons before the actual in-country training takes place.

In-country (Guinée) (10 working days)

Apart from the actual training sessions, the consultant will also assess the institutional context (activity 3) and provide initial technical guidance to the several working groups (activity 7). Feedback on the quality of the provided training will be gathered from the participants as well as from Mr SéboryTouré, as mission coordinator.

Report-writing (home-based) and debriefing (Brussels) (4 days)

Back home, the consultant will produce a mission report. The report will cover the different tasks carried out and further steps to be taken, if any. The outputs to be delivered (training materials and list of project proposals under development + contact details of resp. working group members + further assistance required) will be attached to the mission report.

Debriefing will take place after submission of the mission report and in consultation with the ACP Secretariat. If the CSF expert is not based in Brussels, debriefing will be done by telephone or skype.

International travel (2 working days)

Inputs required

  1. To be provided by the Climate Support Facility

CSF expert in training and institutional support (KE4): 30 working days; one return ticket to Guinée (Conakry); per diems (11 x Guinée). The CSF expert is fluent in French ( = working and reporting language).

Budget to support the organisation of the training days and final workshop: 4450EUR (4 days / 25 participants)

  1. To be provided by the Beneficiary:

Transport for travelling outside Conakry, if needed; background documents and relevant contacts; organisation of the logistics for the several training sessions; selection and invitation of relevant key staff to attend the training, and in a sufficient number (at least 20).

Coordination and Supervision

Mr Ahmadou SéboryTouré

DirecteurGénéral du Fonds de Sauvegarde de l’Environnement

Membre du Conseil du FEM – Point Focal OpérationnelGuinée

Tel: (224) 68 250725 / 65 250725 / 63 900990
