University of Wisconsin-Whitewater

Curriculum Proposal Form #4R

Change in or Deletion of an Existing Course

Type of Action (check all that apply)

Pre-requisite Change

Add Cross-listing * Technological Literacy

Course Deletion Title Change
Number Change Writing Requirement


Effective Term:

Current Course Number (subject area and 3-digit course number): BEINDP 201
Cross-listing (if applicable):

New Course Number (subject area and 3-digit course number):

Cross-listing (if applicable):

*If adding a cross-listing, include the following:

Required in the major:
Required in the minor:

Number of credits:
Lab hours/week:
Contact hours/week:

Current Course Title: Introduction to Entrepreneurship

New Course Title:

25-Character Abbreviation (if new title):

Sponsor(s): James Bronson

Department(s): Management Department


List all programs that are affected by this change:

Entrepreneurship major

If programs are listed above, will this change affect the Catalog and Advising Reports for those programs? If so, have Form 2's been submitted for each of those programs?

(Form 2 is necessary to provide updates to the Catalog and Advising Reports)

NA Yes They will be submitted in the future


Proposal Information: (Procedures for form #4R)

I.  Detailed explanation of changes (use FROM/TO format)



The course focuses on introducing students to the world of entrepreneurship. Students will apply general business concepts to the wide range of challenges facing entrepreneurs. Through experiential learning opportunities, students will apply what they learned to develop a basic plan for a startup business and our new product opportunity.

Prereq: Pre-Business Majors, 2.50 combined cumulative gpa and 24 credits; for all other majors, 2.00 gpa and 24 credits



The course focuses on introducing students to the world of entrepreneurship. Students will apply general business concepts to the wide range of challenges facing entrepreneurs. Through experiential learning opportunities, students will apply what they learned to develop a basic plan for a startup business and our new product opportunity.

Prereq: Pre-Business Majors, 2.50 combined cumulative gpa and 24 credits; for all other majors, 2.00 gpa and 24 credits

II.  Justification for action

III.  The College of Business and Economics recently changed its structure for students declaring business majors. If the pre-requisite doesn’t change, students who need the course as sophomores won’t be able to enroll in it.