CPCC Invitational Tournament 2018
Road Scholar
Scoring/Cover Sheet
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Road Scholar - Science Olympiad 2018
One cold January morning you and your teammate are sitting around your house - very bored - and wondering what to do on a cold wintry morning. After many video games, and hours of snacking, you decide to see what can be found in the attic. Your teammate stumbles upon a box that says “Treasure Maps” on the side, and with great excitement you find that the box includes two maps and a guide to find a very old hidden treasure.
Excited to start your treasure hunt, you pull the maps out and use the information below to find the great treasure.
The transportation map is for the State of North Carolina, which is produced by (1) ______, and costs (2) ______. To start your navigation using the Transportation map you’ll have to pinpoint your starting location of Morganton which is located on (3) ______of the map grid. Looking at the (4) ______Quadrangle of the USGS Topographic map you see that there are two different county boundaries that separate (5) ______and (6) ______counties. You are directed to find the Town of Ashford on the Topographic map, which is also located on (7) ______of the Transportation map grid.
Looking back at the Transportation map you see that you will travel in the (8) ______direction on Interstate (9) ______which is a (10) ______type of road. You must travel (11) ______miles from Hickory on Interstate 40 until you reach Morganton and arrive at Highway 181. You must travel in the direction of (12) ______on Highway 181 (13) ______miles until you reach Jonas Ridge. Traveling in the (13) ______direction on Highway 221 towards Ashford, you take a look at your Topographic Map and see the (14) ______cemetery feature near grid 57.30. From the Cemetery feature you must travel (15)______feet to the North fork Catawba River, then another (16) ______feet to Old Linville rd. Travelling 800 feet up in elevation, you find a cave at elevation (17) ______.
If you can guess the elevation-you’ve found the cave. Congratulations-the treasure is yours!