I have had a busy first few weeks working in Emmanuel as well as Waterthorpe. We have appointed a new Head of School for Emmanuel who will work under my leadership. Mrs Charlotte Newton Wall will start working at Emmanuel in September and I am sure that she will be a popular choice with you all.
Miss Catherine Skinn, who has worked as Head of School since September 2011 has now left the school as she was urgently needed by the school that seconded her to Emmanuel. This has meant that I am spending more time based in Emmanuel but I am always available to children, staff and parents/carers from either school. I am sure that Emmanuel will grow to be as successful a school as Waterthorpe. I have been very impressed with the progress I have seen so far.
This newsletter will also be on our website, along with previous ones, for you to refer to. Our website address is above.
Your comments, as always, are welcomed and I would be happy to see you at any time if you want to catch me in the playground or call in at the office to make an appointment. (Please be aware that I am sometimes busy and may have to arrange a time to see you.) If you do have any concerns or worries please have a word with your child’s teacher as I know that they will do their best to help and put your mind at rest.
Helen Stokes, (Headteacher).
Items of interest for children in both school and Nursery
SEAL Family workshop 11th July 2012
SEAL stands for Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning. We work on this through the year with all children in school and nursery. Our topic next half term is called ‘Changes’. This topic aims to help children cope with change, make changes to improve behaviour and to get better in their learning,.
The family workshop will be held between 9:15a.m. and 10a.m. on 11th July in the school hall. At the workshop you will find out more about the SEAL work we do and you will have the opportunity to participate in fun activities with your child/children. Everyone is welcome.
NVQ Level 2 Child Care course:
We are starting a course offering the opportunity to train and qualify as a Level 2 Teaching Assistant. Please contact Cheryl for further information. (Tel: 2484943) or return the slip at the end of the newsletter and she will get in touch with you.
Request for items to use in our Forest School work:
Please can anyone help us. We need any of the following so we can make a “Bug Hotel” in our Forest School:
Bricks, wooden pallets, straw, hay, wood chippings, plastic or ceramic pipes, roof tiles, pinecones and moss.
If you are able to help please call in at the office or see a member of staff in Nursery. Thank you.
School Uniform
We have registered for families to be able to purchase school uniform on-line from Tesco. This will have the school logo on and the costs are slightly less than purchasing it in school so it offers you a cheaper alternative and the school will receive 5% of the cost from Tesco. We are ordering samples of different sizes to have in school if you wish to try them on or look at the quality. We are currently waiting for the Tesco uniform website to go live. As soon as we have the go-ahead from Tesco we will share with you the exact details of how to order.
Missing sweatshirt
A brand new navy sweatshirt has been lost in Nursery. Please could you check your child’s uniform as it is very easy for them to pick up the wrong one. The missing one has ‘Billy’ written in it. Thank you.
Items of interest for children in Nursery
If your child stays for dinner on Thursdays there has been a change to the menu in week 2. Pork and bean casserole will be served instead of macaroni cheese.
Nursery Fundraising day Wednesday 16th May
Nursery are fundraising to develop their outside area. You should all have received a sponsor form for their sponsored bounce on Wednesday. There will also be a tombola and cake stall on the day. All donations welcomed. Thank you
Nursery starting times
If your child arrives for their session any later than 8:55a.m. in the morning and 12:40p.m. in the afternoon you will need to take them into the office through the main entrance. This is because staff in Nursery are involved in groups after that time. Office staff will bring your child through to Nursery. Thank you.
Items of interest for children in School
Emmanuel New Parent’s Meeting 2nd July
All Y2 parents are invited to the new parent’s Meeting on 2nd July at 6p.m. in Emmanuel’s Hall. A uniform order form will be sent out to you shortly. If you would like to call in at Emmanuel’s School office uniform can be tried on for size and purchased immediately.
Jump Rope day Thursday 17th May
A day of fun and skipping for children. This may be a good time to buy your child a skipping rope so that they can enjoy this very healthy exercise at home.
Sponsored Reading Challenge Wednesday 16th May ~ ‘Bedtime Story’ Theme
On 16th May we will have a fun filled day with the theme of ‘Bedtime stories’. Children may come to school dressed in pyjamas and bring their teddy or bedtime toy. The teachers are planning a special surprise in assembly and during the day the children will also take part in a treasure hunt. Children should bring their sponsor form to school on the day. Money should be collected and brought to school following the event or on the day if you have already collected it. Thank you.
The Diamond Jubilee Celebrations
We will be celebrating the Diamond Jubilee on the last day of this half term, Friday 1st June. Children may come to school on that day in either red, white and blue clothes or dressed as kings/queens. At lunchtime all the children will participate in a Street Party in the hall.
School Meals
Promotional offer 21st May to 20th July ~ You will receive information and vouchers this week for a new promotion that the school meals service are running. If you purchase 5 school meals in a week you will be able to use one of your vouchers and will therefore only have to pay for 4 meals. Pupils participating in a trip during a promotional week will be provided with a packed lunch. Where there are only 4 days in a school week (due to INSET days or illness) you will be able to buy 3 and get 1 free. 3 day weeks or less will not be included in the pilot.
To qualify for this offer you must order and pay for meals at the beginning of the week and your child must have a school meal each day.
Payments ~ Please can you pay for school meals when you order them. This should be done on Monday of each week. Money can be sent to school in a clearly marked envelope or brought to the office by yourself.
Thank you.
Sandwich ‘Grab Bags’ ~ These will be available to order from 18th June. Sandwiches are either cheese or tuna. Please let staff know which sandwich your child wants when you order. In the bag there will also be some fruit/raw veg/salad and a piece of flapjack or similar.
Change to menu ~ We constantly review menus for children’s likes and dislikes. Macaroni cheese has been very unpopular and when this has been served there was a lot of waste. We have decided to change the menu, and serve pork and bean casserole instead, to see if children prefer this. Please alter the menus sent to you last half term. The change is on Thursday of week 2. Thank you.
Assembly dates
Thursday 31st May Y1/2R Yellow Base
Waterthorpe NI School
Diary dates 2011~2012
Everyone welcome to Birthday and Merit assemblies on Fridays 9:10a.m. unless otherwise stated.
We may make changes to this diary over the year but will keep you informed in our newsletters.
May16thSponsored reading day ~ PJ’s & teddies
17thJump Rope day (A day of skipping in school)
31stClass Assembly Y1/2R (Yellow Base)
June1stJubilee Party Day
Break up for half term
11thINSET Day ~ School/Nursery closed to children
12thAdditional alternative Bank Holiday ~ Queen’s Diamond Jubilee
20thHealthy Teeth Day with Blunderbus Theatre ~ The Selfish Crocodile
25th to 28thKey Stage 1 Mini Olympics week
July1stJubilee Day and Street Party lunch
3rdKS1 trip to Butterfly House
4thSports Morning
5thClass Assembly Y1L (Blue Base)
11th9:15a.m. SEALFamily workshop ~ changes
12thClass Assembly F2 (Red Base)
17th9:15a.m. Y2 Leaver’s Assembly for parents/carers
18thY2 Party Day
19th9:15a.m. Attendance and awards assembly ~ All welcome
20thFinal Birthday Assembly
Break up for summer holidays
Please keep this sheet. It will be updated monthly and sent out with the Newsletter.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any concerns or worries.
Child’s name:………………………………………………………………. Class:………………………………
I am interested in the Level 2 Child Care Course and would like more information.
Telephone No:………………………………………………………………………………………..
Parent’s Name:………………………………………………………………………………………..