General Information

Name /

Isaac Badu Asiamah

Age / 22 / Height / 1.95m/6feet 4inches
Weight / 78kg/172lbs / Position / Center Back
Club / Heart of Lions (Ghana) / DOB / December 20, 1992
Scout / E. Kwame Amoah / Date / November, 2013
Center Back
Ball Control
/ Tidy and good touches on the ball; traps and shields ball well with big body and long legs.
Running with the ball / Runs are mostly short and with caution—makingspace to pass ball.
Attacking Ability / He is a threat in aerial positions; attacks only on corner set pieces as he is a force in the air. Moves up field but holds his defensive position in attack build ups.
Defending Ability / He holds his position well. Commands and causes opposing players to commit. He reads plays, tackles aggressively (miss the ball don’t miss the man kind of thing with minimal contact). He is excellent in aerial tussles makes better decisions clearing the ball—finding a man. His positioning is good—often moves forward to a defensive midfield position to contend long goal kicks.
Overall, He holds his position and backline. Reads and anticipates plays and always puts his body on his man and on the line.
Heading / He is a commander in aerial balls. Height advantaged coupled with athleticism. His timing is a plus in vying for air balls. Seems to be aware of his team mates during clearances.
Tackling / Covers his area and ground in tackling. He is very confident to win the ball, intimidating in his approach and comes on manly. Long legs are a plus.
Long Passing / Switches play with long passing. Passes are influential as they mostly find a teammate. Good ball distribution from defense.
Short Passing / Short passes are decentand better than average.
Right Foot / Leading foot but could qualify for being ambidextrous.
Left Foot / Effective when called to use.
Tactical Ability
/ His vision defensively was excellent. Always aware of his backline, spaces and goalkeeper. Anticipates plays. Does better overall by looking up midfielders/forwards before clearing balls.
Neglected not his position in attack but would go up on corner set pieces. He positions himself well and rarely leaves his post.
Movement Off The Ball
/ His size takes away from his speed yet has the mental alertness/read of play to anticipate before it happens.
He has the built/physique to defensively make it difficult for an opponent to wrap around him. He puts in hard work in tackling, aerial situations and commanding the backline.
Body Strength
Efforts To Win Ball Back
/ Makes it a point to win in all situations—puts in hardwork.
Badu is a “no nonsense” defender. Mentally alert on duty, displays his talent in a team effort.
Full of energy and organizes his defense well.
He does well in communicating with teammates.
Bravery – Physical/
Team Player


He knows his role and fulfils it. A strong force to reckon with and displays the “no entertaining of balls” in the eighteen yard box. His plays flows from talent and is a vital player in the defense. Young but experienced and has a lot to offer.
Badu would frustrate any forward any given day. His physical presence and “ball sense” is high. He would be a vital part in any defense with his ability to command and lead the defense—a true fortress. His distribution of balls from defense is a big plus.